Preparation of a fragrant, appetizing and juicy shish kebab is impossible without preliminary soaking of meat in marinade. There is a set of various recipes of shashlik marinades.
It is required to you
- Tomato marinade for a shish kebab:
- - 1 kg of mutton or pork
- - 1 kg of onions
- - 1 liter of tomato juice
- - 2 tablespoons of nine-percentage vinegar
- - salt to taste
- - black and chili powder to taste
- Shish kebab in mineral water
- - 1 kg of mutton or pork
- - 1 kg of onions
- - 1 liter of carbonated mineral water
- - 2 tablespoons of nine-percentage vinegar
- - salt to taste
- - black and chili powder to taste
- Kefiric marinade for a shish kebab
- - 1 kg of pork, beef, chicken or mutton
- - 0.5 l of kefir
- - 0.5 kg of onions
- - salt to taste
- - black and chili powder to taste
- - 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1. Tomato marinade for a shashlykanarezhta pork or mutton flank steaks. Clean onions, cut it rings. Add to tomato juice vinegar, salt, black and chili powder, stir. Lay out in the enameled pan a meat layer, then a layer of the cut onions, then again a layer of meat and one more layer of onions. Fill thus all pan. Fill in meat with tomato marinade and leave it at the room temperature at 2 hours. The shish kebab pickled in a tomato can be stored in the fridge within 4 days. Tomato marinade gives to a shish kebab juicy sourness.
2. Shish kebab in a mineralkenarezhta meat flank steaks. Clean onions, chop it rings. Stir in mineral water vinegar, salt, black and chili powder. Lay meat layers in the enameled pan, alternating it to the cut onions. Fill in meat with onions marinade from mineral water. Leave meat to be pickled at the room temperature at 30 minutes. It is possible to store meat in mineral water from marinade in the fridge no more than two days. The main advantage of marinade from mineral water that meat at the expense of carbonic acid quickly becomes impregnated with marinade and gains softness.
3. Kefiric marinade for a shashlykaporezhta meat flank steaks. Clean onions and chop it half rings. Lay out meat with onions in a pan. Add to kefir salt, black and chili powder, vegetable oil. Carefully mix kefiric marinade and fill in meat with onions. Mix a shish kebab with marinade and put it to be pickled to the cool place. It is necessary to pickle chicken meat in kefir 1-1.5 hours, pork and mutton — 2-3 hours, it is better to leave beef to be pickled on all night long. It is possible to store the shish kebab pickled in kefir in the fridge no more than two days. In preparation time of a shish kebab for bigger juiciness water meat with the remained kefiric marinade. Thanks to pickling in kefir, the shish kebab from any meat turns out very gentle and juicy.