No matter, for what reason you decided to reconstruct the mode of the food. Perhaps, to you the doctor recommended to make it, you decided to lose weight and again to put on the favourite dress which is unmercifully pressing now, or you just fell in love and you want to soar above the ground not only soul, but also a body. It is important to create new eating habits as fast as possible and without serious consequences. What can be made for a start?
Any habit arises at the person not instantly, and eventually, so is both with alcohol intake, and with tobacco smoking, and with foul language. The habit to eat frankly junk food – confectionery with the high content of palm oil, chips and French fries, a smoked sausage as a part of which there are hardly at least 40% of meat – is formed for years. That it is heavier to the person who didn't get used to watch quality of what he eats, to reconstruct the mode of the food.
Healthy food: what to begin with?
Kind of awfully it sounded, the dependence on the food stuffed with flavor enhancers is similar to that dependence which is tested by addicts. The food cooked without numerous chemical additives seems leavened and tasteless to those people who "are already placed" on fast food. It is necessary to understand that over time the human body is independently cleaned and flavoring habits naturally change. Remember, if to keep to a diet some time, at many products you begin to catch unusually saturated smell and taste is a result of clarification of an organism.
It is possible to refuse harmful products gradually: in the beginning remove from the diet products from wheat flour, then – the sweeties containing refined sugar at the next stage – smoked products and dainties. Replace them with fruit and dried fruits, a chiselly bread, honey and low-fat grades of meat and fish. Drink a lot of clear water – not less than 30 ml on kilogram of weight.
For what it is necessary to pass to healthy nutrition?
Anyway, those pluses which are found by the person eating exclusively healthy and natural food with interest pay back all doubtful advantages of fast food and genetically modified products. At the person who passed to healthy nutrition skin gradually is purified, hair and nails become stronger, weight is normalized by itself over time. At women the cellulitis disappears. Such person has a lot of energy and he is ready to pull up trees, but not to exist in breaks of one meal to another. In the long term those who adhere to the principles of healthy food see a doctor much less often, than their age-mates preferring "usual" food. Such painful diseases as diabetes, diseases of a cardiovascular system and even oncology are in many respects provoked by the fact that the person eats harmful products. Popular saying someone from great: "You – what you eat" is an absolute truth. It would be wrong to think that healthy food is a certain act of self-torture. Consumption only of healthy products quickly becomes a habit, and the great health and attractive reflection in a mirror is an excellent incentive for further work on themselves which lasts throughout all human life.