Salty cabbage is the tasty and useful product suitable for preparation of various dishes. Russian cabbage soup, salads, ragout, borsch, vareniki are a small part of viands which with salty cabbage turn out far more tasty, than from fresh.
Cabbage is that vegetable which gardeners remove some of the last. The fact is that cabbage isn't afraid of frosts and light morozets up to-5 degrees transfers easily. If you didn't manage to remove from a bed cabbage to the first frosts, don't worry, not cut down cabbage won't change taste at all, only let's it thaw naturally, and then you can cut off it and start salting.
If the cut-down cabbage (night time temperature fell to a mark not lower than-5 degrees) was frozen, then it is also suitable for a pickles. Do you love crunchy cabbage? Then remove the first five-seven leaves (in a night the cabbage entirely won't be exposed to frost) from heads of cabbage, you can safely slice and make sour the rest.
To fans of Russian cabbage soup, borsches and vegetable stew so in general it isn't necessary to worry about the fact that cabbage was frozen. It is possible to salt also frozen cabbage, the only thing that should be considered, cabbage will be slightly softer than that which is salted by fresh. However for preparation of hot dishes such kapustka is ideal.
Only that cabbage which was exposed to freezing and a defrosting more than two times is unsuitable for salting. Such cabbage if to salt it, will quickly deteriorate, dishes from it not especially will please you. Therefore I advise you to make sour this vegetable no later than the first frosts, or to cut off heads of cabbage before subzero temperature and to a pickles to store them in a cellar (or any cool place where frosts won't concern some vegetables). From the aforesaid it is possible to draw a conclusion: it is possible to salt frost-damaged cabbage, however it will be less crunchy. Vegetables, subject three times and more freezing and a defrosting, don't suit for salting.