Alcoholic Success cocktail is cooked simply, it turns out low alcohol. Taste at it very interesting - so taste also you this cocktail.
It is required to you
- It will be required to us:
- strong tea - 300 milliliters;
- the Mint liqueur - 120 milliliters;
- vitelluses - 2 pieces;
- egg white - 1;
- sugar - 2 spoons;
- lemon juice and a dried peel - from 1 lemon.
1. So, at first mix protein and yolks with sugar, add lemon juice, shake up.
2. Add to the turned-out egg mix the Mint liqueur, tea (hot), the crushed lemon zest.
3. Put the container with drink in ice water, shake up contents by means of a nimbus - mix has to thicken, and the skin still has to be formed. Here also alcoholic cocktail "Success" is ready at us!