In the last decades the trend of refusal of proteinaceous food was outlined. Be a vegetarian becomes fashionable. Whether hobby for a plant food really is useful whether such diet will do harm?
Vegetarianism by definition - the power supply system based on a concept of the fact that the plant food is more useful, than proteinaceous. The people adhering to such views refuse consumption of proteins of animal origin. The validity of vegetarianism is proved by statistics. It is authentically known that vegetarians suffer from excess weight less often. Besides, vegetable products are useful to an organism as they contain cellulose. It stimulates work of intestines. Fruit and vegetables are capable to stimulate immunity and to suppress malignant tumors. The phytoncides which are contained in vegetable products suppress activity of a putrefactive bacteria in intestines that affects work of an organism positively in general.
However not everything is as iridescent as it is represented. The refusal of animal food is fraught with avitaminosis. Vegetable products don't contain group D vitamins, very important for an organism, necessary for normal work of the central nervous system and development of erythrocytes - red blood cells. Vegetarianism is especially harmful to children. It leads to delays in development, to rickets, physical weakness.
If you are an admirer of vegetarianism, don't forget that for completion of the vitamins and minerals lacking in your diet it is necessary to accept them in the tableted look or in the form of dietary supplements.