What is a macadamia and than it is useful

What is a macadamia and than it is useful

Probably, today you will not meet the fashionista who would not hear about the Australian nut a macadamia. And the girls far from the world of glamourous magazines prefer to see on the label a treasured inscription with macadamia oil. What is this ingredient which created such rush so well-known for?

What nut and where it grows is

In Australia where in forests of Queensland the fog seldom dissipates, the tree a macadamia grows. The name of a plant is not translated in any way. One famous Australian researcher F. Müller called it in honor of the friend, John Mac Adam. For the century it can gain 15 meters of height, and 100 years without respite are capable fructify. However, until the tree begins to fructify, wait 8 years are necessary. But, in comparison with a centenary harvest, it is trifles.

Fruits of a macadamia are the nuts ripening about half a year. These are the most high-calorie and most expensive representatives of nut brotherhood. After they were opened and even delivered to Hawaii where, as we know, fertile soils of volcanic origin, about these nuts for some reason forgot. Only at the beginning of the XX century to them the glory, and also new places for growth came. Now you will meet the Australian handsome and in New Zealand, and in Africa (Zimbabwe, the Republic of South Africa, Kenya), and in the USA (Hawaii, California), and in South America (Mexico, Brazil, Jamaica, Paraguay), and in China.

Learn more about useful properties of nuts of cashew and also muscat, walnut and black nut.

Hawaiian plantations take the leading position on cultivation of a macadamia today. The areas of growth of nut there really impress. World production of the king of nuts or kindalya promptly grows. In the 70th of the last century 6 thousand tons of a product were got and supplied to the market, and by 2000 this figure grew to 26 thousand tons. Today the world performance of unique nut contains already 40 thousand tons, but it is still expensive pleasure. To collect fruits and to get from them a core very difficult and process of processing is very expensive.

Caloric content and chemical composition

You will definitely not call the Australian nut a dietary product — in 100 g of a product 718 kcal contain! In one nut (weight about 2 g) — 14.36 kcal, and in 100 g of oil of their macadamia — 845. If to paint nutrition value of a crude product, then it will turn out that 75.77 g of fats are the share of 100 g, 7.91 g of proteins, 13.82 g of carbohydrates, the rest is made by food fibers and water. A macadamia it is vitamin-rich also minerals, generally copper, manganese and thiamine (B1) and also calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, a niatsinovy equivalent (RR), etc.

Whether you know? The cost of one kilogram kindalya exceeds 30 US dollars only in Australia. Considering transportation costs, its price in our corner of the world increases by one and a half times.

Let's paint balance of nutrients in figures:

  1. Vitamins: B1 (1.195 mg), B2 (0.162 mg), B5 (0.758 mg), B6 (0.275 mg), B9 (11 mkg), With (1.2 mg), E (0.54 mg), RR (2.473 mg).
  2. Macrocells: To (368 mg), Sa (85 mg), Mg (130 mg), Na (5 mg), Ph (188 mg).
  3. Minerals: Fe (3.69 mg), Mn (4.131 mg), Cu (756 mkg), Se (3.6 mkg), Zn (1.3 mg).

Among usvoyaemy carbohydrates there is most of all mono contents - and disaccharides (4.57 g) and also sucrose (4.43 g). Fructose and glucose insignificant contents — on 0.07 g. Thus, the crude core of nut of a macadamia contains the most part of the vitamins and elements necessary for our organism for normal functioning and restoration.

Advantage for an organism

Production of nut already suggest an idea of its great value for the person. Not only as additive in cosmetics, but also as food.

  • Kindal is capable to weaken manifestations of migraine.
  • Regular consumption of nuts will bring to elderly people a lot of benefit in stabilization of work of heart and in passability of vessels.
  • Nuts of a macadamia are recommended to be taken in food to the people having a frequent tonsillitis, arthritis, that whose organism is inclined to formation of tumors.
  • Prevention of osteoporosis and other troubles with a bone tissue is also an integral part of the use of a product.
  • The people suffering from irritability, neurosises and even depressions need absolutely to use three-four nuts a day for stabilization of work of central nervous system.
  • Zinc contains in nuts in enough to affect potency at men and to adjust work of their urinogenital system at the regular use.
  • With a macadamia you will forget about what is the shortage of vitamins B an organism.
  • Restoration after a hard work or the exhausting disease will be much more effective if to add it with the Australian nut possessing strengthening and the toning action.
  • In traditional medicine of a kernel kindalya strongly recommend patients with an anemia as they effectively normalize krovetvoryashchy function of an organism.
  • It is known that vitamins of group B accelerate metabolism, and they contain in a macadamia much.

Important! The Australian nut, at all the advantage for the person, for a dog constitutes huge danger. It causes the severe intoxication which completely passes only in two days.


The mass of useful properties of unique nut promotes its broad application. Consumption normalizes many processes in an organism and interferes with malignancies. Addition in cosmetics allows to forget about dryness of skin and its unhealthy state. Even the dietology found application for this high-calorie product. Let's consider everything one after another.

We advise to read about ways of cleaning of walnuts of a shell.

In cookery

The high-calorie, containing many fats and emitting essential oil nut, is generally used in food and so gives to an organism the greatest advantage. The small or broken nutlets add to salads, to dishes with seafood and also use for an oil pressing. The large whole nuts having external similarity to forest are slightly fried, then covered with chocolate or caramel. They say, the taste of a macadamia perfectly supplements a sherry.

In dietology

The dietology means not only weight loss, but also clarification of an organism. Fruits of a macadamia contain the substances promoting this clarification: to a conclusion of toxins, poisons, heavy metals. Also they help to get rid of excess of cholesterol. The king of nuts not for nothing carries such proud name, its multidimensional influence on a human body can only be surprised. For example, he is capable to regulate lipidic exchange, promoting weight reduction.

Get acquainted with oil of walnut, almonds and peanut butter.

Certainly, at the limited use as nevertheless you should not forget about the calories which are contained in a product. People with a hypertension have the diet directed to stabilization of arterial blood pressure too. Experts recommend to include in it the Australian nuts, at least three pieces a day. As we already mentioned above, kindal has also the general positive influence on a cardiovascular system.

Whether you know? When Europe satiated delicacies began to be interested in nuts of a macadamia, it did not yield essential revenues as even the strengthened manual work of one person could bring only 150 kg of a product a day. The Australian scientists seriously dealt with this issue and managed to invent the car which in eight hours collects 3 thousand tons of nuts!

In cosmetology

The cosmetic value of nut consists in its unique fats. Their antioxidant action is similar to vegetable wax, a rare natural component which cannot be collected. Macadamia fat so perfectly copes with dryness of integuments, humidifies them, does elastic and beautiful. Partly it is connected with the fact that from all plants known to the person only fats of the king of nuts contain palmitic acid, same what is a part of our epidermis. Oil of a macadamia possesses the unique structure allowing to use it in all cosmetics: various face creams and for hands, body oils, masks for skin and hair and many others. Intensive moistening and nutrition — the powerful restoring and rejuvenating factor.

As it is correct to use the Australian nut

The daily dose of a macadamia, as well as his more modest fellows, should not exceed 30 g. These are about 9-12 pieces. The best option of the use will be to wet crude nut for the night in drinking water, and then to eat in the morning. It is better to store nut in the fridge, in well closed glass jar. Some skilled vegetarians and syroyeda even advise to freeze a stock of nuts deep freezing, previously having wrapped up them in a foil.

How to use macadamia oil

This valuable and even more expensive product was widely used in ukhodovy cosmetic and cosmetology means.

For hair

Oil kindalya possesses the unique restoring impact on hair. Shampoos and balms on its basis treat hair and promote their fastest growth. Also regular use of this oil as as a part of care products, and independently, improves a condition of head skin and struggles with dandruff. Masks with a macadamia, of course, expensive pleasure, but effect is worth it.

For face skin

The most effective use of valuable oil is its addition in various person care products. Skin gets shine, uniform color, elasticity; mimic wrinkles, and all this due to recovery of water balance and increase in a tone are smoothed.

Contraindications and harm

As well as any product, a macadamia can cause individual intolerance. Let such cases a rarity, but nevertheless it is better for people, inclined to allergic reactions, to begin with small portions to check the reaction. Nuts — high-calorie food, not for nothing take them for operational having a snack or to the road for emergency. But the Australian nut extremely kaloriyen therefore its use has to be limited.

Important! The excessive addiction to nutlets can lead to obesity.

Children up to three years are also not recommended to join a foreign product owing to specifics of the structure of a GIT and perception of substances. People with chronic diseases like gastritis, cholecystitis and also with various problems with intestines, should not risk, using exotic nut. If you become interested in a product, new to yourself, then at first try whether it will suit you. As for cosmetic application of means with a macadamia then floating around the Internet any complaint on in vain the spent money did not meet yet. Therefore there is a sense to try and be convinced independently.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
