Mushrooms honey agarics: advantage and harm"

Mushrooms honey agarics: advantage and harm"

The climate of our latitudes considerably promotes the active growth of various mushrooms that does this product one of the natural resources which are the most esteemed and actively consumed in food which can be found in forests. In this article it will be a question of one of such gifts of the nature, namely of honey agarics. Below you will find information on what advantage and harm they are capable to do to our organism and also learn whether it is possible to get poisoned with them.

As look where and when grow

The classical place of growth of these mushrooms is practically any wood surface. They can be found both on live trees, and on already fallen and long ago dead trunks.

Very often they can be found growing on the stubs which remained after a srubka of the most various breeds of trees. There are also special subspecies of mushrooms of this sort called field honey agarics which do not need wood for active growth.

Whether you know? The second name of these mushrooms, popular in the people — a honey agaric.

Honey agarics most often can be met as a part of the large, dense, pressed to each other groups. However sometimes happens (especially often in case it is a field kind of these mushrooms) that they can be found and one by one.

They have enough large sizes a hat and a leg approximately in a finger thickness and height. Distinctive feature of honey agarics is their color — the hat is most often painted in a reddish-brownish shade with a small light speck on the center.

The shade can slightly vary depending on what subspecies of this mushroom got to you in a basket. Most actively they grow as, however, and almost any other mushrooms, after a rain and during the autumn and spring period.

Whether you know? Some types of honey agarics can change the color under the influence of various factors of the external environment, becoming, for example, more dark after a rain and lighter in a sunny weather.

Sometimes large congestions of honey agarics can be found and during the summer periods of time, however the corresponding climatic conditions of their growth are for this purpose necessary.

Caloric content and chemical composition

The nutrition value, caloric content and the chemical composition of these mushrooms considerably vary depending on a method of their preparation. So, for example, marinated honey agarics considerably add the content of micronutrients, but at the same time lose the most part of the moisture which is contained in them, and to boiled there are absolutely opposite processes — the amount of water in them increases, and the minerals which normal are their part go in the course of cooking to water.

Read in more detail how to freeze or dry mushrooms and also in what cases it is worth washing mushrooms and when rather dry cleaning.

We give approximate nutrition value of crude honey agarics below on 100 grams of a product which in most cases can be considered a starting point for further calculations:

  • caloric content — 25 kcal;
  • carbohydrates — 1-1.1 g;
  • fats — 1.5 g;
  • proteins — 2.5 g;
  • water — 85 g;
  • food fibers — 5–7 g;
  • ascorbic acid — 15 mg;
  • Riboflavinum — 0.5 mg;
  • niatsin — 11 mg;
  • tocopherol — 0.5 mg;
  • iron — 1 mg;
  • potassium — 400 mg;
  • calcium — 5 mg;
  • magnesium — 25 mg;
  • sodium — 10 mg;
  • phosphorus — 40 mg.

Video: useful and harmful properties of honey agarics

Advantage and harm

As well as in case of consumption in food of any other product, the food including a large number of honey agarics can render as many various positive effects on your health, and a number of negative.

Learn more about useful properties of mushrooms.

The proportionality and expressiveness of these phenomena will depend on a set of various factors, including their place of growth, the assembly period, a method of preparation and quantity of eaten.

Useful properties of honey agarics

Useful properties of these mushrooms are numerous, the most valuable of them for a human body the following:

  • because of the low caloric content and rather high content of protein this product very well is suitable for inclusion in a diet growing thin and athletes;
  • vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a natural stimulator of immunity and helps to transfer easier already caught bacterial and viral infections. Besides, he takes active part in strengthening of a vascular wall, is the integral component of healing of wounds and shows natural antioxidant properties;
  • Riboflavinum which is a part of this product positively affects all processes of growth and development of practical all systems and bodies of an organism. In addition, this vitamin makes positive impact on the speed of assimilation of protein and carbohydrates;
  • RR vitamin positively affects practically all exchange processes proceeding in an organism improves absorption of iron in a stomach and intestines and also is directly involved in process of formation of red blood cells and promotes the correct work of a gall bladder and liver;
  • the potassium and magnesium which are a part of honey agarics actively participate in work of all muscles in a human body, in particular warm and also positively influence a tone of a vascular wall. Than color of a hat of these mushrooms is more dark, especially they are useful to work of all muscles;
  • iron which in these mushrooms there is a lot of is the most important component of hemoglobin without which normal process of breath would be impossible. Besides, iron is an important component of many hormones of a human body;
  • biologically active agents which are contained in honey agarics have the expressed laxative effect therefore dishes from them can be very useful to people which suffer from chronic locks;
  • broths and spirit tinctures from honey agarics find very broad application in traditional medicine in the form of warts medicine or, for example, antibacterial means.

Important! Scientists from China experimentally proved the slowing-down effect of an extract from these mushrooms on development of a carcinoma of Ehrlich and sarcoma-180.

Contraindications and harm

Before the use of honey agarics in food it is necessary to remember that they are conditionally edible fungi therefore they need to be washed out properly, and then it is extremely desirable (but it is not obligatory at all) to subject to culinary processing.

It is necessary to watch where you pick these mushrooms as they have tendency to accumulation of salts of heavy metals carefully. The use of honey agarics in too large numbers can lead to development of poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting, aggravation of problems with work of digestive tract and biliary tract. Honey agarics are contraindicated to the following categories of persons:

  • to the people suffering from various forms of diabetes;
  • suffering from various forms of a renal and liver failure;
  • children cannot eat up to 5 years, and from 5-year age and up to 14 years — only in limited quantities;
  • are not recommended for the use to pregnant women and mothers who nurse;
  • to people with a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and severe forms of a hypertension.

Important! Slime which is emitted by these mushrooms in the course of pickling very well affects a stomach. However the abundance of the spices and vinegar entering marinade is capable to nullify all advantage.

Whether it is possible to get poisoned with honey agarics

As it was already mentioned above, honey agarics are conditionally edible fungi therefore before their use it is extremely desirable for any culinary processing to betray them previously. It will minimize risk of poisoning. Often collecting instead of the product of so-called false honey agarics, correct, suitable in food, is the reason of poisonings with these mushrooms.

We give below the list of signs on which it is possible to distinguish some mushrooms from others:

  • the "correct" mushrooms at a leg have so-called "short skirt" — the ring consisting of a thin film with a little fringed structure;
  • false honey agarics have more often a gray-brown shade of a hat on which there are no characteristic scales;
  • the plate of all edible honey agarics is painted in cream or pale yellow color while false have a greenish color;
  • too high, more than 8 centimeters a mushroom — sign of its belonging to category false.

If after the use of honey agarics you had at least one or several of the listed below symptoms, then it is an obvious occasion to see a doctor. Remember that self-treatment can affect state of your health extremely negatively. Here list of the main symptoms of poisoning with honey agarics:

  • profuzny, ongoing vomiting;
  • frequent desires on defecation and a diarrhea;
  • belly-ache;
  • the increased body temperature;
  • general malaise;
  • headaches;
  • positive meningealny symptoms;
  • loss of appetite, vitality, physical and speech activity.

It will be useful for you to learn more about symptoms of poisoning with mushrooms.

What can be prepared from them

The list of dishes which part these mushrooms can be is rather extensive, and by and large is limited only only to imagination of the owner of kitchen.

They leave great soups, garnishes, salads, they can be combined very appropriate with various meat and fish dishes, they not bad are suitable for salting and pickling. Also they can be fried slightly on a fire or on a grill and a tax on a table together with other mushrooms or vegetables. So, we hope that this article helped you to find answers concerning harm and advantage for your organism of such mushrooms as honey agarics. The main thing is to show consideration for their choice and preparation to avoid mistakes and poisoning.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
