Many city people got used to drink water directly from under the crane, without thinking that the content in it of a huge number of all chemical compounds can harmful affect a condition of their organism. Especially poor quality of tap water in the large cities. Some people caring for the health and health of the relatives establish special water filters in the apartments. Though it is possible to make a clear water in house conditions and without the expensive equipment.
1. Silver possesses excellent bactericidal properties. To purify water by means of this widespread metal, it is necessary to pour it in big capacity, for example, a pan or to bank. Further in water it is necessary to lower any silver subject. Most often for water purification in house conditions use silver spoons and forks. Per day ions of silver are capable to purify water not worse even the most modern and high-quality filter.
2. Producers of water filters widely use activated carbon. And this circumstance suggests that such widespread medication as activated carbon which is in a house first-aid kit of each family is really effective at water purification. Use activated carbon to purify water, simply. For this purpose five tablets it should be inwrapped in a gauze or vatu and to put on a bottom of the vessel filled with water. Twelve hours are quite enough to make water pure by means of activated carbon.
3. It is possible to make a clear water also by means of its freezing. The plastic bottle should be filled with ordinary tap water and to move away her in the deep freeze. It is necessary to get a bottle only when water in it turns into ice. Opaque sites of ice indicate that in them rather high concentration of various hazardous substances and impurity. Such places should be broken away from the main piece of ice. The remained clear ice can be melted and to eat safely.