Than carrots are useful to an organism and whether there is a harm from this product

Than carrots are useful to an organism and whether there is a harm from this product

Many heard about usefulness of carrots, however very few people know, than it is useful besides that it contains vitamin A in a large number. Pay attention that the sphere of its application very wide — from diets before treatment.

Besides, it is very important to know how it is correct to eat this vegetable to derive a benefit maximum from it.

Structure of a source of vitamin A

The chemical composition of carrots includes vitamins, macro - and minerals. Besides all of the known vitamin A in a root crop there are vitamins B1, B2, B3 (PP), B5, B6, B9, C, E, H, K, PP, beta carotene.

Learn, than vitamin A is useful to hair and face skin.

Macrocells as a part of vegetable are a potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium. Aluminum, lithium, fluorine, iron, zinc, selenium, copper are among minerals.

Whether you know? In the XVII century, carrots were a delicacy.

Nutrition value and caloric content

In 100 g of the raw carrots 35-40 kcal contain that makes nearly 2.5% of standard daily rate of calories. Together with such quantity of a root crop 1.3 g of proteins, 0.1 g of fats, 6.9 g of carbohydrates, 0.3 g of organic acids, 88 g of water, 1 g of ashes and 2.4 g of food fibers come to an organism.

At the same time as a part of fats there are no harmful trans-fats and there are almost no saturated fats, and there are only useful polyunsaturated fats. Content of food fibers (cellulose) gives effect of satiety, that is it is possible to be sated with habitual food quicker.

With low caloric content also carry pumpkin, cowberry, broccoli, a celery, strawberry, grapefruit, a lime to products.

In carrots completely there is no cholesterol. From carbohydrates are present mono - and disaccharides, sucrose, glucose, fructose, starch and dextrins.

Presence at vegetable of irreplaceable amino acids (about 0.3 g) is very important:

  • leucine;
  • valine;
  • arginine;
  • lysine;
  • isoleucine;
  • threonine;
  • phenylalanine and others.

Replaceable amino acids (about 0.6 g) are presented by glutamic acid, asparaginic acid and others.

About advantage of a product

Carrots are useful to all – for men, women and children as:

  • It is used for prevention and treatment of some diseases.
  • Reduces fatigue.
  • Increases appetite.
  • Eliminates pallor of integuments.
  • Promotes production of bile.
  • Improves sight.
  • Warns diseases of a cardiovascular system.
  • Protects from malignant tumors.
  • Improves work of a respiratory system.
  • Strengthens an eye retina.
  • Improves work of a stomach and intestines.
  • Lowers arterial blood pressure.
  • Improves work of nervous system.

Important! The scientific USA found out that consumption of carrots reduces risk of malignant tumors by 30%.

For men

The advantage of carrots for men is shown in the following:

  • The quality of sperm improves.
  • The activity of spermatozoa increases.
  • Inflow of blood to genitals amplifies.
  • Men's hormones are better produced.
  • The potency improves.
  • The endurance increases.
  • Prevention of diseases of an urinogenital system is carried out.

We advise to learn what vitamins and minerals are necessary for health of men.

However and it is only the approximate list of all advantages of carrots, and at the regular use you will be able to notice also many other advantages of this root crop.

For women

Women can feel such advantage of consumption of carrots:

  • The metabolism improves.
  • The monthly cycle is stabilized.
  • Is eliminated amenoreya.
  • Aging is prevented.
  • The problem of a brittle hair and nails is fixed.
  • The condition of an integument is normalized.
  • Promotes supply of all useful substances at pregnancy and a lactation.

Many women use carrot for preparation of various cosmetics that considering structure of vegetable quite justified step.

For children

The use of this root crop gives to children such advantages:

  • Bones and teeth become stronger.
  • Organism resilience to diseases improves.
  • Blood circulation in a brain amplifies.
  • The sight improves.
  • The advantage in respect of iron shortage control is well noticeable.
  • The problem of locks is fixed.

It is better for children to give carrots juice in the diluted look or to mix with apple.

Whether properties after processing are lost

It is the best of all for healthy people to use carrots in the raw with addition vegetable, butter or sour cream. However and after culinary processing the root crop continues to bring benefit.

Important! In Spain it was by practical consideration established what most of all useful properties in carrots remains during the frying, preparation in the pressure cooker, roasting in the Microwave oven and an oven.

In 100 g of juice 15% less proteins, for 89% – fats and for 7% – carbohydrates already contain. Caloric content at the same time goes down for 9%. However it is necessary to drink it right after preparation, otherwise all usefulness will be lost. That vitamin A was acquired in an organism, it is necessary to add a drop of sunflower or olive oil to juice.

Boiled carrots for 22% less kaloriyn, than crude, in its structure are 38% less than proteins, for 67% – fats and for 27.5% – carbohydrates. At the same time vitamin C collapses, but the amount of antioxidants increases. In such look vegetable is better acquired, but loses a part of abilities to resist to cancer tumors. In a dried look the root crop contains in 6.5 times more of calories, at the same time proteins, it is much less fats and carbohydrates, the content of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP, macrocells, iron, of course, if it is correct to dry it increases.

If to freeze vegetable by method of shock freezing, loss of useful properties will be minimum, however a number of vitamins C, B1, B2 will also be lost. It is possible to freeze entirely, to cut with straws or to grate, it is possible to boil a little before freezing. That at the same time tastes of vegetable were not lost, it is necessary to store it in tight packing.

There are vegetables which bring more benefit if them is boiled.

Tinned carrots as at long heat treatment almost all vitamin C and vitamins of group B collapses are least useful. It is possible to improve a situation by means of short thermal influence at a temperature not above +100 °C.

Important! Choosing a way of processing of carrots, consider that there will be no advantage of that food which you need to eat with a great effort. Therefore if you do not love this root crop in any look, choose other way.

Application of carrot

Besides that carrots are just eaten, it is used in cosmetology, dietology, traditional medicine.

For treatment

Carrots can be applied to elimination of such problems:

  • Lock. In this case before going to bed it is necessary to drink 100 ml of fresh carrot juice with a droplet of olive oil. Though it is possible to try to pound well root crop seeds in powder and to accept three times a day 1 g to food.
  • Anemia. 100 g of vegetable to grate, add 0.5 teaspoons of olive oil, to use daily (since morning) to food.
  • Tonsillitis. To add 1 tablespoon of honey to 100 ml of carrot juice and to rinse a throat every time after a meal.
  • Helminthic invasion. In 100 ml of carrot juice to drip oil from seeds of hemp and to drink on an empty stomach.
  • Conjunctivitis, short-sightedness, night blindness, blepharitis. To daily drink 100 ml of carrot juice or there is a vegetable in the raw.
  • Inflammation and bleeding of gums. In fresh carrot juice to add boiled and chilled water to proportions 1 to 1 and to rinse a mouth 3 times pass after a meal.
  • Burn or inflammatory formations on skin. To rub a root crop on a small grater and to put on the affected place in the form of a lotion.
  • Stones in a bladder. To make 3 tablespoons of small polished carrots in 600 ml of the boiling water, to insist 8 hours, to divide into 5 receptions and to drink every time warmed up. Or, 3 teaspoons of carrot seeds to make 600 ml of boiled water, to allow to infuse within 12 hours, to divide into 3 receptions.
  • Abdominal distension. Tincture of carrot seeds (3 teaspoons on 600 ml of boiled water), is drunk three times a day.
  • Atherosclerosis, the increased arterial blood pressure and stenocardia. Carrot juice three times a day on 1 tablespoon before meal or carrot seeds tincture according to the scheme described above.
  • Varicosity. A carrot tops of vegetable to dry up, crush, 2 tablespoons to make 500 ml of the boiling water, to set during the night. To drink 70 ml in 0.5 hours prior to food of 5 times a day.

Whether you know? Still the Ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates applied carrots in the practice, and he was interested in wild species of this plant applied as sedative much.

For weight loss and diets

The carrot diet enjoys wide popularity (say that it is possible to throw off up to 3 kg). For this purpose it is necessary within 3 days there is a salad which part are:

  • 2 young carrots rubbed on a large grater;
  • 1 any fruit rubbed on a large grater (it is better to take noncaloric types – apple, a kiwi, orange, pomegranate, grapefruit);
  • fresh juice of 1 lemon;
  • 1 teaspoon of natural honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of the olive oil Extra Virgin or low-fat sour cream.

Learn more about advantage of ingredients of this salad: apples, kiwi, oranges, pomegranate, grapefruit, lemon, honey.

The approximate menu for 3 days looks so:

  • Breakfast — carrot salad, 100 ml of kefir.
  • Afternoon snack — carrot salad, green tea without sugar.
  • The lunch is carrot salad, green tea.
  • Dinner — 100 ml of carrot juice, are possible in half with apple.

During the day it is necessary to drink 2 l of ordinary water without gas, in 0.5 hours prior to each meal it is necessary to drink 250 ml from them.

The menu for 4 day:

  • Breakfast — carrot salad, 200 ml of kefir.
  • Afternoon snack — carrot salad, green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch — 2 potatoes cooked in a uniform or baked in an oven without fat, carrot salad, green tea.
  • Dinner — 100 g of the boiled or baked without fat chicken or indyushachy fillet, carrot juice.

This day it is also necessary to drink 2 l of water. During the next several days the products can be used various, but to exclude sweet, fast food, others of harm, not to increase a portion.

Such scheme of weight loss belongs to emergency, you should not use it more often than 1 time in half a year. If there are contraindications to the use of a root crop, it is better to choose other method of weight loss.

Important! In case of deterioration in health any extreme weight loss needs to be stopped.

For appearance

This vegetable is widely used in cosmetology in the form of masks:

  • For the withering skin: 1 root crop small to rub, add 1 tablespoon of milk, to apply to face skin for 20 minutes (avoiding an eye area), to wash away not hot water.
  • Nutritious lotion: to wring out juice from carrots, to wipe a face, in 20 minutes to wash away warm water, to use twice a week.
  • The bleaching lotion: to wring out juice from a root crop, to add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, to use twice a week, after 20 minutes to wash away. Not to use for skin around eyes.
  • The refreshing mask: to grate a root crop for cheese, to put for 20 min. on a face, then to wash away cool water. To apply once a week.
  • As replacement of autosuntan and a sunbed to do a carrot mask 3 times a week at least 1 month.

Simply for food

Scope of carrots in cookery is immense:

  • In salads: separately and in combination with other vegetables, fruit, meat, with gas station from vegetable oil, sour cream, mayonnaise.
  • In cold and hot appetizers — for ornament and improvement of taste.
  • In first courses — carrot soup and also it is often added to other vegetable and krupyany soups.
  • Secondly dishes — carrot cutlets, puree, baked puddings, fried carrots, as additional ingredient in roast and garnishes.
  • In pastries — carrot cake, carrots pies, carrot cake.
  • In preservation — pickle, make sour, do caviar and salads, add at conservation of other vegetables.

You can also experiment, adding vegetable to the favourite vegetable dishes.

Whether it is possible carrots at pregnancy and feeding by a breast

If the woman has no allergy, then carrots have to be surely a part of the menu during pregnancy and breastfeeding as:

  • liquidates heartburn;
  • increases elasticity of skin;
  • eliminates locks;
  • enhances immunity;
  • promotes appetite;
  • protects from toxicosis;
  • contributes to the normal development of nervous system of the kid;
  • strengthens vessels, protecting from a varicosity and an otsloyka of a placenta;
  • takes off fatigue;
  • it is useful at the milkwoman;
  • increases the content of vitamins and useful substances in breast milk.

Such extensive list of useful properties helps at many pregnancy complications, and in the period of a lactation promotes delivery to an organism of nutrients.

Learn what vitamins are necessary for pregnant women and the feeding mothers.

Whether you know? In house conditions carrots are grown up already by 4 thousand years.

Contraindications and possible harm

It is impossible to use crude carrots if at you:

  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • inflammatory diseases of digestive tract;
  • excess of standard of acidity of gastric juice;
  • allergy;
  • problems with tooth enamel (for carrot juice).

The overdose by this root crop can cause:

  • fatigue;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • emetic reflex;
  • yellow color of integuments.

Carrots — the real well of vitamins, it is possible to eat it in any kind: fried, boiled, in the form of juice. It is irreplaceable for pregnant women and the feeding women, children, is useful to men, is used in diets and traditional medicine. Do not forget to add to this vegetable of oil, then you will be able to feel its value wholly.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
