you were bothered by apple pie, so it is time to change the recipe. We bring to your attention the most tasty apple pies from around the world.
- Apple pie of Tsvetaeva
On a legend this pie was cooked by Tsvetaeva for the intellectual evenings.
- antonovka, 1 kg.,
- flour, 2 glasses,
- sour cream, one and a half glasses,
- butter, 150 g,
- sugar, 1 glass,
- egg, 1 piece,
- soda, vinegar and salt.
- Lay out beforehand butter from the fridge. Wait when it heats up to room temperature, and grate it. Mix with flour.
- Add sour cream (0.5 glasses). Properly mix everything. Add soda and put out it vinegar. Knead dough – it has to be soft and it is easy to lag behind hands and walls of ware.
- Peel apples, remove a core. Cut them on thin plates.
- Roll dough by the sizes of a baking dish. Even is possible slightly more that sides turned out. Oil a form and lay from above dough.
- Shake up sour cream (1 glass), egg and sugar. Add flour (2 tablespoons). Fill in apples with the received cream.
- Bake pie in an oven of 50 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
- American apple pie
- flour, 2 glasses,
- butter, 200 g,
- water, quarter of a glass,
- lemon juice, 2 tsps,
For a stuffing:
- apples sour, 6 pieces,
- lemon juice, 2 tsps,
- sugar, one glass,
- starch, 3 tablespoons,
- butter, 2 tablespoons,
- lemon dried peel, cinnamon and vanilla.
- Chop oil from the freezer with flour to a condition of a fat crumb.
- Add a quarter of a glass of water and lemon juice. Implicate everything in flour.
- Mix everything to homogeneous mass and divide into two parts – less and more. Close dough a film and remove in the fridge for an hour.
- Until dough cools down, cut apples with thin segments. Sprinkle them lemon juice that did not darken.
- Separately mix spices, sugar and starch.
- Roll the most part of the test to a pie form, it is slightly more that there was a dough for sides. Dough has to be given a little from edges of a form.
- Lay out on dough apples, then dry mix, again a layer of apples, and again mix. From above cut into cubes oil.
- Roll a smaller part of the test in a pie form. In the center cut through a glass an opening for a steam-out. Lay dough for apples and you zashchipnit edges.
- Shake up egg and grease with it pie. Bake apple pie in an oven at a temperature of 180 degrees within an hour. Give warm.
- The French apple pie – the Taten Tart
- apples green, 1.5 kg.,
- butter, 150 g,
- sugar, half glass,
- flour, two thirds of a glass,
- egg, 1 piece,
- salt.
- Mix a half of oil with flour, add sugar – one tablespoon. Pound oil in a crumb.
- Add egg to dough and knead quickly hands. If dough rigid, you can add a water spoon.
- Kindle 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Pour it in a form and strew with a thick layer of sugar.
- Peel apples from a core and cut them segments. Lay out them on sugar, on a form a thin skin down.
- Sugar segments and lay out still apples that the layer became more dense. Between apples put oil pieces.
- Bake apples in an oven at a temperature of 200 degrees about 30 minutes. Get a form and take it on small fire of 20 more minutes.
- Roll dough that it turned out slightly more baking dish. Pin dough a fork. Cover with it apples and put in an oven for 25 minutes.
- Get from an oven, cool a little and serve the dish warm, the test down.
- Swiss apple pie
For the test
- flour, one and a half glasses,
- salt, 1 tsp,
- butter, 3 tablespoons,
- water of cold, 4 tablespoons.
For a stuffing
- apples, 3-4 pieces,
- almond meal or ground almonds, 1 glass,
- lemon, 1 segment,
- butter, 3 tablespoons,
- sugar, 1 tablespoon,
- cinnamon.
- Mix all ingredients for the test.
- Lay a form parchment and distribute dough with sides. Pin it a fork. Remove dough in the fridge for 30 minutes.
- Peel apples and cut them segments. Squeeze out on them lemon juice.
- Lay out apples on dough.
- Mix almonds with the kindled oil and sugar. Add a little cinnamon. Lay out the received mix on apples.
- Bake pie in an oven of 35-40 minutes. Give warm.
- English krambl
- apples green and sour, 6-7 pieces,
- sugar, half glass,
- butter, 100 g,
- flour, two thirds of a glass,
- nutmeg, pinch,
- ground cinnamon, 1.5 tsps.
- Cut cold oil in flour. Add nutmeg and cinnamon, mix everything hands and grind in a crumb. Put in the fridge.
- Clean and slice apples. Stew them (5 minutes) in a frying pan with butter.
- Sugar apples, mix everything and extinguish 5 more minutes. Remove from fire.
- Oil a form. Lay out on it stewed apples and strew from above with an oil crumb.
- Bake pie in an oven of 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.