Meat of a wild boar: advantage and harm, recipe

Meat of a wild boar: advantage and harm, recipe

Food and Drinks Hits: 169

In spite of the fact that the wild boar is an ancestor of a domestic pig, flavoring characteristics of meat of these animals significantly differ.

At the same time there is a mass of recipes for a kabanyatina about one of which you learn from this article. But before beginning cooking, we will consider the main nutritious properties of this product.

In private farms of the grown-up animals quite often they feed with the chemical additives accelerating their growth. Certainly, the quality of meat significantly suffers from it and its influence on human health — not the best.

Whether you know? Italy and France train wild and domestic boars in craft, interesting and important for people — search of truffles. It is the most expensive mushroom in the world for which 1 kg can pay about 4000-8000 euros.

In a case with kabanyatiny it is possible not to worry about this aspect as the game was always considered as more eco-friendly and it at rather low-calorie.

On taste such product is much more fast also to the land, than habitual pork and its color differs: usually a kabanyatina dark pink or saturated-red (it depends on age of an animal).

It is important! That the kabanyatina was not too fast, at preparation for it it is necessary to add pork or goose fat.

Buying meat products in shops and supermarkets, the buyer can ask the certificate confirming quality of meat and its safety for health for the seller. Upon purchase of a game from private hunters of such guarantee nobody will give you therefore before preparing and using such product, it is necessary to consider well positive and negative sides of such food.

Wild animals often suffer from a helminthic invasion, so, their flesh may contain eggs of worms and other parasites (for example, trikhinell).

Whether you know? Wild boars differ in excellent health and are capable to survive even at considerable wounds. In a circle of hunters stories when they managed to get animals with the bullets and fragments of knots which got stuck in a body are frequent, and sometimes foreign objects got stuck in vitals of an animal — heart and lungs.

At the use of a game the probability of infection with the same trichinosis is very high therefore to exclude undesirable consequences, it is better to spend money for laboratory examination and assessment of quality of a kabanyatina.

Besides, the similar research will help to exclude presence at an animal of other serious diseases, the most terrible of which is rage.

Considering the low caloric content of kabany meat, it will be very useful for the people keeping the figure, or that who is forced to adhere to special diets because of features of the health.

Study useful and harmful properties of beef, moose meat and horse-flesh and also bear meat.

In general, a kabanyatina — the good decision for those who want to keep the good health for many years.

Kabanye meat can be used in the same culinary purposes, as usual pork. Best of all it is suitable for roasting in an oven, frying or preparations of shish kebabs. When using for second courses it is desirable to add to it fragrant spices and herbs.

Learn more about preprocessing of meat.

Each of them has the specific features, but all similar snack will differ in high tastes and excellent aroma — of course if you manage to prepare this game correctly.

Unlike meat of a domestic pig, the kabanyatina has the specific smell capable to spoil an impression of a ready dish. To eliminate it, hunters resort to soaking of ink in water. The procedure lasts within a day and provides regular replacement of liquid.

Important! Especially strong and very unpleasant smell of which it is difficult to get rid proceeds from adult boars during the marriage period. Therefore experienced hunters prefer to avoid such animals.

In house conditions, at a small amount of meat, it can be soaked in 2 percent acetic solution with addition of a small amount of lemon juice. In this case for removal of an unpleasant smell only several hours are enough.

Kabanyatina in an oven — one of the most tasty and at the same time simple options of preparation of this meat. There is a mass of ways of its roasting, and now we offer a recipe with participation of vegetables thanks to which the dish will turn out juicy and nourishing.

  1. To place meat in marinade for 24 hours, previously having mixed black pepper, ground bay leaf, garlic and vinegar with water (it is desirable to leave marinade in the cool place).
  2. After keeping in marinade it is possible to pass to direct process of preparation which begins with cutting of paprika (straws) and garlic (plates).
  3. Having got meat from marinade, remove from it pepper and other stuck seasonings, and then a sharp knife make deep punctures on all surface of a piece.
  4. Mix salt, a ground coriander and black pepper.
  5. Well rub with the received mix a piece of a kabanyatina, and insert the cut garlic and segments of paprika into the cuts executed earlier.
  6. Set aside meat aside and cut vegetables (it is possible large cubes).
  7. Pour out them on a deep baking sheet, evenly distribute on all surface, water from above with sunflower oil (it will help to avoid drying when cooking) and powder with salt and pepper.
  8. In the middle of a baking sheet make room for meat and lay out the prepared piece there.
  9. From above on it it is possible to put the remained pepper.
  10. Cover a baking sheet with a foil with well turned in edges that all juice from meat remained inside.

It is important! If you want meat to be a little reddened, in 20 minutes prior to the end of cooking it is necessary to remove a foil and to allow it to reach without it.

  1. Together (vegetables and meat) place everything in the oven which is previously warmed up to +200 °C and leave there for 2 hours, periodically checking readiness of future dish.

Video: preparation of meat of a boar with vegetables is not more difficult to Make boar meat, than to process other types, and here advantage of it will be much bigger. Therefore at the slightest opportunity you should not refuse to yourself creation of a tasty and fragrant meat dish.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
