To receive a rich harvest of the quality apples which aren't damaged by worms it is necessary to observe the whole package of measures including agrotechnical, bioassay and chemical techniques of pest control and diseases.
To try ripe bulk apples from own garden, it is a little simple to plant an apple-tree once. It is necessary to know still how to save it from invasion of wreckers, otherwise all harvest will be in wormholes, or will simply be showered, without having waited for a final maturity.
Preliminary preparation of a tree before processing
Even the beginning gardeners have heard a lot that apple-trees should be processed from wreckers in the spring and in the fall, but only dendrologists recommend to prepare carefully a tree for this purpose. Otherwise even the most qualitative and reliable tool won't make due impact on parasites.
Experts are sure that elementary establishing order around saplings, formation of krone, a scrap of lifeless branches, cleaning of a trunk of old bark – very important procedures of care for an apple-tree allowing to increase susceptibility to aftertreatment against wreckers. Only you shouldn't take literally that it is necessary to purify all last year's bark. The main thing to remove peeled off under which there can be wreckers wintering there. Making out apple-tree krone, it is necessary to remember that not only the dried-up branches, but also "superfluous" which didn't differ in last season in abundance of a harvest are subject to cutting. Branches of main "skeleton" of a tree are exposed to the rejuvenating cutting during which are shortened exactly so as far as grew in a year. It isn't necessary to delay with preparatory work, cutting and cultivation of the soil at the bottom of an apple-tree are done when the threat of frosts already passed, but kidneys on a tree didn't appear yet. That is it is necessary to choose for these actions a rest phase. Are the period of the termination of a leaf fall in the fall.
To any parasite the means
Above-mentioned ways of care for apple-trees are a peculiar means of pest control too. Mechanical removal of bark, whitewashing of a trunk in the spring and in the fall, loosening of the soil at the bottom of a tree allow to exterminate partially parasites on the tree and on the surface of the soil near an apple-tree. However it will hardly be possible to do without toxic chemicals. Prevention against a deaf adder, a plant louse, a silkworm, an apple-tree moth and a blackvein who can remain on an apple-tree after the wintering is carried out in the early spring, before disclosure of kidneys. Thorough spraying of a trunk, branches and a pristvolny circle on the soil is made by the Bordeaux liquid (3% solution), the nitrohair dryer (4%rastvor) or ДНОКом (1% solution). However, the last resort is applied time in 3 years, and others it is possible to process annually. From a zapyatovidny shchitovka it is necessary to manage to process to a phase of blossoming and after it. It becomes the medicine "Aktara". From an apple-tree tsvetoyed and a listovertka the processing is made by means Tsimbush during blooming of color. But the most dangerous wrecker for an apple-tree are an apple-tree fir seed moth. It starts business right after blossoming, leaving larvae on leaves. Experts recommend to process an apple-tree the medicine "Fastak" approximately in 3 weeks after blossoming. Similar effect also such means as "Zineb", Kaptan, Ftalan, copper oxychloride have. If summer very hot, then processing from a fir seed moth it is necessary to repeat in about 10 – 12 days. Good results are yielded by carbophos which is effective in fight against a shchitovka, pincers, tsvetoyedy, pochkoyedy, a silkworm, a listovertka and a fir seed moth. But not all chemicals coping with a fir seed moth will be able to save from other parasites. Toxic chemicals are recommended to be changed not to cause accustoming of parasites to one means. If in due time and regularly to be engaged in agrotechnical actions, then processing by chemical means to be reduced considerably.