Saltless diet (general recommendations)

Saltless diet (general recommendations)

May you present the life without salt? Salt is very important and extremely useful to an organism. Nevertheless, now more often it is possible to hear about harm of salt which was already managed to be christened "white poison". The truth such is that total and unconditional rejection of salt for the rest of life won't bring anything good, salt fills up our organism so to it with necessary sodium which he isn't able to produce.

In what harm?

Harm of salt consists in its excessive use which is fraught with the stagnation of liquid in an organism leading to hypostases problems with heart and kidneys, and there and to short wind with obesity nearby also will be added to everything.

In recent years the salt use promptly grows. It is connected with the general decrease in practice of healthy food. More often on a table the semi-finished products which are mercilessly stuffed with salt and various seasonings therefore it is important to make the choice for useful and surely natural products get. The diet doesn't set a task to exclude salt from a diet completely, but its quantity has to be minimum. Very important point has to be the fact that food doesn't need to be salted in the course of preparation, and to do it right at the end, it is the best of all to prisalivat already ready food. If the taste of food seems absolutely leavened, then the soy-bean sauce can come to the help.

How to save itself from harmful products?

The saltless diet means a lot of restrictions. It is necessary to refuse semi-finished products, a pickles, is more smoked, various marinades and everything that is obviously stuffed with huge amount of salt. In a question of cooking it is recommended to put emphasis on cooking, suppression, preparation on couple or roasting. Fried food has to appear under a ban. Also the baking plate will lock fat grades of meat, a bird and fish have to get. You shouldn't use confectionery and products with high content of sugar to which grapes belong for example.

In a diet meat, fish and chicken have to alternate. Here it should be added light vegetable broths, a small amount of a rye bread, fast cookies, vegetables (both in crude, and in the prepared look), boiled eggs (it is no more than a piece in day), grain, fermented milk products (not fat and without flavor additives). Also dried fruits will be useful, but here it is important to know when to stop and not to forget about their caloric content. It is necessary to drink a pure large number, rather weak black or green tea, fresh fruit or dried fruits compotes.

General recommendations

The day diet has to be under construction of five meals. The most dense will be: breakfast and lunch. Between the main receptions there have to be two small having a snack. The diet is calculated for 14 days. In two weeks your organism not only will be cleaned from reserves of salt and excess liquid, the quantity of fatty deposits will decrease, but also there will occur accustoming to new food reference points. The refusal of excessive salinity will open for you eyes on the true taste of healthy food, will help to keep your body in a tone and to keep health.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
