All who though once I kept to a diet, know that it is necessary to use a lot of pure, grass broths, green tea and also fresh juices and juice. But there are drinks which result in absolutely opposite result, that is to a set of weight. What drinks aren't advised by nutritionists?
Systematic consumption of following drinks can lead not only to obesity, but also to serious problems with health. Whenever possible, it is necessary to refuse them absolutely or at least strongly to limit.
Alcoholic drinks, and especially sweet wines and beer, very kaloriyna also contain a lot of sugar. And considering that to drink snack is put, and not always useful, that harm from alcohol intake doubles, increases load of digestive organs, amount of the consumed fats and sugars grows.
Coffee helps to cheer up in the mornings, and it is the fact. But over time caffeine ceases to affect nervous system excitingly, at people the drowsiness, impossibility to concentrate, absent-mindedness, breakdown develops. That it will a little be loaded with energy, the person goes either behind a cup of coffee, or behind having a snack to fill missing forces and energy. Than the coffee dependence is stronger, that high probability to gain weight.
Sweet sparkling water
100 milliliters of lemonade contain about 2 teaspoons of sugar, and a half liter bottle whole 10, that is, drinking a jar of Kola, we receive 2 standard daily rates of sugar. Some found, according to them, a healthy alternative and use Kola without sugar. Such people damage health even more because sugar is replaced with aspartame, very harmful sweetener which negatively affects an alimentary system and health in general.
Sweet tea
Judges of tea recommends to take this drink without sugar and all additives, only this way it is possible to feel taste and aroma of drink. Sugar, added to a cup, especially in large numbers, doesn't manage to be transformed completely to energy and is laid in fat weight. Completely it isn't necessary to exclude sugar, and here to tea it is better to refuse fancy bread after all.
Juice of industrial production
Juice - incomparably useful product, but only house and freshly squeezed. The product acquired in shop contains juice of no more than 50%, and all other it sugar, sweeteners flavor enhancers, preservatives and water. One 200-gram box on a sugar content is equated to two-three cups of sweet tea.