Why in a diet there have to be nuts

Why in a diet there have to be nuts

Nuts have fine gustatory qualities and nutritious characteristics. They are used by culinary specialists and confectioners, and many dishes can't just be presented without nuts. Than they are useful and why always have to be in a diet?


This nut gives pleasure in any kind. It impacts to dishes unique and refined relish. Oil of walnut is used for gas station of fruit and vegetable salads, and green fruits are ideal for the most tasty jam. Walnut is necessary to those who are busy with intellectual and physical work. It promotes prevention of diseases of vessels and hearts, atherosclerosis and an anemia. Only several nuts in day are enough in order that the organism received the valuable elements which are contained in walnuts. Men have to eat walnuts together with dried fruits – raisin, dried apricots or prunes to increase male power. Walnut also is very useful to female health, but it is necessary to remember that it is very high-calorie product.


In this nut there are a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. 20 cashew nuts a day – optimum quantity which will bring benefit to health, but at the same time won't spoil a figure. Married couples as this nut stimulates a libido have to pay attention to cashew, being natural aphrodisiac.


Almonds can be eaten fresh, salty or fried. It is added to chocolate, flour products, sweeties and liqueurs. It found broad application in Asian cuisine. In almonds there are a lot of proteins, vitamins and essential oils, but it can't be abused not to provoke dizziness. 20-25 g of almonds a day are quantity which will bring to an organism benefit without unpleasant consequences.

Pine nut

Incredibly tasty nutlets which it is possible not only are in the raw, but also to add to many dishes. The vitamin B which is contained in pine nuts is responsible for development of milk therefore nuts have to be in a diet of the feeding mothers. In general pine nuts help to cope with digestive tract diseases, ulcers, heart diseases and an immunodeficiency.


Actually it doesn't treat nuts, and is the representative of family bean, but it doesn't reduce amount of its useful properties. Due to a large amount of proteins and fats, peanut can be included in a diet that who adheres to vegetarianism. Peanut is a natural antioxidant, it needs to be used at depressions, stresses, gastritises, ulcers, gastritises. It very much helps at nervous breakdowns. With care it is necessary to treat peanut that who is subject any sort to allergic reactions.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
