The juicy fruit of exotic origin differs in matchless sweet-sour taste with bright smack of freshness. There is a pineapple crested (it is pineapple real) of South America, and usually it is considered that from Peru and Brazil. Nowadays it is cultivated also on other continents in the countries with similar tropical climate (and even in the conditions of the European Midland). All this promotes its availability so we can eat overseas fruit all the year round.
Caloric content and nutrition value
On caloric content the exotic fruit unambiguously has a low indicator — not higher than 50 kcal on 100 g of a product. From habitual food below pineapple caloric content only at a cucumber — 44 kcal / 100. In ripe tropical fruit there is a lot of water (not less than 85% of mass of pulp), and everything that not water (dry rest) — has both nutrition value, and treatment-and-prophylactic qualities.
We advise to learn about the most low-calorie products.
The nutrition value of pineapple pulp is distributed as follows:
- proteins — 0.4%;
- fats — 0.2%;
- carbohydrates — on average 10.6%.
The share of carbohydrates can be a little more (12%) or less (9.6%), depending on origin and degree of a maturity of a fruit. Let you be not confused by abundance of water — without it the fruit will be less useful. On curative and preventive properties the dehydrated pineapple several times (and even much) lags behind fresh fruit.
Important! At the dehydrated look on sale usually there are dried slices of pineapple which are generously poured by sugar or icing sugar. Such product and without sugar has much more bigger caloric content, than a fresh fruit. At regular eating, both dry pineapple, and pineapple and sugar candied fruits promote a set of excess body weight.
Vitamin and mineral structure
The ripe fruit of the Brazilian grass contains vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, B12, E, SS), organic compounds (including acids) with chemical elements: iodine, iron, potassium (up to 320 mg), calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and others (only 16). Potassium and magnesium positively influence a cardiac muscle and a tone of blood vessels. Calcium, manganese and phosphorus are necessary for brain, bone and muscle tissues.
Copper and zinc contribute to normalization of a metabolism and strengthening of immunity. Organic acids of pineapple promote digestion, activization of a metabolism and help to fight against a bacterial infection. Connection bromeline splits food proteins and burns the fats which are saved up in a body.
Let's note that the pro-vitamins A which are contained in a pineapple fruit and E have properties of antioxidants. At regular reception they help to preserve for many years both body youth, and courage. Eating for one-two receptions 100 g of pineapple pulp a day, you ensure 80% of standard daily rate of vitamin C.
In a large number vitamin C contains in sauerkraut, a dogrose, broccoli, blackcurrant, a lemon, grapefruit, parsley.
Useful properties of pineapple for an organism
Thanks to the vitamin mineral to structure pineapple strengthens immunity, nervous system and improves reproductive function of the person. In other words, regular intake of fresh (crude) fruit and its 100% juice:
- protects from bacterial and viral diseases;
- normalizes hormonal exchange;
- improves a metabolism, including proteins and carbohydrates;
- restores physical and raises a mental tone, promotes disposal of a depression;
- slows down production of protein for cancer cells so that malignant tumors grow for 70% more slowly;
- normalizes cholesteric exchange;
- dilutes blood and cleans walls of blood vessels;
- lowers blood pressure;
- at external application stops inflammatory processes in open wounds.
And still it very tasty, always fragrant, with bright exotic accent. All its pleasant organoleptika distracts from sad thoughts and effectively increases mood. Pineapple is two in one: tasty it is also useful.
Learn, than the vitamin C overdose is dangerous.
Whether you know? Usually the mass of a ripe pineapple fruit is 500-1200 grams. Quite often there are fruits and in several kilograms, and the pineapple which is grown up in 1994 weighing 8 kg was record. Meanwhile on vitamin C content pineapple advances all citrus fruits, including a lemon.
It is well known that on the appearance concentrate attention of the woman more, men are concerned first of all by own sexual potency. Meanwhile the substances which are contained in pineapple (aphrodisiacs) intensify production of male sex hormones. Take pineapple and pineapple juice (100%) every day or every other day, and you will be able to satisfy the darling regularly.
After heavy day of work, ripe pineapple or its juice will help to raise a physical and mental tone. That is quickly to restore working capacity.
Theoretically, irrespective of a floor, all want to have a young body — healthy complexion and a hair, pleasant to the eye, began to smell and oshchup skin. In practice traditionally it developed so that the question of appearance concerns women more therefore to their thicket interest cosmetic properties of foodstuff.
Useful substances of pineapple provide positive cosmetic effect:
- wrinkles are smoothed;
- skin is degreased to the normal state;
- integuments and hair follicles become more resistant to various infections, including fungal.
To rejuvenate the appearance, it is regularly necessary to consume pineapple inside — in the form of a fresh fruit or pure juice, without sugar. Outwardly the fruit is applied as a part of the cosmetic and medical masks for face skin having the antibacterial and high degreasing effect.
Ice cubes, special gymnastics and yoga for the person will help to get rid of wrinkles.
Cosmetologists guarantee fast result, especially at combined use with other useful products. Of course, the effect will be positive if your skin normally transfers masks from fruit rich with acid. For production of the rejuvenating skin or medical mask it is possible to grind rinded with pineapple with the pulp which remained on it. The second option: to put pieces of the removed thin skin pulp to a body. And for fight against excess skin oiliness it is necessary to wipe a face with pineapple pulp in the evenings.
You can use pineapple against callosities and natoptyshy. For this purpose fresh pulp should be put to a callosity for the night, then to steam out it in hot water in the morning. After that she will easily leave. If from once it did not turn out, repeat the procedure next evening. At regular intake, pineapple and its 100% juice (without sugar) will help to normalize a menstrual cycle, including to take off pain.
Whether you know? By long-term medical researches it is established that updating of an organism is necessary no more than half a year. In particular, the integument of a human body (including roots of hair) is completely updated within 38 days; composition of blood — in 40 days. Internals — from 45 to 90 days (the exception makes a stomach which is updated each 6 hours). A bone tissue — from 120 to 180 days.
The rich, balanced by the nature vitamin and mineral structure and pleasant taste contribute to the active physical and mental development of the child. Including well influence on:
- healthy sleep;
- physical activity;
- progress at school and in preschool institution.
And in other words, the healthy child will quickly grow and enjoy life in all its manifestations.
It is possible to eat pineapple or to drink its juice from 7-year age. Children less (2-6 years) should dilute juice with water. If the taste is not pleasant, then it is not necessary to add sugar. Use honey or do not offer the child drink.
Learn how genes influence children why the child is ill and how to strengthen his immunity.
How to clean and eat pineapple
Fresh greens of the Ukrainian and golden color of a skin of pineapple can decorate a still life of your table. It is possible to serve pineapple integral and to cut already directly at a table. And this process, for example, cutting by a method of quarters, it is possible to turn into a game.
Pineapple forelock before cutting is not removed as its greens are good for scenery. For cutting of a fruit use a knife with an edge of 2-3 times more, than fruit width. The recommended edge width — from 3 to 4.5 centimeters.
We cut a fruit in such sequence:
- We cut a fruit together with its tops of vegetable lengthways, on 4 parts.
- The firm and inedible core of each quarter separates (is cut off) by a knife.
- Edible pulp of a quarter separates a knife from a skin and is left immediately, in the natural bed.
- Pulp is sliced the convenient size (width is recommended — up to 1.5 cm).
- We shift slices relatively each other (in chessboard order).
- We put a chubaty fruit on a dish — porcelain or wattled.
- For convenience of use and additional dressing we can thrust in each slice wooden or plastic skewer (and even 2-3). Also toothpicks will fit.
Whether you know? Today, at the different people pineapple is used in quality: festive attribute at a meeting of New year (China); the most useful plant strengthening a body and spirit (countries of Central and South America); raw materials (leaves) for production of fiber and fabrics (Philippine Islands); raw materials (pulp and a peel) for the refreshing drinks (Mexico).
It is possible more simply. At first to cut off to forelock pineapple together with an inedible top and to rind a small knife for cleaning of vegetables. Then the fruit should be cut across — circles will turn out (thickness of 1-2 cm is recommended). It is necessary to remove from them an inedible core and it is beautiful to spread out the turned-out ringlets on a dish with an exotic ornament. If there is no wish to rind, then cut half rings.
It is necessary to clean and cut a fruit just before food. Using pineapple as treatment-and-prophylactic means, eat it in pure form (without sugar, without syrup and other additives to desserts). To or after the main food — does not play a special role. However, at the increased acidity of a stomach:
- it is not necessary to drink pineapple juice on an empty stomach;
- pulp should be washed down with clear water.
Here trust the intuition, and in general this fruit is good also for arousing appetite before food and as a dessert — later. It is useful also in the form of juice, and whole pulp of a fresh fruit.
Whether pregnant women and the feeding mothers can eat
Here it is the best of all to consult to the doctor. From ourselves we will tell that unripe or spoiled (for example, delayed) fruits can provoke termination of pregnancy. Same concerns also many grades of the juice sold in finished form. The feeding mothers should consider that the acids which are contained in pineapple can provoke allergic reaction at the child.
Whether it is possible to eat on a diet
If the diet chosen by you does not exclude the fruit containing natural acid, then pineapple — what is necessary. If you passed strictly to liquid food, drink pineapple juice, and better just wrung out from a fresh fruit.
Important! Ideally to you it is not necessary to use the pineapple juices which are on sale in shops. As a rule, it is nectar — the juice diluted with sugar syrup (sometimes and with citric acid). And in the store juice made without addition of sugar there are much less useful substances, than in freshly squeezed.
By medical and preventive efficiency the regular intake of pineapple juice a little in what concedes to whole pulp of a fruit. Tinned pineapple — a product not dietary, irrespective of contents of sugar in it. Even when the fruit is rolled up in bank in own juice, it is recommended to eat it usually not more often than two times a month.
Contraindications and harm
The fruit component mentioned above bromeline represents a complex of the active enzymes destroying structure of proteins. On the one hand, thanks to it digestion of albumens improves; with another — unlimited consumption of pineapple juice and pulp of a fruit usually leads to injury of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity.
Pineapple contains substances which can cause allergic reaction (especially at consumption in large numbers). It can be slight irritation and (or) burning in a mouth and on lips. At individual intolerance of a consequence can be heavier.
At the increased acidity of a stomach (especially at gastritises and stomach ulcer) it is not recommended to use fresh pineapple also. The high acidity of pineapple juice and pulp promotes softening of tooth fabrics. If are not sure of health of teeth, then after a meal clean teeth or rinse a mouth weak solution of soda. It is necessary only to add that irrespective of age and sex the regular intake of the Brazilian fruit will provide you good prevention to infectious diseases, including catarrhal and fungal. If there are no contraindications, then it will normalize work of kidneys, a liver and digestive tract. At consumption of pineapple, as well as other fruits and other food, apply universal sense of proportion. And then the improving effect will be maximum.