How to make tartlets with cheese and garlic for New year

How to make tartlets with cheese and garlic for New year

Tartlets with a stuffing can be great snack on a New Year's holiday table. It is very easy to make them, but tartlets will serve as remarkable decoration of evening and will please guests with the original taste.

It is required to you

  • - packing of salty tartlets from shortcake dough
  • - 4 packs of processed cheese
  • - 3 small garlic gloves
  • - 2 eggs
  • - mayonnaise
  • - cucumber
  • - tomato
  • - fennel bunch


1. Eggs it is necessary hard-boil that they could be rubbed easily on a small grater. Meanwhile grate processed cheese and add to it small chopped garlic, or squeeze out it by means of the garlic press.

2. Grate eggs, add to cheese and garlic. Dress with mayonnaise that gentle and sticky, but not dry weight turned out. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers on small pieces. The form and the size of vegetables can be any, the main thing that were located in tartlets. Dig fennel on small pieces for ornament.

3. Fill each tartlet with cheese and egg paste with garlic, having accurately distributed it to the brim. From above lay out on a piece of a cucumber and tomato.

4. Decorate tartlets from above with small branches of fennel or parsley. On a big flat plate lay out tartlets and give on a table.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
