What from sports food to accept for weight loss

What from sports food to accept for weight loss

Weight loss is a hot topic for many men and women. Often in a pursuit of beautiful forms the people follow many doubtful diets which can is destructive to affect an organism. But there are two inseparable concepts which will help to reach a figure of the dream, are physical exercises and the corresponding food (sport food), for example, zhiroszhigatel. Article will tell what zhiroszhigatelny additives are admissible to be accepted for this purpose and according to what scheme.

Whether zhiroszhigatel help to lose weight

There is an opinion that the use of additives for combustion of fat anyway gives effect of weight reduction. But it is not necessary to perceive zhiroszhigatel as means for weight loss as the mechanism of their action consists in a message to an organism of additional impulses for transformation of fat in energy.

The described additives work only in a complex with certain actions:

  • observance of a diet (the organism has to receive necessary amount of protein, slow carbohydrates, nonsaturated fats and a large number of fruit and vegetables);
  • reduction of a kalorazh of food;
  • trainings.

Therefore, at healthy nutrition the notable action of zhiroszhigatel is guaranteed and consists in:

  • loss of appetite;
  • restoration of energy thanks to combustion of fats;
  • temperature increase of a body;
  • accelaration of metabolic processes.

Important! Do not use zhiroszhigatel constantly, and periodically take a break in reception: increasing endurance and activity, these medicines create feeling of false euphoria at the person and can cause accustoming.

As they influence the athlete's organism

Depending on types of zhiroszhigatel various properties as as any means and substances, they also bear to an organism advantage, and they can cause some side effects are inherent in them.


Using a complex of sports food for weight loss, you will become more active and mobile, both in everyday life, and at trainings. Pluses from intake of additives for combustion of fat:

  • weight reduction that well affects all an organism;
  • their toning influence thanks to the natural components and extracts entering them;
  • metabolism improvement;
  • decrease in level of bad cholesterol;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • normalization of work of heart and vessels;
  • memory improvement;
  • increase in resistance to stress.

Learn what sports food is suitable for weight loss to men and women.

Side effects

One of shortcomings of the use of sport food is that its action does not guarantee 100% result absolutely for each person — here everything individually. Sense of proportion, care and observation of reaction of an organism are also important, otherwise the overdose with notable side effect because of influence of these additives on the central nervous system, a thyroid gland can threaten you and also at stomach diseases. Therefore, before a sports diet the consultation of the attending physician is obligatory. There are following possible negative effects from zhiroszhigatel:

  • sleep disorders (at reception in the second half of days);
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • constant nervousness;
  • nausea;
  • frustration of a gastrointestinal system;
  • tachycardia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increase in blood pressure.

Important! At the use of sports food surely strictly follow the instruction: it is not admissible to accept high doses of a zhiroszhigatel, otherwise it is fraught with serious violations of health.

Rating of the best zhiroszhigatel

We represent top ten zhiroszhigatel according to specialists in sport food:

  1. Lipo 6 Black (Nutrex, USA). The leader of sales in the majority of the countries. As a part of a product there are components capable to fight successfully against fat deposits thanks to the prolonged action and light comprehensibility without side effects from a GIT. Contains caffeine, yokhimbin, theobromine. Advantages — has the high efficiency which is shown for a short period. Thanks to release in gel capsules medicine is easily acquired. Shortcomings — the high price.
  2. Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite (MuscleTech, USA). The product with success fights against subcutaneous fat, works as a termogenik (influences heat production of an organism), increasing power exchange and quantity of noradrenaline. Structure — L-teanin, waterless caffeine, extracts to a yokhimba, cocoa, green coffee. Advantages — not inflated price; has the checked effect and high quality. Shortcomings — need of strict following of the instruction; individual intolerance; does not suppress appetite.
  3. Animal Cuts (Universal Nutrition, USA). Termogenik. Disperses metabolism, stimulates work of an endocrine system, promotes energy accumulation, increases concentration of attention, reduces appetite. In its structure — a guarana, caffeine, a mat, extracts of black and green tea leaves. Advantages — good effect; convenient packaging. Shortcomings — the high price; probability of collateral feelings.
  4. MusclePharm CLA (USA). High-quality medicine, contains useful components — fats, oils (olive and avocado) and also CLA (the conjugated linoleic acid). Advantages — are burned by fat, without losing muscle bulk; recovers muscles after the trainings; excellent antioxidant. Shortcomings — need to be combined with other medicines.
  5. Tight Extreme (SAN, USA). The powerful burner of fats, has in structure complex synergy mix (components strengthen action of each other) — waterless caffeine, extracts of a root of a garmala ordinary and fruit of a citrus mesh, bark to a yokhimba and others. Advantages — are increased by energy potential; moderate price. Shortcomings — are some contraindications.
  6. Dren (MHP, USA). Belongs to a new class of medicines, gives powerful zhiroszhigatelny effect. Has quite simple structure (drenbuterol, maltodextrin, silicone dioxide, magnesium stearate). Advantages — high quality; the stable mode of trainings and a diet is necessary for achievement of good results. Shortcomings — reception only from 18-year age; the thermogene effect is poorly expressed; high cost.
  7. Revex-16 (Scitec Nutrition, USA). Has thermogene effect with steady zhiroszhigatelny action, regulates metabolism, dulls appetite, has the invigorating properties. Are a part — caffeine waterless, a citrus, extracts of green tea and a gamboge Cambodian, a bitter melon. Advantages — the moderate price. Shortcomings — are contraindications; it is considered not the main, and auxiliary medicine on drying.
  8. Iron Cuts from Arnold Schwarzenegger. The sports food which is specially developed for men as it is capable to support testosterone level at the high level. Regulates quantity of cortisol and a metabolism. In structure — extracts of a root of poppy Peruvian, seeds of pumpkin, seeds of a fenugreek and leaves of an eriobotriya Japanese. Advantages — promotes three-phase combustion of fat. Shortcomings — the high price; does not suppress appetite.
  9. Hyper Shred (BSN, USA). Medicine is directed to power generation and control of weight. Carries out metabolic support. Contains vitamins, waterless caffeine, extract of orange bitter, fruits of red and black pepper. Advantages — high quality. Shortcomings — the high price; sleep disorders.
  10. Lean Mode (Evlution Nutrition, USA). Medicine does not contain stimulators. Controls metabolism and appetite. Structure such is — a gamboge, extract of seeds of green coffee, extract of green tea, caffeine, antioxidants. Advantages — operates weight; reasonable price. Shortcomings — for achievement of effect the raised medicine dose in day is necessary.

Products in our rating can absolutely affect on a miscellaneous different people as at each person the organism is unique. Therefore before buying weight loss products, obligatory consultation of the specialist in sports food is necessary.

Whether you know? Not only athletes, but also the people connected with the increased physical activities can use sport food: geyner or protein mixes are capable to recover power losses of an organism quickly.

As it is correct to accept

Not to do much harm to health and to achieve good results in weight loss, the healthy nutrition of the athlete has to be based on the following principles:

  1. Periodization in reception. That the organism did not develop resistant tolerance to any given medicine, follow such scheme: reception no more than 14 days, then 7 days of rest, and again 2 weeks course.
  2. Additives need to be used on an empty stomach (if it is not specified differently) and to wash down with a large amount of water (from 300 ml).
  3. Let's not allow intake of the same medicine it is long (more than 4 months). It is the best of all to do replacement, both on a brand, and on impact on an organism — for example, to replace a stimulator of a thyroid gland on anorektik (reduces the need for food) or a termogenik.
  4. You do not aspire to the maximum single dosage, considering that thus it is possible to gain visible effect. It is better to begin with minimum possible amount of medicine, checking impact on an organism of its components. If you notice after that real effect, remain in such dosage until the end of a training course. It is important to consider that if a small amount of medicine works, then it is not obligatory that the high dose can accelerate results.
  5. Do not follow blindly the recommendations of software producers to an occasion of daily administration of drugs, and you approach a question elaborately. For example, it is not desirable to accept a zhiroszhigatelny complex with the components stimulating the central nervous system in recovery days, otherwise they can cause oppression. And a termogenik it is just necessary to use daily as its effect is shown in days of rest.
  6. Fix progress. It is important to remember that the first results of a zhiroszhigatelny course can become noticeable after 2-3 weeks application. Therefore, it is very important to estimate advance to the treasured purpose. For this purpose it is possible to use any methods — weighing, measurement of volumes, photography of.

What else sport food helps to lose weight

Producers of sports food produce a set of additional additives for weight loss. We will stop on the most important.


The L-carnitine is not doping and not an artificial stimulator, but the vitaminopodobny substance produced by our organism in the small quantities not sufficient for combustion of fat. Therefore in fight for a beautiful body the athlete needs to accept up to 2 grams of a L-carnitine a day. Also we will notice that the effect of additive is shown only in combination with other fat-burning products.

Whether you know? One gram of sports food can be equated to 180 grams of usual food. Therefore additives help the person to control consumption of quantity of food and to avoid overeating.

The L-carnitine has the following qualities:

  • stimulates endurance;
  • increases power exchange;
  • serves as good addition to other zhiroszhigatel;
  • reduces collateral influence from the use of other medicines;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • gives protection to vessels;
  • it is active only at power loading;
  • costs rather not much.

Video: L-carnitine

Omega-3 (cod-liver oil)

This substance is nonsaturated fatty acids which are not synthesized by an organism, but their presence is necessary for its normal functioning (a fast zhiroszhiganiye, adjustment of a metabolism).

Read in more detail where to look for and than are useful an omega-3.

Are a source of these fats:

  • fish and seafood;
  • vegetable oils (flax, germs of oats and wheat, soy, pumpkin, hempy, etc.).

The modern person for various reasons experiences difficulties in obtaining optimum quantity the Omega-3 from usual products. If their enough, then the expected sports results — combustion of fat, extension of muscles or high power achievements does not come to an organism, are impossible. Therefore producers of sports food represent various and enough the additives with the specified component complemented with antioxidants. It is below — daily quantity the use by athletes the Omega-3:

  • extension of muscles — 2–3 g;
  • weight reduction — 3–4 g.


BCAA (Branched-chain amino acids) — the complex additive consisting of the following irreplaceable amino acids which are in protein molecules:

  • leucine — the main part of all proteins regulating synthesis of a protein;
  • valine — takes part in formation of fabrics and makes energy for muscles;
  • the isoleucine — participates in metabolism of a leucine, synthesizes hemoglobin, regulates the level of sugar and helps to develop energy.

The human body does not produce the described amino acids therefore it has to receive them with food in sufficient volume, especially at a power training. For their best assimilation it is not desirable to accept the VCAA complex together with other amino acids.

Get acquainted with main types of sports food.

Rules of application of the VCAA complex and daily requirement:

  • for extension of muscles and a zhiroszhiganiye — 4–8 g in one step, three times a day;
  • additive needs to be used with food, for half an hour prior to trainings and half an hour later.


Proteins (protein) are organic matter which consists of the amino acids united among themselves and are a basis of muscular fabrics. The origin is plant and animal. Proteins play various roles in an organism:

  • adjustment of biochemical reactions;
  • participate in exchange processes;
  • performance of mechanical and structural functions;
  • maintenance of a cellular form, etc.

Also it will be interesting to you to learn as it is correct to drink a protein.

The sport assigns to proteins an important part, and they are applied in the following directions:

  • extension of muscles;
  • decrease in a fat hypodermic layer;
  • maintenance of a body in physical shape.

Protein additives are applied as follows:

  • in one step it is recommended to use no more than 30 g is the most optimum amount of protein for assimilation by its organism for once;
  • it is recommended to dissolve additive in milk, water or juice;
  • it is not recommended to mix a portion of a protein with portion of a geyner (additive with carbohydrates as a part of which there is already a protein), it is better to use it in 1 hour prior to or after reception of a geyner.

Food allowance and mode of trainings as important aspect of weight loss

According to athletes, the best way to a zhiroszhiganiye and the maintenance of the body in a tone, are:

  • healthy and balanced nutrition;
  • schedule of training occupations;
  • observance of the mode.

We will tell below how to pick up the optimum schedule of consumption of products during regular sports trainings.

Important! It is not recommended to accept food at once upon termination of trainings: the organism at this moment still splits residues of the substances laid in store, and food will become additional loading.

The general principles of food at power loadings:

  • starting change of the mode of consumption of food, it is necessary to consult the medical specialist in sport or the mentor in fitness as they know what amendments to the mode need to be made;
  • that there were forces for sports occupations, you need to have breakfast densely and to train daily within 1 hour;
  • when there is no desire to have breakfast, enter a habit to have supper earlier: food will manage to be digested at night and for the morning you will feel hunger;
  • to cause morning desire the gymnastics, jog and a contrast shower are capable to eat that will accelerate metabolism and will promote effective weight loss;
  • during the trainings it is impossible to starve as because of it the organism can be exhausted, and the achieved results will be nullified;
  • to overeat and eat express food — it is inadmissible;
  • eating food, concentrate on it: it is not necessary to speak by phone at this time and to watch TV;
  • eat food only when you hunger;
  • reduce in a diet plain carbohydrates (sugar, pastries, chocolates, sparkling water) and eat difficult (grain, fruit, rice, bean);
  • before the training (in 2–3 hours) accept a portion of protein; if because of your operating schedule there is no opportunity for full meal, before a training (in 40 min.) make having a snack (fruit or fermented milk products), and in 2 hours, having come back home, eat more densely;
  • eat small portions; an interval between each reception of food — no more than 3 hours. It will help not to hunger, you use less food, and the body uses energy for the needs;
  • every day it is necessary to eat from 400 g of vegetables (potatoes are excluded) or pharmaceutical cellulose;
  • it is necessary to adjust the daily drinking mode (to 8 glasses of purified water);
  • active sports activities demand receipt in an organism of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, the Omega-6) from fish (steam or boiled) and vegetable fats and oils and also a small amount of natural butter during a breakfast;
  • refuse meal after 18 hours, but if there is a hunger, at first it is possible to use low-fat kefir.

If you made the decision to regularly play sports to grow thin, you need to adhere to special food for athletes. What additives to accept — to solve to you, but consultation of the sports dietitian in this case is necessary. If you make efforts, combining regular sports loadings and an acceptable diet, then will be able to lead the figure to the treasured purpose.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
