PP-Zavtrak or we lose weight correctly

PP-Zavtrak or we lose weight correctly

All know that a breakfast - a basis of all day. And even on looking that all of us time hurry somewhere and hurry - the breakfast can't be missed, and especially if we want to put the organism in order


1. After awakening we drink a glass of water, is possible less. It is a signal to an organism - you woke up, day begins. Tea, coffee, juice - isn't considered, just a glass of water of room temperature. Not to forget about it, we put since evening near a bed a bottle with water and we bring this ritual to automatism.

2. Than it is possible and it is necessary to have breakfast: porridge and protein (eggs, meat, cheese, cottage cheese), porridge and fruit or vegetables, muesli (correct, not purchased) and yogurt or milk. Kashi - oat (in a priority), buckwheat, wheat, all but rice and a manna. If you prefer to begin morning with sweet porridge - as sweetener it is possible to use honey, also to add a few nuts, dried fruits.

3. Learn to bring a variety your daily menu. Otherwise in 3-4 days of a nourishing diet the failure can happen porridge on water and everything should be begun anew. And by the way, till 12 p.m. it is possible to eat quietly something forbidden sweet, but in reasonable quantities, of course. For all remained day the organism successfully utilizes all harmful calories, and you will be able not to lead up excessively restrictions in sweet.

4. To don't miss morning meals, we prepare since evening - containers to you in the help. Also it isn't necessary to try to push into itself a large number of food. There is enough to start 1 egg, 2-3 spoons of porridge and the slice of cheese if you had never breakfast earlier in the mornings. The organism will gradually reconstruct, and further it will be possible to increase a morning portion of food to approximate norm - 200-250 grams.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
