Bright orange pumpkin juice is capable to lighten the mood in the cheerful color. And as it is useful! Pulp of pumpkin promotes removal of excess liquid from body tissues, it is useful and at diseases of kidneys. Possesses soothing action. Pumpkin has a strong specific smell if it not really is pleasant to you, then mix juice with other fruit, berries or vegetables in any proportions. From it the advantage of drink will only increase.
It is required to you
- pumpkin;
- granulated sugar or honey;
- apples;
- carrots;
- cranberry;
- lemon;
- orange;
- tomatoes;
- greens
1. Cut ripe juicy pumpkin sectors. Remove all sunflower seeds. Peel. Cut small pieces. Prepare juice in several ways with different ingredients.
2. Pure pumpkin juice. Lay pumpkin pieces in a saucepan. Splash a little water and extinguish a baking plate a cover until pumpkin becomes soft. Pumpkin quite sweet vegetable therefore add granulated sugar to taste. Wipe soft pyureobrazny weight through a sieve and wring out juice through a gauze.
3. Pumpkin juice with apple. Peeled and a seed box stew apples together with pumpkin. Pound a pestle, shift weight in a gauze and squeeze out juice.
4. Pumpkin and carrot juice. Put pieces of pumpkin and carrots in the juice extractor. Make juice. Take a proportion of pumpkin and carrots 1:1.
5. Pumpkin and carrot juice with orange. Put in the orange segment juice extractor, pieces of carrots and pumpkin. Wring out juice. Add to it granulated sugar or a spoon of honey.
6. Juice from pumpkin with a cranberry. Touch a cranberry. Put it together with pumpkin pieces in the juice extractor and make juice. Add sand or honey for sweet.
7. Juice from pumpkin with blackcurrant. Exempt blackcurrant from branches and leaflets. Miss via the meat grinder with the cut pumpkin. Wring out the turned-out weight through a marlechka.
8. Juice from pumpkin and tomatoes with greens. Crush pieces of pumpkin and tomatoes in the blender. Wring out juice. Cut small greens. Mix juice with greens and slightly to a prisolita.
9. Tinned juice from pumpkin with apples. Grate pumpkin and apples, take them 1:1. Shift in a saucepan. Fill in with water so that it completely covered pieces. Extinguish within an hour. Wipe weight through a large sieve. Add granulated sugar to taste and again boil 10 minutes. Shift in the prepared banks and put to be sterilized 15 minutes. Roll up covers.