Millions of people around the world from all first courses give preference to borsch – a traditional dish of Ukrainian cuisine. It is loved for unsurpassed taste and attractive appearance. Is they are it is a pleasure. Besides, even the small portion of borsch is capable to provide an organism with the substances necessary for activity. However there are also opponents of a dish doubting its usefulness. So, Ukrainian borsch: advantage or harm? Here what is told about it by nutritionists.
About advantage of the Ukrainian borsch
The Ukrainian borsch cooked according to the traditional recipe is ideally balanced dish. A ratio in it of proteins, fats and carbohydrates – carriers of the energy necessary for normal work of all organism and also minerals, vitamins and enzymes such is that the best and shouldn't wish. The indicator of optimum nutritive proportion doesn't suit only supporters of separate food and vegetarians if it is about borsch on meat soup. For other people the dish represents an example of harmony of products in one plate.
When in a dish everything is balanced, for example, fats (vegetable or animal) give soft bile-expelling effect that is useful for a liver. Proceeding from it, and all alimentary system begins to work as hours.
The real Ukrainian meat borsch with fat – the real well of protein, being the power engineering specialist, amazing on force, who guarantees cheerfulness and high level of working capacity. The complete protein feeds, gives feeling of satiety for a long time, increases efficiency of exchange processes. Vegetables and seasonings deliver to an organism macro - and minerals, organic acids, cellulose, A, C, K vitamins and groups B.
It is necessary to tell about cellulose separately. Borsch – the excellent detoksikator cleaning an organism from toxins. Mix of vegetables which go for preparation of the real, traditional Ukrainian borsch is called not accidentally "the magnificent seven". Beet, potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots, tomatoes, greens (sometimes garlic) – everything together they perfectly supplement each other and form that "the magnificent seven" which in the spasserovanny and boiled look acts as an excellent sorbent, "brush". At the expense of the cellulose which is present at these vegetables – their rather rough part which is practically not digested a stomach "seven" softly removes the products of disintegration and rotting which accumulated in an organism. One broth of the Ukrainian borsch can even apply for high degree of usefulness. It as the Japanese long-livers would tell, sends energy to fire of digestion and recovers blood, i.e. regulates its viscosity, doing it to more liquid that is useful for heart and vessels.
About harm of the Ukrainian borsch
Here what claim is made to the Ukrainian borsch by his opponents: - meat soup is harmful, it causes diseases of vessels, joints, kidneys; - carrots and cabbage – leaders in digestion of nitrates; - borsch contains the oxalic acid and dangerous connections bringing to caries, osteoporosis and other diseases; - fried vegetables, an obligatory element of the Ukrainian borsch, are the reason of development of gastritis, stomach ulcer and also bears in itself cholesterol which strikes vessels and heart. What on it can be told. A certain harm can render the broth cooked on the "wrong" meat. That is received from an animal to which diet hormones of growth or antibiotics were added. An exit here one – buy meat from the checked producers and you will have nothing to be afraid.
There is a good way to secure broth. As soon as meat in a pan begins to boil, remove it from fire and merge liquid. Wash out meat, fill in with fresh water, put the whole bulb, again put on fire. Then throw out a bulb.
Concerning nitrates: the opinion that together with cabbage and carrots their large number gets to an organism is contradicted by other opinion based on the conducted researches. According to conclusions of scientific researches the vegetables which underwent heat treatment unlike fresh provide light transit of nitrates on intestines and their safe conclusion from an organism. Concerning oxalic acid: yes, it is present at borsch, but at concentration, harmless for health. Besides it is easily neutralized by sour cream which when giving the Ukrainian borsch on a table is obligatory. Fried vegetables. Process of frying of onions and carrots happens not for long, only before emergence of a lung of golden color. Cancerogenic substances with the high content of carbon are formed, as we know, only in the burned products which were exposed to frying in oil or fat at high temperatures a long time. Just don't allow it at preparation of fried vegetables, and then it won't be dangerous to your health. So what harm bears the Ukrainian borsch? Yes, in general, any. It is no more than far-fetched and nothing the confirmed myth. The advantage of this dish was proved by the thousand-year culinary history of its use and a set of objective researches. It is only important to use quality products and the nobility of the rule of preparation of the real traditional Ukrainian borsch.