The root of ginger is used in cookery, but thanks to the medical qualities, high content of vitamins and minerals, used also in medicine. It has tart aroma and a sharp taste which is caused by the contents in it essential oil and fenolopodobny substance of gingerol. It is better to use at preparation the fresh rubbed or cut ginger root - in it aroma and it is more active agents, than in dried.
1. The root of ginger gives thin smack and aroma to fish and meat soups and broths. At addition in hot meat dishes ginger not only improves their taste and gives aroma, but also does meat softer. It is put practically in all meat dishes from beef, pork, mutton, a turkey, chicken and a goose. In Southeast Asia with it all rice and vegetables dishes are cooked. Ginger can be used at preparation of confectionery: cookies, gingerbreads, Easter cakes, puddings, jam. It is added to compotes and tea.
2. The fresh root of ginger has to be firm, low-fibrous, without black specks and a mold. Before the use cut off from it a necessary piece and clean with a sharp knife it from a thin skin. You store it in the fridge in a paper packet, a period of storage – 1 month. The largest amount of useful substances of ginger is under a skin therefore it is better not to clean a young root absolutely and to clean more mature, cutting off very thin layer. The cleaned root can be stored long, having filled in with its vodka or a sherry.
3. Depending on that what compounding of a dish the ginger root enters, time of its preparation will be a miscellaneous. If it needs to be added to dough, then rub a root on a small grater and add to flour in time of mix of ingredients. In case you stew meat with ginger, then cut it small pieces and put in a pan with meat in 20 minutes until ready. To puddings, compotes and teas ginger is added in 5 minutes prior to the end of preparation. In sauces ginger is used in the raw, rubbed on a small grater.
4. It is possible to make ginger juice of the ginger root rubbed on a small grater, having well wrung out it through a gauze. Such juice can be used as a part of gas stations for salads and sweet dishes, mixed with a soy-bean sauce, honey, olive oil and lemon juice.
5. If you bought a ginger root in powder, then before the use it needs to be soaked. Consider that in a dry form it though less fragrant, but more sharply, than fresh therefore add it in smaller quantity.