How to make pastrami from chicken breasts

How to make pastrami from chicken breasts

The dry-cured delicacy will leave nobody indifferent. Especially if pastrami is made with own hand, in house conditions. Traditionally it is cooked from beef, but also from chicken breasts not less tasty turns out.

It is required to you

  • 4 chicken breasts (1 kg);
  • 7 tablespoons of ground seeds of a fenugreek (chaman);
  • on a teaspoon of a ground coriander, cumin, a dried oregano, mix of pepper;
  • glass of dry red wine;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt;
  • sodium salt on a knife tip;
  • garlic head;
  • 1 tablespoon of a vinegar of biological origin.


1. That meat was dried, time will be required. If it is necessary to make pastrami of chicken breasts to concrete number, begin to cook it in two weeks. Pound garlic with salt, add sodium salt and vinegar. Grate with this mix fresh chicken breasts, it is desirable that they weren't in freezing. Leave for 48-60 hours to be pickled. Two-three times a day overturn meat.

2. Soak the salted breasts in water 3-4 hours, then put a baking plate a press. As a press use a pan with water. You keep meat under a press two days. While breasts are wrung out, prepare a plastering. Mix all spices, fill in with wine that the consistence of kefir turned out, and put in the fridge for day. You can replace wine with boiled cold water.

3. Cover the dehydrated breasts with a plastering from all directions and you will hang out to be dried for seven-ten days. You dry on the balcony or somewhere in the summer under a canopy that direct sunshine didn't get. For protection against flies inwrap pieces in fine cotton fabric. In the winter – indoors, at the room temperature.

4. Chicken pastrami is dried not so long as beef therefore look not to overdry a product. You keep dry air-dried meat, having inwrapped in parchment paper.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
