Figured cakes can pleasantly surprise not only the taste, but also original appearance. Your husband or the son can like original cake in the form of a soccerball - it can be ordered in a candy store or with some culinary skills to prepare most.
Cake - a soccerball from yogurt cake layers
It is required to you:
- 150 g of a natural yoghourt; - 3 eggs;
- 300 g of sugar; - 450 g of flour; - 150 g of rastitelnyy oil; - bag of yeast; - 150 g walnut or hazelnuts; - 200 g of chocolate paste; - 50 g of marzipan mass of green color; - on 100 g of marzipan mass of black and white colors.
Similar cake can be made also from egg sponge.
At first it is necessary to make a basis for cake in the form of a cake layer. In a deep bowl break eggs, there pour sugar and put yogurt. Mix everything then pour yeast and flour, pour in vegetable oil. mix all components to a uniform condition of the test. Let's the test stand hour. After that oil a baking pan, pour out in it dough and prepare a cake layer in an oven within half an hour. Cool a ready cake layer. Peel nuts and crush. Add them to a cake layer together with chocolate paste. Together crush everything that uniform weight turned out. Cover a round bowl with food wrap and lay out in it ready weight to create a hemisphere - a basis of future ball. remove cake in the fridge for an hour. Meanwhile be engaged in jewelry. Roll black and white marzipan and cut on symmetric pentagons. Cut out a grass from a strip of green marzipan. Get a ready cake layer from the fridge and cover with marzipan pentagons in chessboard order. In the bottom of cake attach a grass from green marzipan. Give a dessert with tea at coffee.
Cake in the form of a ball with a chocolate mousse
It is required to you: - 100 g of white chocolate; - 300 g of dark chocolate; - 800 ml of cream; - 8 eggs; - 300 g of sugar;-100 g of flour; - 30 g of dry cocoa; - vanillin pinch; - 1/4 tsps of agar-agar. Begin with baking of an external basis for cake. In a bowl break eggs, there pour 100 g of sugar and pound until white. After that add flour and mix to uniformity. Divide dough into 2 parts, having added to the second some cocoa. Roll dough with a thin layer and bake in previously warmed oven within 7 minutes. Cool cake layers. Prepare 2 cliches - a hexagon and a pentagon with the symmetric parties. Cut out on a pentagon cliche a piece of a black cake layer, and on a hexagon - several both black, and white pieces. Take a round bowl about 15 cm in the diameter. Cover it with food wrap. On a bowl bottom put a pentagon in the center and supplement it on the parties with hexagons of different color according to a soccerball coloring.
If desired it is possible to add not cocoa, but chocolate to dough.
For preparation of a chocolate mousse shake up cream the mixer in dense foam, having added 100 g of sugar and vanillin. Kindle chocolate, separately dark and white. Mix a quarter of cream with white, the others - with a dark chocolate. Fill a bowl with the cake layers which are already laid on a bottom with a layer of dark mousse, and then - a layer light. Remove cake on cold for an hour. Dissolve the remained sugar in half of glass of warm water and you cook 5 minutes. After that there put agar-agar. Get cake from the fridge, accurately take from a bowl and skim. Cover it with syrup with agar-agar, wait until syrup stiffens, and give to a table.