How to reduce appetite: the checked ways

How to reduce appetite: the checked ways

Even those who keep the figure can have a strong thirst for the fridge. Small cunnings will help to have the finger on the pulse and to control amount of the absorbed food.

Healthy food

Advantages in food need to be given to vegetables, fruit, fermented milk products. A green tea or kefir will help to reduce appetite, for this purpose a cup some of these drinks it is necessary to drink before meal. 

Fennel, parsley, lettuce leaves will help with fight against having a snack. They don't contain fatty acids, and therefore won't do harm to a figure. 

However as it is possible it is necessary to keep further from spices as they are the real provokers of hunger. Especially horse-radish, mustard, black and paprika. 

Nutritious breakfast

Those whose work is connected with physical activities, not unreasonably claim that the breakfast is the main food. From the missed breakfast the appetite during the day will be played even stronger, and calories will be gathered even more, than with a breakfast. 

Porridge or oat cocktail with fruit and a natural yoghourt - here an example of a nutritious breakfast. Cocoa or coffee which also reduce appetite can become drinks by a breakfast.

Plortion within limits

Psychological reception which will surely work on advantage if to take it for a habit: it is necessary to have breakfast, dinner and supper from small plates. Visually the volume of food will be large. In such a way the quantity of the used food can be reduced. 

It isn't enough, but it is frequent

Nutritionists are unanimous in opinion that food has to be at least five times. For this purpose meals have to be in advance planned, Absolutely optional it has to be the classical lunch from three dishes. Porridges, fermented milk products, fruit, vegetable broths, nutlets or other power products enter a diet. Small portions of food will allow a stomach to be reduced quickly in sizes and the pot-belly problem will be solved. 

Is it is necessary slowly

The most part of food isn't acquired if is ""quickly"". It will badly affect both a figure, and health. And after a fast meal the appetite is restored much quicker. To avoid the listed above negative, it is necessary to eat slowly, carefully chewing. 

You shouldn't forget that the signal of saturation receives a brain only 20 minutes later after the beginning of food so those who absorb food in 10 minutes strongly risk to eat much more norm.

It is more than water

The excellent assistant in fight against overeating is water. Nutritionists recommend for half an hour to food to drink a glass of not aerated warm water. It will be possible to eat less after the stomach is partially filled. 

And if desired to dull feeling of hunger it is necessary to drink a glass of plain water.


Pleasant aromas also reduce thirst for the fridge. It is possible to drip on a wrist oil of orange, a juniper, tea tree or cypress. It is possible to carry with itself an aromatic pendant.

Folk remedies

The most popular folk remedy for reduction of appetite is a linseed oil. It needs to be added to salads and porridges. 

It is also possible for these purposes to drink celery infusion. Crushed and filled in with boiled water it keeps several minutes on a water bath. It is filtered and drunk before food.

Corn snouts belong to the folk remedies reducing appetite too. It is necessary to accept broth from them on 2 spoons a feather food. 

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
