How to prepare a perch

How to prepare a perch

Perch - fish very tasty, fragrant and useful. She contains a large amount of phosphorus and calcium. In order that it is tasty and correct to prepare a perch, knowledge of all of a couple of culinary recipes and your abilities of the chef is enough, will give pleasure and to you and your guests.

Fillet of a perch in a mustard crust.

For four portions it is necessary:  

  • fillet of a perch - 4 pieces on 150 гр.
  • 50 гр. oils
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and purified vegetable oil
  • 1 bulb, garlic teeth
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 150 гр. soft cheese
  • 60 гр. pounded crackers or breading and handful toast
  • To prepare a perch or his fillet, it needs to be peppered and salted, then, to water with juice of a lemon and to fry on vegetable oil then, to place in the baking tray which is previously greased with a desi.
  • Cut garlic and a bulb and mix with mustard and spices. It is necessary to grease with this fragrant weight fillet.
  • Slice small cheese and tomatoes and lay out on fish. Warm an oven up to the average temperature (200 degrees).
  • Kindle a desi and mix with crackers and toasts, lay out the prepared weight over tomatoes and cheese. Bake no more than 15 minutes.

Fried perch with vegetables.

For preparation of a perch according to this recipe it is required to you:

  • 450 гр. perch
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 450 гр. paprika
  • 2 carrots and bulbs
  • salt to taste, a handful of chopped fennel, pepper
  • 250 гр. spinach
  • 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil and flour
  • 1 glass of vegetable broth
  • it is slightly more than 0.5 glasses of milk
  • 60 гр. pastes from fish
  • Wash up a perch, dry and fill in with lemon juice, then, salt and cut on flank steaks. Cut bulbs in small cubes.
  • Warm oil in a frying pan and slightly fry in it onions, sprinkling with flour. Pour in milk and the vegetable broth mixed with a fish paste. Add carrot with a paprika and you extinguish 10 minutes. Later, put fish with spinach there and still extinguish about 10 minutes on slow fire.
  • As meat very gentle, it is necessary to fry a perch, stirring slowly with no more than 1 time.
  • Now salt, add pepper and fennel, slightly mix and give on a table.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
