Red caviar besides unsurpassed gustatory qualities has a huge number of the major minerals and vitamins. It is simple to make this tasty, nutritious and useful snack. And the result will please you and your house, the caviar made in the house way is much more tasty than store. But before salting it needs to be separated from yastychny films. Yastyki is transparent sacks which contain caviar. If not to remove a film, it will strongly taste bitter.
It is required to you
- fresh
- red caviar in yastyka,
- sieve,
- colander,
1. Lay out caviar in yastyka in a pan and fill in with boiled water. Films will burst, will gain grayish color and will become friable and opaque. Then caviar needs to be mixed very accurately a wooden spoon. After that it is necessary only to choose small pieces of a film - and caviar is ready to salting.
2. Break yastyk on several pieces, usually four-six are enough. Each piece needs to be kneaded accurately fingers, trying not to crush berries. If all do that's right! - berries fall out in a pan.
3. Yastyk place in a sieve or a colander with small openings. Lower a sieve in a pan with hot water, (but not boiled water!), quickly, within several seconds, mix ястык a fork. All film as a result remains on a fork, and in a sieve - separate berries. Long you shouldn't keep caviar in hot water, it can harden.
4. Place ястык in a colander with big openings, it is slightly more, than the size of the berry. Drench caviar with boiled water, put a baking plate a colander a big plate, and then careful light movements squeeze out berries through a colander. The film will remain in a colander, and in a plate grains of berries will fall.