Peaches: than are useful how many calories, what vitamins and minerals contain

Peaches: than are useful how many calories, what vitamins and minerals contain

With arrival of summer we have an opportunity to enjoy tasty and useful vegetables and fruit. However, we not always know as far as they are useful and as they can be applied in different spheres. Our article will be devoted to peaches — the solar fruit having improbable advantage and delightful taste.

Caloric content and nutrition value

The peach belongs to digestible fruit which please us all the year round. In the summer we can enjoy them from own kitchen garden, and in winter time we have an opportunity to get imported peaches.

Important! It is possible to determine quality of a fruit by a stone: wrinkled and dried demonstrates active processing of fruit chemicals in order that as long as possible to keep them.

Fruit has small caloric content45 kcal on 100 g of a product. In 100 g of fruits contains:

  • waters — 86 g;
  • proteins — 0.9 g;
  • fats — 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates — 11.3 g;
  • mono - and disaccharides — 9.5 g.

Vitamin and mineral structure

Fruit are famous for high content as a part of vitamins and the useful substances necessary for our organism, namely:

  • RR vitamin — 0.8 mg;
  • vitamin H — 0.4 mg;
  • vitamin E — 1.1 mg;
  • vitamin C — 10 mg;
  • B9 vitamin — 8 mg;
  • B6 vitamin — 0.06 mg;
  • B5 vitamin — 0.2 mg;
  • B2 vitamin — 0.08 mg;
  • B1 vitamin — 0.04 mg;
  • vitamin A — 83 mkg.

Fruit has the following contents of mineral substances:

  • nickel — 4 mkg;
  • aluminum — 650 mkg;
  • lity — 3 mkg;
  • silicon — 10 mg;
  • fluorine — 22 mkg;
  • she is lame — 14 mkg;
  • manganese — 0.14 mg;
  • copper — 50 mg;
  • iodine — 2 mkg;
  • zinc — 0.1 mg;
  • gland — 0.6 mg;
  • sulfurs — 6 mg;
  • chlorine — 2 mg;
  • phosphorus — 34 mg;
  • potassium — 363 mg;
  • sodium — 30 mg;
  • magnesium — 16 mg;
  • calcium — 20 mg.

Advantage for an organism

Peaches are useful to all, however they have a little different impact on each category.


Fruits can be useful to men as follows:

  • promote strengthening of indumentum. If regularly to rub peach oil in hair, it is possible to warn baldness and to make hair bulbs stronger;
  • help to get rid of a hungover syndrome. Having eaten several fruit after alcohol intake, you will feel fresh more vigorously at once;
  • improve potency. Thanks to the fact that in their structure there is a zinc they promote improvement of inflow of blood to male genitals, improve a condition of a prostate, promote restoration of a hormonal background.

Learn more about vitamins for health of men and women.


There is a number of the reasons for which women should include this fruit in the diet.

  1. Low caloric content. If you want to lose weight — include peaches in the menu.
  2. Slender waist. Thanks to useful substances, the peach promotes stimulation of work of a digestive tract and the best absorption of food. As a result of it, saturation occurs quicker and you eat less food.
  3. Smooth skin. With peaches moisture which promotes smoothing of wrinkles and gives to skin a healthy look comes to an organism. Also the fruit includes apple, lemon and wine acids thanks to which there is an accelerated peeling of dead sections of skin, and it is updated.
  4. Good mood. Thanks to contents as a part of magnesium, sugar and vitamins, the use of fruits raises a tone of an organism and improves mood.

Whether you know? A champion on industrial production of peaches around the world is China: in 2009 the country grew up 10170 thousand tons of fruits.


Peaches have positive impact and on a children's organism. They load the child with energy, promote strengthening of bones and teeth, normalize the content of vitamins, increase immunity. If your child badly eats — give him a peach as he is capable to stimulate appetite. Among other things, solar fruit is useful absolutely to all for the following reasons:

  • promotes improvement of work of a cardiovascular system;
  • stimulates digestive processes;
  • prevents development of osteochondrosis.

Read also about vitamins for cheerfulness and energy, heart and vessels.

Application in different spheres

Let's consider how it is possible to apply fruits in different spheres.

In cookery

Fruit found active application in cookery. They are added to salads, do juicy snack of them, used as additional ingredient to various desserts. Firm fruits with elastic pulp are perfectly combined with a game. Peaches use for preparation of jams, jam, compotes, they act as an excellent stuffing for pastries. Besides, fruit can be preserved, do juice of them. It is worth canceling that dried peaches enjoy wide popularity — they are useful having a snack. Also fruit is used as raw materials of which do tinctures, fruit liqueurs and sweet liqueurs.

In traditional medicine

Traditional medicine practices use of peach juice for fight with:

  • dyspepsia;
  • anemia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • violations in functioning of a liver and stomach;
  • locks;
  • stresses;
  • low acidity of a stomach.

Important! Giving peaches to children up to 4 years, surely it is worth rinding with fruits as it can provoke allergic reactions.

The infusion prepared from a peach flower will help to cope with rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases. It has diuretic and glistogonny properties.

In cosmetology

Hairy plum is used also in cosmetology. She allows skin to remain long young and elastic, slows down pigmentation and appearance of wrinkles. Besides, the substances which are contained in a fruit slow down and prevent development of cancer cells.

Existence in structure of pulp of vitamins A and E allows to eliminate signs of aging, provides moistening and peeling of dead skin cells.

There is a set of recipes of the masks on the basis of a peach intended for different types of skin. In shops and drugstores it is possible to buy stone oil. It is used for processing of eyebrows and eyelashes for the purpose of giving of density to them and against decolouration.

Learn more about properties and cosmetology use of peach oil.

Whether it is possible to eat on a diet

If you decided to grow thin — surely include peaches in the diet. Thanks to low caloric content the process of weight loss will take place imperceptibly, at the same time the mass of useful substances will come to an organism, and you will be able to enjoy long time results of a tasty diet.

Hairy plums stimulate work of a digestive tract therefore absorption of useful substances happens very quickly. The feeling of saturation comes quickly, you do not overload a stomach and do not overeat that brings positive results in the course of weight loss.

Read also about features of diets: bezglyutenovy, ketogene, Dyukana.

Whether it is possible peaches for pregnant women and the feeding mothers

Peaches are saving fruit for many pregnant women as help to get rid of toxicosis. Besides, the huge amount of useful substances has exclusively positive impact on development of the kid. For example, folic acid promotes the correct formation of nervous system, and thanks to potassium there is a strengthening of a cardiac muscle. Magnesium which is in structure of fruit provides to future mother tranquility, allows to overcome a depression and an apathetic state. Regularly using peaches, you will be in good mood all pregnancy.

We advise to read about the vitamins necessary for pregnant women and the feeding mothers.

Also fruits have the following useful properties:

  • calcium, phosphorus and magnesium promote strengthening of hair, eliminate fragility of nail plates, do not allow to collapse to teeth;
  • vitamin A is necessary for strengthening of immunity which during pregnancy weakens;
  • thanks to pectinaceous substances the digestion improves, locks seldom disturb;
  • existence in composition of iron prevents development of an anemia which can cause oxygen starvation of a fruit.

The feeding mothers can also include this useful fruit in a diet — it will promote strengthening of an organism both mother, and kid. However it is necessary to enter it into the menu gradually, since one slice a day.

Contraindications and harm

Unfortunately, not all can use peaches. It is worth refusing fruit if:

  • you have an allergy. Peaches belong to high-allergenic fruit, especially it concerns grades with a rough peel which contains a number of pollen;
  • you have an obesity or you are sick with diabetes as fruit contains a large number of sugar and carbohydrates;
  • you increased acidity of a stomach.

Also It should be noted what excessive consumption of fruit can cause difficulties in work of intestines and nervous system.

Whether you know? The USA devoted to a fruit the whole month: since 1982 the August is a National month of a peach.

Having studied our article, you learned that it is possible to receive useful substances at consumption of tasty and simple fruit which are available to all presently. Having included in the diet 1-2 peaches a day, you significantly improve the health and appearance.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
