Strawberry compote with mint

Strawberry compote with mint

Strawberry compote is loved not only by adults, but also children! What can be better, than open in the winter a compote jar, enjoy aroma of fresh strawberry and remember warm summer? Fragrant strawberry compote with mint and currant syrup - remarkable drink for a holiday table.

It is required to you

  • - Strawberry - 2.5 glasses,
  • - sugar - 1 glass,
  • - water - 3 l,
  • - currant juice (black or red) - 1 glass,
  • - mint leaves.


1. The spreading described below is calculated on a 3-liter can. Peel strawberry, to well wash a baking plate with flowing water several times. Allow to flow down. Pour out berries in the prepared clean, dry banks. The amount of strawberry can be a little increased depending on its size - the main thing that bank it was filled approximately on a third. Add mint leaves.

2. After that it is necessary to prepare syrup: stir sugar with water and cook on weak fire before full dissolution. Pour in currant juice.

3. Fill in with the received boiling syrup strawberry in banks, to roll up at once hermetically covers (previously boiled in water). It is careful to turn banks upside down and to cover with a blanket for day. Store ready compote in the cool place.

4. Try to take strawberry for preparations ripe, with dense pulp. From such berries compote will turn out nasyshchenny more fragrantly.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
