People from purchase of such unit as the food processor, stops only several reasons. The high price, the seeming complexity of application (voluminous instructions, a large number of unclear nozzles, etc.) and pretty bulky look. Meanwhile, all this not so problemno. For example, to knead dough for white bread in the combine much more conveniently and quicker, than a usual way.
It is required to you
- food processor;
- ingredients for the test;
- 2 tablespoons of water;
- vegetable oil – 1 tsp.
1. Take the ingredients necessary on a compounding for wheat bread, and serially put them in a combine bowl.
2. Begin a test batch, having included the minimum speed. In case you made an exact bookmark, dough will be kneaded at once. Only is required to check visually what consistence is necessary to you. It can be soft or more dense, hard. Continue a batch on the minimum mode no more than five minutes.
3. If dough turns out dryish, add 2 tablespoons of water to a bowl of the combine and knead in the Minimum mode a little more. All ingredients have to mix up and connect. In case you accept consistence of the test, water shouldn't be added.
4. Transfer the batch mode to the 2nd speed. It is a strong batch, by means of such speed the elastic dough which and will be necessary to bake good and quality bread will turn out. At the beginning of process dough still uneven and friable, under it peculiar "flour botched work" will be visible. It gradually, during a batch, will be absorbed in the main sphere from the test on a hook. Continue a strong batch 10-15 minutes. The ready-made product will take a smooth, nice form and a soft consistency.
5. Switch off the combine. Dough will hang on a hook and to fall gradually down. Take a scapula and lay out the turned-out dough in a combine bowl. Add to a bowl 1 tsps of oil, by means of a scapula, roll in dough in oil. It will help it to lag behind easily bowl walls, and dough will be easier to be taken out then (after it is defended).