Squids: than are useful as how to prepare

Squids: than are useful as how to prepare

Seafood along with others products useful to development and activity of a human body has to enter a diet of each person surely. Their advantage is obvious – they contain a large amount of substances which are simply necessary for life. The choice of seafood is big in connection with expansion of commercial relations. Even very exotic seafood comes to shops in various corners of the world.

The increasing popularity squids gather cephalopod mollusks. About advantage and harm of squids for a human body and about what from them can be prepared, read in this article.

Meat of squids very tasty and nourishing, but at the same time is not a high-calorie product – its caloric content is 100 kcal in 100 g.

Whether you know? As sea mollusks contain a large amount of protein, they are considered as more useful to the person, than bird's and beef meat.

  • proteins – 18%;
  • fats – 2.2%;
  • carbohydrates – 2%.

The wide list of vitamins and minerals among which there are vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6, B9), E, PP, C, phosphorus, copper, iodine, calcium, nickel, selenium, magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium is a part of seafood. Besides, the mollusk contains a number of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Total number of minerals – 38. For 80% this sea inhabitant consists of water.

Thanks to such rich structure the introduction to the menu of meat of squids is capable to bring undoubted benefit for the person. So, the use of a large amount of protein together with a sea mollusk strengthens and well develops muscle tissue. Squids people who seek for accumulation of muscle bulk, for example to athletes and body builders should enter into a daily diet.

Iron and potassium support the correct work of heart, iodine is supported by activity of a thyroid gland and an endocrine system. The useful substances which are a part of a cephalopod mollusk, in particular taurine regulate availability of cholesterol and sugar in blood. Regular consumption of this seafood is capable to help to exempt an organism from heavy metals (selenium is responsible for it), to clean and strengthen walls of vessels.

Useful amino acids taurine, arginine and a lysine provide to the person resistant immunity, good mood, the increased working capacity. Physicians advise there is this seafood to people whose activity is connected with active work of a brain, squids are capable to make active mental capacities and to improve memory.

The regular use of sea mollusks in general results in activity of an organism and sexual in particular. Therefore squids have special advantage for men.

Selenium and vitamin C allocate seafood with diuretic action, so, ability to improve work of an urinogenital system. Vitamin E has beneficial influence on a look and a condition of skin, saves from toxins.

The mollusk is useful to digestive system. Its assimilation happens easily and quickly, at the same time exchange processes do not worsen. The product well affects appetite, normalizes work of intestines. Squids at gastritis allow to recommend availability of extractive substances which promote release of gastric juice. Seafood is usually advised to enter into the dietary menu to the people fighting against excess weight. Therefore the low-calorie squid perfectly is suitable for weight loss.

  • strengthening of a cardiac muscle and blood vessels;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • improvement of work of an endocrine system;
  • removal from an organism of slags and hazardous substances;
  • digestion improvement;
  • the all-strengthening action;
  • diuretic effect.

Squid is suitable for food of people of old age, saves from many problems with health. Also it is good to enter it into the menu of children as the product strengthening immunity and filling the growing-up organism with the necessary vitamins and minerals. The advantage of squids is for the same reason obvious to pregnant women.

Whether you know? About 200 species of cephalopod mollusks live in the world, however not all of them are edible. The largest copies reach length of 20 meters and the weight of 300 kg.

Squids are widely used in cookery. Their properties and taste were tried out more than century ago. Eat a carcass of a mollusk and its feeler. In the Asian countries also eat suckers and eyes. It is accepted to subject seafood to such processing before the use:

  • to boil;
  • to dry;
  • to extinguish;
  • to pickle;
  • to bake.

Before preparation of a dish the sea product should be cleaned from a spine, interiors and skin. Several words about how to clean squids. At once we will warn that occupation it not from simple because of what many hostesses not really like to potter with a mollusk.

It is possible to peel seafood from all superfluous in several ways. The simplest and fast – to place it at first in boiled water, and then in ice water. At a mollusk we delete the head with feelers, we squeeze out a beak, a chord and interiors. It is convenient to interior to clean if to turn an animal inside out. After these manipulations we place a carcass in a plate and we drench with boiled water. Further we throw back it on a colander and we put in the container with cold water.

Such procedure has to lead to the fact that skin of an animal will be well purified. It should be removed under flowing water, accurately rubbing off a carcass. After cleaning it is possible to start cooking of a mollusk. How many to cook squids, will depend on what result you want to achieve and for what dish you cook.

It is important! That squids kept as much as possible useful substances, they need to be cooked not longer than five minutes.

The mollusk can be boiled for 3-4 minutes, then it will be rigid and elastic. If to hold it on fire of 30-40 minutes – will become soft, however and will lose the most part of vitamins and minerals.

Experienced culinary specialists use in a different way how to cook squids. They throw carcasses in the boiling added some salt water and at once remove them from fire. Then leave in hot water for 12 minutes. Liquids through a colander allow to flow down and cool in empty capacity.

Kitchens of the different countries were adopted by squids – in very many of them adapted to cook various dishes from mollusks. For example, in Italy they are added to traditional dishes – pizza and paste, in Greece very much like to stuff a body of mollusks, on Tayvani from them cook spicy soup, Andalusia meets tourists by kalmarny ragout. Squids are wonderfully combined with boiled eggs and rice, various vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, zucchini, eggplants, cheeses, including with feta and sheep cheese, with fruit.

Preparation of such dishes with squids as salads, soups, brochettes, snack is popular with us. Sea mollusks use dried to beer, bake them, pickle and stuff, prepare in Korean.

Squids are the main ingredient of a set of tasty recipes. We give five most interesting, simple and running dishes below. In each of them the mollusk is used in a different look.

We cook simple salad. We clean two carcasses of mollusks and we wash. We throw into the boiling water for one minute. As soon as mollusks become soft, we take them and we place under cold water. Further we cut on thin strips. We cut two bulbs half rings and we pickle in water-acetum solution of 10 minutes: at first we sugar (one tablespoon), then we pour boiled water and vinegar (one tablespoon).

For gas station we mix on a tablespoon of Dijon mustard, mayonnaise and lemon juice. We pepper gas station and we salt.

We add onions and gas station to carcasses.

We make pizza. To cut a body of carcasses of mollusks (200 g) on ringlets. To small chop green onions (5-6 feathers). To cut mozzarella (150 g) thin plates. Green olives (5-6 pieces) – ringlets. Dough to roll, grease with tomato sauce with addition of herbs. To lay out from above mozzarella, olives, squids. To strew with onions. To lay out polished parmesan (50 g). To sprinkle a little from above the juice which is squeezed out from a quarter of a lemon. Pizza is baked in the oven warmed up to 200 degrees. Approximate time of baking – 20 minutes. How to prepare the stuffed squids

The dish requires six carcasses. They need to be cleaned and boiled. To fry 300 g of small cut champignons with onions. To boil rice (half-glass). To grate 150 g of hard cheese. Eggs (four pieces) to weld and cut in cubes. To cut 200 g of ham in cubes. All ingredients to mix, dress with mayonnaise and to fill with them carcasses. To place the stuffed carcasses on the greased baking sheet, to grease with mayonnaise, to cover with a foil and to send to an oven (200 degrees) for 15 minutes. To bake 5-10 minutes without foil.

We cook ragout. One large carcass of a mollusk to clean, cut large squares and to roast in the warmed frying pan with vegetable oil within two minutes. Potatoes (200 g) and carrots (two pieces) to clean, cut in the form of large cubes, to fry on vegetable oil. To add two largely cut bulbs (also cubes) and to fry all ingredients together. To separately fry largely cut vegetable marrow (one piece). To mix everything and to fill in with sauce which to make from one tablespoon of the flour browned on butter (10 g). To add two tablespoons of sour cream to sauce and 50 ml of milk. To bring mix to boiling. Further to enter two tablespoons of ketchup and to mix.

To add salt and pepper to the ragout which is filled in with sauce to taste, bay leaf, garlic. To extinguish a dish of 10 minutes.

For a marinovka use bodies of 1 kg of carcasses. To place the cleaned carcasses in the boiling water for three minutes. Then to cut rings. To place in bank or a pan. To add small cut garlic (two teeth), olive oil (two tablespoons), lemon half juice to capacity. To make marinade: to add small cut fennel, two bay leaves, salt to 200 ml of water. To boil five minutes. To allow to stand 10 minutes and to add the three fourth a glass of vinegar.

To water with marinade carcasses. To put in the fridge for the night.

Squids have practically no contraindications to the use. People with individual intolerance and an allergy enter into group who should not use them.

Squids you should not use at sharp pancreatitis. At chronic – they are allowed in a diet in small doses in the boiled, baked and stewed look.

Also advise to refuse dishes with this mollusk that who has diseases of a gall bladder, in particular a stone disease.

Important! Seafood should be bought only in shops, not to take them from hands. Surely pay attention to origin of a product and refuse acquisition of seafood from unknown places or from ecologically unsuccessful areas.

Squids can do harm at their excessive use and in the gone look.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
