Useful properties and contraindications of baked apples: the recipe and the instruction of preparation in an oven, the microwave and the multicooker

Useful properties and contraindications of baked apples: the recipe and the instruction of preparation in an oven, the microwave and the multicooker

Apples — the tasty and useful product granted to us by the nature which surely should be included in the diet. Except various apple pies, jam and salads, there is a dish on which preparation the minimum of time and expenses will leave, and the maximum of taste, aroma and advantage — baked apple will turn out.

What the advantage of such delicacy for human health what ways of its preparation and feature of the chemical and power composition, we will consider in more detail in our article consists in.

Power value or caloric content

Caloric content of this baked fruit without additives, depending on a grade, by results of different researches, is slightly more, than at fresh — 45-70 kcal on 100 g.

We advise to read about advantage of dried and soaked apples.

The people keeping to a diet should consider that fact that if to bake apples with sugar, honey, cottage cheese, raisin, prunes and other sweets, the caloric content of a product increases up to 100 kcal by 100 g.

If to speak about power value, when roasting apples water evaporates, but concentration of proteins and fats remains at very low level. Concentration of carbohydrates grows several times:

  • proteins — 0.4-0.6 g;
  • fats — 0.3-0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates — 15-25 g.

Whether you know? According to archaeological researches, people began to eat paradise fruits more, than 6500 years B.C.

Quantity I WATCH it is specified 100 g of a product.

Chemical composition

The food fibers which are favorably influencing work of a GIT remain the main element as a part of the baked apple. Also the product is vitamin-rich. Here at a small amount there is almost all line of V-vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), also vitamins A, With, E, N, To and SS. From minerals as a part of a product there are an iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, a pine forest, cobalt, vanadium. Besides, baked apples are rich with folic acid and pectins, in a peel there is ursolovy acid, and stones contain iodine which is also useful in small amounts.

Whether you know? Many are sure that the section of apples blackens because of oxidation of iron in them. But it not so. There really is a difficult chemical reaction of oxidation of vegetable pigments — polyphenols, similar to what happens to potatoes.

Than baked apples are useful: properties and useful effect

Thanks to the low caloric content and positive impact on an organism, baked apple — one of the most popular products for weight loss, diets and maintenance of a muscular tone. But this not only useful property of this dessert.

The pectin which is a part of a product improves digestion, accelerates removal of slags and favorably influences a state and skin color. The baked apple, by means of the iron, potassium and folic acid which are contained in it makes a huge contribution to stable work of heart and a blood system. Thanks to consumption in food of this product, production of hemoglobin becomes more active, processes of clarification of blood, blood formation, blood circulation and enrichment of bodies with oxygen amplify. Introduction of delicacy to a food allowance reduces risks of leukoses, ateroskleroz, heart attacks and strokes.

Important! It is proved that eating two baked apples a day within a month, the person reduces risk of development of a stroke on a third.

Medical application, treatment, prevention, vitaminization

Baked apples are vitamin-rich, minerals and useful minerals therefore they are widely applied in the medical purposes to treatment and prevention.

For the child

To begin to lure the child of puree from baked apple it is possible from 6 months. For the kid the dish will become not only delicacy, but also will promote digestion and to maintain immunity.

At heat treatment the apples almost do not lose the useful properties. The children's digestion which is not up to the end created will treat baked apples more favourably, than fresh. At poisonings which often happen at children's age such apple dish becomes the best means for treatment of intoxication of a children's organism. The well of vitamins and minerals will be not only a favourite dessert for the child, but also the faithful assistant, supporting work of immune and cardiovascular systems. Calcium, ursolovy acid and vitamins A, B6 and C promote strengthening of bones and development of muscle tissue of the child.

Important! Baked apple desserts are fine antiviral means, thanks to the antibacterial and immunosupporting properties of vitamin C. Iodine contributes to the intellectual development of the child, and tastes of a dessert will not leave the kid indifferent.

For the feeding mother (when breastfeeding)

The healthy nutrition of mother directly affects health and health of the baby. Mother can eat baked apples in the first weeks of the birth of the kid. The dish is hypoallergenic, full of vitamins and minerals. Apples do not influence a lactation, but have positive effect on health and digestive system of the kid as get to it with mother's milk. If within several days after intake of the baked fruit the condition of the kid did not change, it is possible to include safely a dessert in the diet on a constant basis.

Learn what vitamins are necessary to the feeding mothers.

Baked apples have properties of restoration of an imbalance in an organism after the delivery, they will help to restore forces and will give to cheerfulness.

The baked apple delicacy — a tasty and useful dish which will provide health to the kid and tranquility mother.

At diabetes

One more advantage of baked apples — the low glycemic index. This property is especially useful for the people having diabetes, helps to keep glucose level in blood on acceptable level.

Important! Endocrinologists say that inclusion in the menu of one-two baked apples in day for saturation of an organism will be useful for diabetics.

The pectin which is in structure of baked fruits at regular food will clean a GIT from slags, blood from hazardous substances and will reduce insulin level in blood.

At pancreatitis

Baked apples are resolved at all types of pancreatitis, when performing some conditions:

  • it is necessary to bake only sweet grades;
  • during aggravation it is possible to use such dessert a week later from an onset of the illness;
  • at aggravation of a chronic stage it is necessary to eat the baked apple delicacies without peel, in the ground look.

Huge plus of the baked apple desserts for patients with pancreatitis is the lowered acidity of a product. Therefore load of a pancreas is minimum and fruit perfectly are digested, providing an organism with useful substances and portion of carbohydrates. Pectin and cellulose normalize digestion and solve problems with a lock and a meteorizm, at the same time baked apples do not cause swelling and belly-aches.

Important! The baked apple dessert does not overload, and on the contrary, promotes work of a GIT that favorably affects work of a pancreas and a course of disease.

For intestines and at stomach ulcer

Both at pancreatitis, and at stomach ulcer there is a question of healthy nutrition which the baked apples will help to solve. At their systematic use as it was told above, it is possible to get rid of many disorders of digestion.

These fruit in the baked look will be one of those dishes which will promote the fastest recovery.

The fact for sweet teeth is still important. Among all desserts baked apples are the safest and useful. This fact by the fact that at heat treatment cellulose of apples becomes softer and susceptible for digestion is explained.

At problems with a GIT use in a diet: beet, pumpkin, a young kohlrabi, a cauliflower (only inflorescences), greens of parsley and fennel.

The stomach excretes a minimum of gastric juice for digestion, receiving at the same time a maximum of nutritious and useful properties.

In cosmetology

Baked apples — one of products which it is possible not only to eat for improvement of the general condition of an organism but also to use as cosmetology means.

So, the regular use of a product normalizes metabolism processes, thereby helping to regulate weight and also will become excellent ingredient for diets. Besides, the minerals which are a part of a dish promote improvement of a muscular tone, quality and skin color.

Important! Thanks to cleaning properties of the pectin which is a part, baked apples will help to get rid of eels and pimples.

Cosmetologists recommend to use masks for skin from the baked apples for skin aging delay. Also similar masks are useful to fat type of skin, to fight against enlarged pores and to disposal of eels.

How many it is possible: day ration

Abuse is a big enemy of the person. Quite often ourselves spoil the health, having sat down on any given useful products. And with the baked apples. Yes, the stock of their useful properties is boundless. But, as speak, in everything it is necessary to observe a measure. For example, the adult is able to afford 2-3 apples a day, for kids of 2 years the fruit half once in several days is admissible, children from 5 to 10 years can allow to eat 1 apple in 2 days.

It is important! In case you want to go on an apple diet, it is necessary to stock up with large portions of a product. The essence of a diet is in that for 5-7 days to eat exclusively baked apples (up to 1 kg a day). Important condition: they need to be washed down with a large amount of water. If the will power does not allow you to live on only one this fruit, it is possible to add to a diet or liter of kefir, or low-fat yogurt, or to have breakfast boiled vegetables, chicken breast, croutons, and after a lunch to pass to paradise fruit and water.

Storage and preparation for the winter

The best apple fruits for roasting are those, the place of a cut on which quickly darkens. Therefore it is necessary to stock up with such copies for the winter, of course, winter grades best of all will be suitable for such business (Antonovka, Simirenko). Optimum temperature of storage — 0...+5 °C, humidity — 85-95%. The room needs to be aired regularly as fruit emit ethylene — gas which has negative effect on storage: it accelerates ripening of fruits and reduces the term of their storage. The apple storage has to be prepared properly: it is the best of all to carry out whitewashing of walls and processing of a floor by iron vitriol. The best container for apple fruits — boxes from a tree or cardboard, containers, racks.

Fruit need to be picked accurately, avoiding damages and to sort them.

Important! It is not recommended to store apples in one room with other vegetables and fruit: they do not suffer the neighbourhood.

How to make baked apples: recipe and step-by-step instruction

There is a set of recipes for such tasty and useful dessert. Let's open secrets of some them them.

We prepare in an oven

In an oven it is possible to prepare really paradise apples: their taste and aroma will not leave indifferent any gourmet. And that the most important, is quite simple to prepare such culinary masterpiece: fruit need to be cut in half, to take a core, and in a dimple which was formed, to place honey and cinnamon. Delicacy is ready to roasting, it was necessary only to place it in an oven. Preparation time — 20 minutes at a temperature up to 200 °C. It is possible to diversify taste, having powdered such dietary dessert with nuts, raisin, dried apricots, ginger, candied fruits, cinnamon — a word what soul will wish.

In the microwave

One more remarkable way — roasting of apples in the microwave. It differs in ease, simplicity and speed of preparation. Main ingredients: apple fruits and honey.

Perhaps, the heaviest stage is to remove a core so that not to puncture fruit through. Then it is necessary to fill in the formed dredging with honey.

Important! The number of use of honey in this recipe depends on as far as you the sweet tooth, and from degree of acid of the fruit.

Roasting time — only 5 minutes provided that the microwave works at full capacity.

In the multicooker

One of trends of modern cookery — the apples baked in the multicooker. Original compound of ingredients does a dish not only very useful, but also amazingly tasty. So, apples, honey (sugar), cinnamon, cottage cheese, nuts will be necessary for you for preparation of such unique delicacy.

Important! Skilled hostesses recommend to choose for roasting in the multicooker apples with a firm peel and sourish pulp (for example, Simirenko). When using grades with a soft peel tasty baked apple porridge as a result can turn out.

On a bottom of dredging which was formed in apples after withdrawal of cores it is necessary to place honey (sugar), to fill the remained emptiness with the cottage cheese ground in the blender with cinnamon and nuts. If desired, it is possible to experiment and mix cottage cheese with jam or jam. To place the prepared product in the multicooker and to bake about 40 minutes, depending on the hardness of a peel of the apple.

As you can see, baked apples are not just a dessert. It is the real well of vitamins and substances, useful to human body. For persons interested to lose weight, such dish — the real find as process of weight loss on an apple diet quite tasty and not wearisome. And for all who just want to be healthy, the baked apple dessert — delicious and useful folk remedy.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
