How to make smoothie for weight loss: the best recipes

How to make smoothie for weight loss: the best recipes

The healthy nutrition can help not get rid of excess weight, but also revitalize an organism in general. Many also often look for addition to a daily diet. Smoothie, undoubtedly, can be a one of such.

This cocktail contains weight necessary to a body and reason of vitamins and minerals.

What is smoothie and than they are useful to weight loss

The first smoothie were created by Americans in the thirties of last century from where they extended worldwide and still enjoy deserved popularity. They represent dense cocktail which is cooked on the basis of vegetables and fruit.

Useful do to smoothie liquid or supplement by means of the most various ingredients, for example:

  • milk;
  • fermented milk products;
  • tea;
  • coffee;
  • mineral water.

The structure says that they are very useful to health and weight loss including. Vegetables and fruit contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for an organism. The antioxidants which are contained in them, zhiroszhigatel and cellulose are also important.

It is important! If to drink smoothie not through a straw, and is a small spoon, it will stronger sate an organism. Feelings of hunger it will not be absolute.

Besides, some cocktails which contain fermented milk products and cereals fill an organism with digestible proteins and carbohydrates. The natural sugar which is contained in fruit with success replaces usual which is considered harmful in principle. It is easy to be sated with cocktail, having received at the same time a minimum of calories.

Whether it is possible to replace smoothie meal

Nutritionists and users claim that it is quite possible to replace with such useful mix any meal. Smoothie for breakfast or for dinner is the best of all to drink. In the latter case it will promote more healthy sleep — the organism will be sated and will receive necessary vitamins, but the effect of overeating will not be. By means of drink itself can suit once a week so-called fasting day. That is any meal can be replaced with smoothie and it will not do to an organism harm. Certainly, it is possible to drink such cocktail if you have a feeling of hunger in the afternoon. It can be prepared in the morning and to drink if desired at work, after the training in the gym, at cinema, during walk. Actually, anywhere. A glass, and even there will be quite enough three hundred milliliters of cocktail for saturation. Smoothie with ice or from the frozen berries especially tasty during a heat.

What it is possible to make dietary smoothie of

For dietary drinks it is necessary to use only products which do not contain fats and sugar. Also during a diet are popular fat-burning smoothie to which not absolutely usual ingredients as ginger and a celery which are leaders in splitting of fats are added such.

Whether you know? Cocktail drink celebrated bicentennial anniversary quite recently. The first cocktail was made in 1806.

On recipes per se we will stop a bit later, and now it will be a question of products which it is possible and it is impossible to use for preparation useful to health and weight loss of drink.

Suitable products

Smoothie are good the fact that in their preparation you can use ingredients which are loved by you. The choice of the resolved products is big:

  • fruit;
  • berries;
  • vegetables;
  • greens;
  • spices;
  • skim milk;
  • fat-free yogurt and kefir;
  • mineral water;
  • porridge and cereals;
  • natural syrups, for example, maple;
  • honey;
  • cocoa;
  • olive, linseed oil;
  • flax seeds;
  • tofu;
  • goji berries, chia;
  • tea, coffee;
  • coconut, rice milk;
  • protein powder;
  • vanilla.

The list can be continued infinitely long, in preparation of this drink it is possible to use any useful products. The scope for imagination is boundless.


There is a number of ingredients which in smoothie, especially at weight loss, it is undesirable to add and is even harmful. It:

  • sugar;
  • ice cream;
  • sweeteners in a large number;
  • yogurt with fruit additives;
  • juice in packages;
  • dried fruits in a large number;
  • heavy cream;
  • butter;
  • nuts in a large number;
  • chocolate;
  • alcohol.

Whether you know? It is scientifically proved that smoothie reduce stress.

Rules of preparation

To make this useful cocktail, special skills will not be required. It is only enough to you to have near at hand the blender and necessary ingredients which are picked up for taste. Process step by step looks as follows:

  1. To cut vegetables or fruit pieces, so it is simpler to crush them in the blender;
  2. If vegetables rigid, it is necessary to subject them to heat treatment. It has to be sparing in order that in vegetables there were necessary vitamins;
  3. To crush vegetables or fruit in the blender;
  4. At desire to add cottage cheese, cereals, oil, tofu, greens, spices and so forth;
  5. After to add milk, yogurt or other components which will make it more liquid. With them it is not necessary to be too diligent, on the consistence cocktail has to be dense;
  6. It is possible to add ice;
  7. It is possible to add a few nuts.

Ready cocktail has to be dense and not really cold.

Important! Do not recommend to cook smoothie more than from five ingredients. It, as a rule, worsens taste of cocktail and products in it can be incompatible.

How and when to use

It is possible to drink tasty cocktail when necessary and anywhere. So, for example, cottage cheese smoothie or fruit with porridge mogzht to be fine replacement or addition to a breakfast. Green smoothie, prepared from a cucumber or from vegetables with greens, will be wonderful addition to a lunch. It is quite possible to replace with fruit cocktail a dinner or I am eager to satisfy. Cocktail with a protein perfectly will approach after the intense training.

As a rule, recommend to drink freshly cooked drink. However its storage and in the fridge is not excluded. And the most important is to know when to stop. It is impossible to abuse this useful cocktail, its too frequent receptions can quite cause disorder of intestines.

Recipes for weight loss

Before making smoothie, decide on its structure and, respectively, on what effect it has to bring. Further we will stop on the most popular vegetable and fruit cocktails.

Vegetable smoothie

Popular green are cooked by smoothie from various vegetables and herbs. As an example, it is possible to mix:

  • 1/2 glasses of kefir;
  • 2 stalks of a celery;
  • 100 grams of greens;
  • 1/2 teaspoons of olive oil.

Vitamin cocktail from vegetables mixes up from:

  • 150 grams of young cabbage;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1/2 zucchinis of the average size;
  • greens bunch;
  • 1 glass of mineral water;
  • 150 grams of tinned pineapples.

It is possible to add a spoon of a grated root of ginger.

Learn in what advantage and harm of onions soup for weight loss.

To prepare cucumber smoothie, it is necessary to mix in the blender:

  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 paprika;
  • 1 spoon of lemon juice;
  • 1 glass of mineral water.

For cheerfulness it is possible to add drink grated imbiryom in number of a teaspoon or a plumelet of green onions.

Video: cucumber smoothie

For cocktail with pumpkin it will be required to mix:

  • 100 grams of pumpkin;
  • 50 grams of carrots;
  • 1 glass of fermented baked milk.

Drink from broccoli is very useful:

  • 200 grams of previously boiled cabbage;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • greens to taste.

Get acquainted with merits and demerits of a Herculean and banana diet for weight loss.

Tomato and cucumber smoothie will be very tasty. For its preparation it is necessary to mix:

  • 150 grams of low-fat yogurt;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • several branches of greens;
  • to steam of drops of the Tabasco sauce;
  • salt pinch.


Fruit smoothie are very popular. Very often add cottage cheese, porridge, cereals to them. Though fruit cocktails are most demanded purely.

Also it will be interesting to you to learn whether it is possible to eat fruit at weight loss.

For exotic cocktail it is necessary to mix in the blender:

  • 1 kiwis;
  • 100 grams of pineapple;
  • 100 grams of grapes;
  • 200 grams of low-fat yogurt.

Cranberry cocktail will be extremely useful. For its preparation it is necessary to mix:

  • 100 grams of a cranberry;
  • 1 banana
  • 1 orange.

To mozhnorazbavit if desired mineral water and to add cinnamon or vanilla.

To prepare cottage cheese smoothie it is necessary to mix:

  • 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 grams of cherry;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.

If there is a wish for more liquid cocktail, it is possible to add low-fat kefir.

Whether read it is possible to eat prunes and dried apricots at weight loss in more detail.

For cocktail from bilberry to mix by means of the blender:

  • 100 grams of these berries;
  • half-glass of yogurt;
  • half-glass of oat flakes;
  • half teaspoon of grated ginger;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.

Video: bilberry smoothie - quickly, simply and cocktails from grapefruit turn out tasty Very interesting. For the simplest it is necessary to shake up three hundred grams of this fruit and as much yogurt. The list of variations of preparation of smoothie can be continued infinitely. It is possible to combine vegetables with fruit here, to add spices and cereals, cottage cheese, in general any useful products. This drink will help you not only to improve the health, but also to lose extra kilos.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
