Women, being pregnant women, try to normalize the diet so that to receive the maximum advantage from food. At the same time often there is a question concerning safety of some products. For example, watermelon at pregnancy is useful, however today, unfortunately, it is difficult to pick up tasty and at the same time safe fruit. Let's understand how many in it advantage and how many harm.
Whether it is possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy
To receive the maximum advantage and at the same time not to do much harm to an organism, it is necessary to know what advantage of watermelon will be on certain terms of pregnancy.
Whether you know? The biggest watermelon weighing 159 kg in the world which is grown up by Chris Kent in the USA, in 2013 was included in the Guinness Book of Records.
On early terms
The advantage of fragrant fruit (which actually — big berry) in the early stage of pregnancy is rather high.
It is possible to receive the following help for health from its use:
- To reduce hypostases. The water which is contained in it eliminates delay of blood circulation and the movements of muscles.
- To prevent dehydration. Women in situation should drink more water not to provoke premature fights and childbirth.
- To minimize a possibility of extensions. It rather often meets at pregnant women. Consumption of melon culture at this stage uberezhyot from such negative consequences.
- To prevent muscular spasms. Some substances in structure are useful to normal muscle work.
- To remove muscular indispositions. Here also nausea which many pregnant women face belongs. Consumption of pulp of watermelon prevents it.
- To strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C allows to enhance immunity.
- It is full to create fruit bones. Potassium in structure forms a bone tissue and helps production of calcium.
Important! Watermelon very quickly spoils, and the use it in a stale look can do harm to an organism. To pregnant women it is strictly forbidden to get already cut fruit.
Admissible portion — 2–3 segments for once. Excess of such quantity can lower blood pressure that will cause dizziness.
In the 2nd trimester
It is authorized to use watermelon on this term in the absence of contraindications. However it is necessary to understand that at this time the uterus already begins to increase, so, other bodies in an abdominal cavity will feel discomfort. Besides load of kidneys and a bladder will increase.
However, as it was described above, it is possible to receive rather essential advantage from the use therefore anyway it is possible to afford couple of segments — but no more than that — that the sweet and fragrant dessert lightened the mood and improved health.
For certain will interestingly read you about what fruit it is useful to use on different terms of pregnancy.
On late terms
It is necessary to eat a fragrant fruit at this time extremely carefully as this time especially heavy for pregnant women. To this period there is big load of an organism — kidneys at the same time not an exception. Some physicians recommend to refuse watermelon after the 30th week or to use it in the minimum quantities. The gynecologist who conducts your pregnancy can calculate an admissible dose. In the presence of any contraindications at the end of pregnancy it is necessary to refuse consumption of this delicacy too.
Learn whether pregnant women can eat bananas, oranges, pineapples, lemons, tangerines, pears, melons, grapes, a feijoa, mango and a cranberry.
Contraindications and precautionary measures
Watermelon, as well as other products, has some contraindications for the use that it is important to know to both the ordinary person, and the pregnant woman. Not to do much harm to itself, it is necessary to know in what situations it is forbidden to eat it.
It becomes undesirable in the presence:
- problems with insulin adjustment;
- problems with passability of uric ways;
- presence of stones at kidneys;
- individual intolerance of a product;
- intestines diseases.
However each person is individual therefore all have to estimate the health first of all.
As it is correct to choose upon purchase
Knowing where it is better to buy and how to distinguish natural products from nitrate, you will be able to make a right choice:
- Striped fruits have to be on sale at distance from the route, besides they have to lie at some height from the earth.
- It is forbidden to buy watermelons before the term of their active maturing, on average it is the share of the end of summer. It does not mean that in pulp there will be no nitrates completely, however their quantity will be 10 times less.
- It is forbidden to get the cut fruit. It is proved that even the small section promotes reproduction of bacteria that leads further to intestinal infections.
Important! It is possible to check presence of nitrates the simple test. The cut-off piece is lowered in water and observed: if water reddened — nitrates are and if just dimmed — no.
- By pressing the peel has to crack, and at percussion — to make the muffled sound.
- The tail has to be dry, and a cut — to allocate sugar grains.
Video: as it is correct to choose watermelon
How to store in house conditions
For prevention of problems with storage it is recommended to buy watermelons so that it was possible to eat them a maximum in two days. If they turned out more, it is necessary to take care of the suitable place of storage.
The room in which temperature does not rise above 3 °C will be suitable for long stay. Watermelons need to be spread out on a soft surface — so that they did not adjoin with each other. At the same time 1–2 times a day are important to overturn them.
It is possible to store the cut fruit no more day. It is overturned on a plate a section down, turned in food wrap and put in the fridge.
Whether you know? For compact storage watermelon of square shape was thought up. Its first time was grown up in Japan in 1981.
Apparently, watermelons are very useful during pregnancy. The main thing is to choose correctly a product and not to exceed norm of the use. Only in this case the organism will receive the maximum quantity of advantage.
Responses from network
and I here got hooked on watermelons! though ALL LIFE LOVED ALWAYS MELONS MORE. Earlier extremely seldom ate watermelons, well so if is, then for the company, and specially did not buy. And here broke through! I do not want a melon, SERVE WATERMELON! Even slobbers flow!!!! Well very much to me it is tasty! And by the way, if I do not eat watermelon, then hypostases develop. it is noticeable by a wedding ring, and so by sight on the general state is not present. But sometimes somehow I pull together a ring. Here since morning gorged on peanut salty. Naturally hypostases appeared from behind salt. Now on a house habit because of pregnancy I remove a ring, I dress it if I go outside. And so during the day I check fingers, it will put on or not, there are hypostases or not. Here after peanut naturally hypostases went because of salt. In several hours tried to dress a ringlet, it did not fit. Then gorged on arbuziky. Now the ring puts on.
And still if I do not eat watermelon, then at night in a toilet I do not run, though I drink a water mug. And I can run not often in the afternoon. And from watermelon everything returns to normal! ON me SO I BETTER WILL OFTEN RUN, THAN SELDOM. To me it is not DIFFICULT AT ALL EVEN to REACH at NIGHT the TOILET, but I know that kidneys work well.
Marus I