Than honey is useful to the woman's organism

Than honey is useful to the woman's organism

Honey as curative and cosmetic began to be used by people long ago. In the rock painting created 13 thousand years BC the process of gathering wild honey is displayed.

To use it advise all though there are also contraindications to its use. Than this product of beekeeping is useful to women and as influences a female body, you can learn from our article.

To understand what benefit honey can bring, we suggest to glance and look that at it in the middle.


  • thiamine (B1) — 0.01 mg (0.7% of standard daily rate for the person);
  • Riboflavinum (B2) — 0.03 mg (1.7%);
  • pantothenic acid (B5) — 0.13 mg (2.6%);
  • pyridoxine (B6) — 0.1 mg (5%);
  • folates (B9) — 15 mkg (3.8%);
  • ascorbic acid (C) — 2 mg (2.2%);
  • biotin (H) — 0.04 mkg (0.1%);
  • RR — 0.4 mg (2%);
  • niatsin (RR) — 0.2 mg.


  • To (potassium) — 36 mg (1.4%);
  • Ca (calcium) — 14 mg (1.4%);
  • Mg (magnesium) — 3 mg (0.8%);
  • Na (sodium) — 10 mg (0.8%);
  • S (is gray) — 1 mg (0.1%);
  • Ph (phosphorus) — 18 mg (2.3%);
  • Cl (chlorine) — 19 mg (0.8%).


  • Fe (iron) — 0.8 mg (4.4%);
  • I (iodine) — 2 mkg (1.3%);
  • Co (cobalt) — 0.3 mkg (3%);
  • Mn (manganese) — 0.03 mg (1.5%);
  • Cu (copper) — 60 mkg (6%);
  • F (fluorine) — 100 mkg (2.5%);
  • Zn (zinc) — 0.09 mg (0.8%).

Besides usvoyaemy carbohydrates are a part of honey: starch and dextrins (5.5 g), mono - and disaccharides (74.6 g).

Honey — very high-calorie product, in its 100 g contains 328 kcal, that is 23.3% of standard daily rate for the person. Proteins in the same quantity of a product — 0.8 g, fats are absent, carbohydrates — 80.3 g, water — 17.4 g, organic acids — 1.2 g, ashes — 0.3 g.

Whether you know? For production of 100 g of honey one bee needs to fly about 46 thousand kilometers and to sit down on 100 thousand flowers.

Depending on a melliferous herb from which it gathers, honey is divided more, than into 60 types. The most useful to women is May or flower. He helps with fight against gynecologic diseases, removes inflammations and adjusts a dream. In general, this bee product has the following useful effects:

  • immunnomodeliruyushchy;
  • all-strengthening;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • calming;
  • rejuvenating;
  • wound healing;
  • bactericidal;
  • antiviral;
  • toning;
  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal.

It influences work of immune, cardiovascular, digestive, blood, nervous systems.

We advise to read about useful properties of types of honey: akatsiyevy, sunflower, donnikovy, dyagilevy, forest, chestnut, buckwheat, meadow, mountain.

It is unlikely someone needs to prove such curative property of honey as strengthening of immunity. It is advised to add to teas in the period of epidemics of respiratory infections, colds, for prevention of diseases and also for the fastest recovery of already sick person. For strengthening of immunity honey can be used as separately, and in mixes with other valuable products, for example, onions, honey and garlic tincture, mix of dried fruits with nuts and honey, honey and citrus mix with addition of an aloe, lemon and honey mix with addition of garlic is very effective. In the period of cold irreplaceable medicine is the ginger tea sweetened with honey.

Important! When heating honey over +50 °C it loses the most part of the valuable substances. Therefore if you love tea with honey, then drink needs to be cooled half and only then to sweeten it.

The bee product thanks to the content of glucose allows to strengthen the weakened myocardium, to expand coronary vessels, to adjust in them blood circulation and to normalize composition of blood. To people who have problems with heart or vessels, recommend to use regularly honey in combination with cottage cheese, milk, fruit.

Well garlic and honey mix (250 g / 350 to draw week) proved, especially it is effective at an ischemic disease. Cores use also the sweetened dogrose broths. They perfectly remove hypostases and adjust a diuresis, thereby removing big loading from heart.

Read also about properties, preparation and storage of broth of a dogrose.

At atherosclerosis daily accept onions and honey mix (in a proportion 1:1).

Honey is one of the best drugs for treatment of gastrointestinal problems, in particular, such as ulcer and gastritis. And it is suitable both for people with raised, and with the lowered acidity of gastric juice. For improvement of work of a GIT use warm honey solution. It dilutes slime in a stomach, reduces acidity. Cold solution increases acidity and intestines irritate. The daily use of this product of beekeeping leads to normalization of work of intestines.

For the purpose of improvement of work of digestive system use honey as in pure form, and in diluted with water and also in mix with other products, for example, with plantain juice, dried apricots and prunes.

Important! It is recommended to use no more than 150 g or five big spoons of honey for the adult and one-two teaspoons for the child in stages for one day.

At diseases of a liver recommend to accept on a half-glass of mix of honey with juice of black radish (in a proportion 1:1). This means helps to clean body and to restore its function.

The glucose and fructose which in a large number are contained in a bee product feed cells of nervous system and reduce excitability of the nervous terminations. As a result, the person who is regularly using honey comes to a condition of relaxation, it adjusts a dream, irritability decreases. At the same time the organism comes to a tone — the working capacity increases and the feeling of cheerfulness is established. Using only on a tablespoon in the morning and during the lunchtime and on a tablespoon with the hill in the evening, the person manages to adjust all functions of nervous system.

If you are tormented by insomnia, then honey solution (one tablespoon on a glass of warm water) in 40 minutes prior to a dream will help to fix this problem forever.

Each woman knows that her beauty first of all depends on a condition of skin and hair. And honey is excellent means for maintenance of health of these bodies. It is often entered into structure of masks and other cosmetology means. It softly cleans pores, promotes regeneration of integuments, restores water balance, feeds and softens, increases the level of collagen and elasticity of skin, prevents early wrinkles.

Collagen — protein which is responsible for a condition of joints, muscular sheaves, bones and skin allows them to be elastic and elastic, strong and capable to maintain big loadings.

Hair after application of honey masks take gloss, a healthy, well-groomed form, become obedient, elastic, strong, grow quicker.

The bee product at the correct application is useful to gums and teeth. For the purpose of prevention of dental problems it is advised daily to add to warm tea, water and milk. Two teaspoons a day will help to contain a mouth in a healthy state.

Chewing of honey in cells helps to get rid of an insignificant scale and a raid. And in combination with a teaspoon of iodinated salt and soda, liquid honey allows to clarify teeth on couple of tones.

Whether you know? Honey was appreciated by people for a long time. Ancient Egyptians paid with it taxes, and ancient Greeks and Romans considered it a symbol of fertility, love and beauty. From 3200th year BC bees were present at the coat of arms of Pharaohs. And Napoleon placed a bee on an emblem of the empire.

In life of the woman there are such periods when she has to watch quality of the food and those products which appear at it on a table carefully. The speech — about pregnancy and feeding by a breast. During these periods from food quality, the used mother, the state of health of the kid directly depends. As honey is a strong allergenic product, naturally, to future and new mothers it is necessary to know whether it is possible for them it is.

As the bee product contains a set of vitamins and minerals, necessary for an organism of the pregnant woman, it is necessary to use it. It allows to prevent anemia, having filled missing reserves of iron. It will strengthen the immune system which is also weakened at this time, will allow to avoid emergence of such frequent problem at pregnancy as locks. At toxicosis the use on an empty stomach of one big spoon of a bee product allows to get rid of nausea. However future mothers should be careful with this product. 100 g a day are better to be limited. It is strictly forbidden to eat it with that who has a tendency to an allergy. Immediately it is necessary to stop the use if the pregnant woman found rash on the body, it observes the dizziness, vomiting which are not connected with toxicosis.

At a lactation you should not risk with the use of a bee product. Unfortunately, the woman needs to exclude such useful means during breastfeeding from the diet. Besides because of its strong allergenicity — it can provoke development of an allergy in the child.

If mother nevertheless wants to indulge herself sweet, then from second month after the delivery she can gradually, since one teaspoon in two-three days, try this product, at the same time attentively watching a condition of the kid. In the absence of undesirable reactions it is possible to use on one teaspoon every other day before achievement of six months by the baby, later it is possible to increase a dosage to one small spoon a day.

It is also important to diabetics to know whether they can use a bee product. However in this respect there is no unambiguous opinion. There are experts who claim that it is absolutely safe for the people having diabetes as contains fructose for which processing insulin is not required. They give results of researches in which the fact that at consumption of honey the sugar level in blood does not increase is proved.

To diabetics recommend to be limited to two big spoons a day. However even the attending physician has to resolve this dose.

Important! It is necessary to get only a natural product. It has to be not luscious and sweet on taste and it is pleasant to smell. It is better to buy beekeeping products from the checked owners of an apiary.

The bee product is successfully applied also to additional therapy of some gynecologic diseases. Rendering antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects, it is capable to help as a component of complex therapy at the milkwoman, erosion of a neck of the uterus, inflammations of female genitals. It is accepted inside, do lotions, make syringing, insert tampons.

Consumption of honey is inside capable to normalize a menstrual cycle. It is necessary to mix aloe juice (one glass), honey (600 g), Cahors wine wine (600 ml), the snake mountaineer (three big spoons). To put ingredients on a water bath for 60 minutes. A reception dosage — one big spoon three times a day to food. At approach of the climacteric period advise women for improvement of a state to drink the sweetened infusion of a red guelder-rose (200 g of berries on a glass of boiled water, to draw 10 minutes). After cooling up to +50 °C to add a pcheloprodukt tablespoon. Infusion should be accepted daily before going to bed.

White honey in the best way will be suitable for lotions and syringing. These methods use, generally for treatment of vaginal candidiasis.

For lotions prepare nasturtium infusion: mix one small spoon with a glass of water, bring to boiling and weary on weak fire of 15 minutes. After cooling add 100 g of honey. In infusion moisten bandage and put to a vagina for the night.

Syringing is made 30 percent honey solution. Solution is entered into a vagina by means of the five-vat syringe. Syringings do every other day for two weeks.

Honey tampons are advised to apply at inflammations. It is necessary to connect the crushed aloe leaves (150 g) to honey (150 g). To dunk tampons or the twisted gauze into mix and to enter into a vagina for the night for six-eight hours.

At an erosion of a neck of the uterus the tampons are preparing as follows: pcheloprodukt to mix with warm boiled water before full dissolution (in a proportion 1:2). To enter into a vagina before going to bed, leaving for 12 hours.

Probably, many will be surprised by such statement of question, honey is very high-calorie product. You judge — only one teaspoon contains 29.5 kcal. Nevertheless, often this product is recommended to those who actively try to get rid of extra kilos. It is about its correct use.

  • Day 1-3. A breakfast — the tea sweetened with two small spoons of honey plus a small amount of dried fruits. Obed is ordinary. An afternoon snack — one fruit. A dinner — a glass of 1 percent kefir.
  • Day 4. Four times a day tea with honey.
  • Day 5. Four times a day a glass of 1 percent kefir.
  • Day 6. Four times a day sweet tea.
  • Day 7-9. Repetition of the scheme, as in the first three days.

It is interesting to read about advantage of kefir and nuances of the consumption of kefir for the night.

Honey also clean an organism that leads to combustion of fats and, respectively, weight loss. It is necessary to have twice a day a glass of the sweetened warm water for an hour to food.

For maintenance of healthy weight use infusion with cinnamon. Spice (one small spoon) is flooded with boiled water (200 ml), after cooling up to +50 °C mixed with honey (two small spoons). Insist 35 minutes. Divide into two parts. One part is drunk before a breakfast, the second — before a dinner.

Also honey wrappings are effective. The bee product is applied on problem places. Then these places turn back a film and a warm plaid. After holding a procedure the honey mask is washed away under a shower

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
