Girasol — a beautiful high plant with flowers, similar to a sunflower. This plant is unpretentious in leaving, very quickly grows and reaches up to one and a half meters in height. The girasol is widely known as "earth pear".
Its root crops are edible and can serve as an excellent alternative to potatoes.
It is very simple to grow up this culture, to it wreckers are not terrible and it can sprout on any soil. Even if to exclude special care for this plant, it can yield long time fruits. In addition, fruits of earth pear are very much appreciated as the content of vitamins and useful substances in them is much higher, than at the same potatoes. And those who know about useful properties of a girasol use it in the diet regularly, as does the value of this product more and more high.
The value of this root crop first of all is connected with its chemical composition. As this root crop contains a large amount of useful substances:
- Solid - 19.2%
- Protein - 11.4%
- Fat - 1%
- Cellulose - 4.2%
- Nitrogen-free substances - 78%
- Ashes - 5.8%
In earth pear the quantity of useful elements exceeds indicators of potatoes, carrot and even beet. Root crops contain a large number of useful minerals, such as iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium and manganese. Also in structure there are a pectin, protein, cellulose and amino acids.
It is possible to study day norm of all vitamins necessary for an organism and the list of the products containing them by means of the table for those who want to be healthy and beautiful (minerals).
The girasol contains a set of solids, but the most part among them is occupied by inulin. It is natural polysaccharide which for 95% consists of fructose. It promotes removal of hazardous substances from an organism and also is a fine stimulator of muscle tissue of walls of intestines that allows an organism to get rid quicker of slags and other harmful components.
In fruits of earth pear there are many useful amino acids, celluloses and also inulin which is demanded among the people suffering from diabetes. This vegetable brings out of a salt organism and also is excellent prophylactic from strokes, tuberculosis and a hypertension. Girasol leaves also have useful properties, recommend to use them at joint pain, adding to a heat bath.
Root crops perfectly remove nausea and heartburn, and juice of earth pear perfectly copes with a headache, helps at stomach ulcer and other problems of a GIT. And also it is recommended for use for the following reasons:
- The cleaning effect. The girasol is useful to the people living in zones with bad ecology. As the root crop is capable to bring radionuclides out of an organism.
- Earth pear possesses diuretic action. What allows to prevent appearance of hypostases of kidney origin.
- Earth pear promotes pressure decline.
- During the interseasonal periods it is used as means for increase in immunity as it contains vitamin C.
- Silicon helps with fruits to good digestion of calcium. Well affects health of hair, nails, bones of the person.
- In certain cases useful properties of root crops apply to prevention of oncology.
- The girasol promotes increase in physical endurance, thanks to high content of phosphorus and arginine.
Separately earth pear to bring benefit to men and women, influencing certain functions of an organism.
The main advantage of this root crop — its rich vitamin structure which is very useful. The regular use of this product by men allows to reduce risk of diseases of an urinogenital system and also has a positive impact on sexual activity. The set of researches was conducted over this root crop. Thanks to it it was proved that its useful properties affect potency and also sight and heart. Thanks to earth pear, the carbohydrate and fat balance in an organism and also a metabolism is normalized. Earth pear can be used in the preventive purposes that will allow to avoid possible problems with health in the future.
Earth pear is very useful to women as cosmetic. Its use in the form of masks promotes smoothing of wrinkles and also treatment of irritations and inflammations of skin. This product well is suitable for effective treatment of the increased skin oiliness. Many doctors recommend to use a girasol in the period of a lactation and pregnancy, thanks to the content of vitamins and minerals, the organism of mother and kid will be protected from negative impact of external factors, and food will be useful and balanced.
It is especially important to introduce a girasol and in the kids menu. Thanks to silicon content, this root crop supports normal functioning of a thyroid gland that allows to prevent hormonal violations in the child's organism, such as slowness of growth, intellectual backwardness and strong fatigue. Earth pear contains a lot of potassium which supports normal work of heart and a cardiovascular system.
Learn also about advantage: cranberries, blackberries, sweet cherries, pumpkins, cucumbers, grapefruit, pineapple, persimmon, bananas and oranges.
Consumption of earth pear will help the child, especially during the periods of formation of an organism when there are failures in work of heart. Anti-inflammatory properties of this root crop will be useful during the spring and autumn periods when the organism of the child is more subject to influence of harmful microorganisms. Therefore use in a diet of earth pear will allow an organism of the child to cope with seasonal diseases.
Both root crops, and stalks of earth pear have a large number of useful minerals and are widely applied in different spheres of human life. The most widespread is, of course, a cookery. But also the girasol is widely applied in medicine and even in cosmetology as it has a set of useful properties.
to eat in the raw as all advantage of this root crop remains. On taste it is similar to a radish with with pleasure - nut smack. It is the best of all to use it in the raw, as ingredient in salads or mixed vegetables. Such vegetables as, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens, a quince, a garden radish and even pear give a fine combination to this useful root crop. Many hostesses ask a question how to prepare a girasol. But in addition, the western culture of use of a girasol in cookery gives more and more various, interesting, and, above all, tasty options of application.
Root crops it is possible to fry, extinguish, bake, preserve also many other things. And despite heat treatment, fruits of earth pear do not lose usefulness, and the taste of dishes becomes more pronounced. The fried and baked girasol is added most often in the form of filling for pies and pancakes. From this vegetable cook also soups, jam, compotes, cutlets, baked puddings and many other things. It is very useful to use in preparation time of earth pear and additional spices in the form of garlic, greens, different grades of pepper, it will allow not only to add taste, but also to avoid emergence of a meteorizm which happens at its frequent use. Practically all recipes for a girasol approach at a disease of diabetes.
Whether you know? In some countries do coffee of a girasol. It is dried up and small frayed. Thus, low-calorie coffee turns out.
And if to use dried earth pear in the form of powder in home-made pastries, then it will long remain soft and air. The root crop difficult, but for easier process of cleaning is cleaned, it is recommended to problanshirovat at first a root crop then to clean it by the principle of young potato. But in most cases, for preservation of all useful substances it is recommended to clean just well girasol tubers from the earth remains under flowing water, keeping a skin.
The girasol as ingredient began to be used often and in house cosmetology, thanks to huge amount of useful substances and positive influence on an organism. Than the girasol in cosmetology is useful? In most cases in cosmetics root crops, juice or leaves as they perfectly help from the whole list of problems of skin are used:
- eczemas;
- psoriasis;
- furuncles;
- strong dryness of skin;
- wrinkles.
It is possible to make a large number of various skin care products of earth pear. Masks with use of pulp of a root crop promotes smoothing of wrinkles and raise a skin tone. The peeling will promote disposal of horned particles of skin and pigmentary spots. And here use of the moisturizing liquid with juice of earth pear will allow to avoid dryness and to prevent peeling. It is enough to mix juice of a root crop and mineral water, sprinkling it the person during the day. The tonic prepared with use of a girasol will help to solve a problem of black dots and rashes. At regular use, pores are cleaned from grease traffic jams.
Important! And here the bathroom with leaves of a girasol promotes rejuvenation of skin and helps with prevention of such diseases as psoriasis or eczema. It is necessary to carry out such procedure 2 - 3 times a week, 15 - 20 minutes.
This root crop also has beneficial influence on hair and head skin. For example, using a mask for hair with earth pear, it is possible to prevent repeated appearance of dandruff quickly. And broth from leaves of a girasol or rubbing in in skin of juice of root crops will allow to prevent a hair loss. It is necessary to use such masks several times a week, for achievement of result. As effect of use of such masks and means for appearance accumulative.
Earth pear is widely applied not only in national, but also in official medicine. It is connected with high content of useful elements in the vegetable. The main application of a girasol the extract of inulin, useful substance — fructose which is so necessary for diabetics is considered. In addition in the medical purposes earth pear is used for:
- simplification of a state after difficult physical and intellectual and emotional activity;
- increase in endurance;
- in the preventive purposes from infectious diseases;
- neutralizations of impact of harmful chemicals on a human body;
- to prevention of formation of oncology;
- increase in hemoglobin; stabilization of acidity of gastric juice;
- removal of symptomatology of intoxication: nausea, vomitings, pains in a stomach.
The girasol is used at treatment of the big list of various diseases. Fruits of earth pear contain the large volume of all important minerals therefore most often for treatment and prevention it is used root crops. They well influence an organism:
- reduce a tone of vessels;
- raise hemoglobin;
- promote removal of stones from an organism.
Leaves of earth pear contain pectin and are often used for treatment: savings of uric acid, so-called gout; anemia; disorders of nervous system. Also girasol leaves perfectly cope with joint pains if to add them to a heat bath. Root crop flowers perfectly cope with intoxication of an organism and remove symptomatology. At the same time they perfectly help at migraines, heartburn and elevated pressure.
If there is no opportunity to grow up a girasol independently, then it is necessary to approach attentively the choice of a root crop in shops. The fresh girasol has to have dense structure if a root crop sluggish and soft it means that it was stored incorrectly and its useful properties already come to naught. Also it is necessary to pay attention and to a root crop peel, it has to be complete, without spots and wrinkles. Existence of outgrowths on fruits is admissible as the girasol initially has similar structure.
The girasol can be eaten in the raw, previously having peeled. On taste it is similar to a chestnut, has sweetish and nut taste. Very often earth pear is added to various salads, in combination with cucumbers, tomatoes, a garden radish and greens its taste reveals even more.
Whether you know? Frequent consumption of earth pear in a diet promote rejuvenation of a blood system for 20 years. Still ancient Indians called a girasol "food for long-livers" and believed that it gives taste to life and saves from many diseases.
It is also possible to use earth pear and in the form of stuffings for pies. Or just to bake. Today there is a lot of options of use of earth pear in the form of ingredient in food. Therefore, how exactly to use a girasol, depends only from preferences and desire to experiment.
Root crops of a girasol belong to the list of perishable products therefore it is not necessary to buy it in large numbers. It is necessary to store it in the fridge. If to wrap the whole fruit of earth pear in a paper package, it can be stored in the fridge for a month. If to cut a fruit, then it will deteriorate in several days therefore it is necessary to use all at once, without keeping for later. Also the girasol can be frozen as this plant is not afraid of hard frosts, and it will not lose the useful properties.
The girasol has a set of useful properties. Only its intolerance can be the only contraindication to use of earth pear in a diet. But it meets extremely seldom. Also this root crop can cause slight discomfort in intestines if to use it in large numbers. It is connected with the strengthened gas generation.
It is important! Therefore the people suffering from a meteorizm should show consideration for this fact and to reduce quantity of this product in a diet.
This product practically has no contraindications, the main rule is to know when to stop. The girasol is a plant which can become the irreplaceable assistant both in personal care, and in prevention of diseases. Flavoring properties will help to find new and interesting recipes and to understand how to prepare a girasol, and useful properties will help with prevention of many diseases.
To remember the main thing that earth pear is not a panacea from all diseases, and the good assistant in improvement of the state of health. The huge advantage of a girasol and useful recipes will help to enter accurately into a diet this root crop and not to do harm to an organism.