The post is a physical and spiritual clarification. During a post it is necessary to refuse animal products, having given preference to a plant food. Observance of a post is serious test for an organism therefore it is impossible to adhere to it at some diseases.
1. Refuse for the period of a post eggs, meat, dairy products, a sweet dough, candies, alcoholic drinks. During the Lent, red wine and vegetable oil can be used on Saturdays and Sundays, except for Saturday on the Holy week. Vegetable oil can also be used in days of remembrance of Saints. Fish it is possible to eat for the Annunciation and last Sunday before Easter, fish caviar on Saturday before the Palm Sunday. In the first two days of the Lent it is desirable to refuse food in general. In the last week of a post eat sukhoyadny food, that is that which I wasn't exposed to heat treatment.
2. Eat grain, a brined, pickled and fresh vegetables, black and gray bread, juice, kissels, jam, mushrooms, greens. At preparation of fast dishes don't forget about spicery, they will make food more tasty and more fragrant.
3. Show culinary imagination. If it seems to you that fast food is boring and monotonous, you are mistaken, it is possible to think up various tasty dishes – salads, sauces, casseroles. Fast porridge can be served with berries, mushrooms or vegetables sauce. Soups on mushroom or vegetable broth, with addition of spices, turn out not worse than meat. Vegetables can be extinguished, baked, stuffed with mushrooms and onions.
4. Make the menu during a post following the important rule. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats have to come to an organism daily and in enough. Receiving elements, necessary for normal activity, you won't feel fatigue, observing a post. Haricot, peas, soy, oats, nuts, mushrooms will be a fine source of protein.
5. Try to derive pleasure from meal, be not irritated at meal time, the meal has to pass in a quiet situation. This rule needs to follow, of course, not only during a post, but also in usual days.