Why moonshine hazy

Why moonshine hazy

Moonshine – the known strong drink having rich history. It isn't so simple to make quality moonshine. At beginning "vinokur" far good drink turns out not at once – by inexperience they distil muddy liquid.

In moonshine fabrication stages, from the choice of raw materials before distillation and clarification of the turned-out product, a large number of various components participates. Preparation of drink will demand the attentive relation to respect for technology.

What is represented by technology of preparation of drink

Preparation of moonshine – technological process in which a set of components take part at once. At separate stages it is required to observe temperature condition carefully. It is possible to allocate such stages of process: - raw materials preparation;

- fermentation of structure; - distillation; - clarification of the turned-out moonshine; - giving to moonshine of aromatic, gustatory and color qualities.

The moonshine muddy by sight having nasty taste and a smell turns out as a result of the negligent relation to requirements of manufacturing techniques which are imposed on each of its stages. If to use the stagnated home brew for moonshine, drink with an unpleasant heavy odor will turn out. If to allow boiling of liquid during distillation, drops at the exit turn out hazy. If to track all stages of preparation, it is possible to receive not especially muddy drink, but for improvement of a smell and taste it is better to carry out additional cleaning. For this purpose there is a set of ways.

Cleaning of moonshine

In the moonshine which is a little diluted with water put a little potassium permanganate – literally several particles on a knife tip. Slightly pinkish color has to turn out. After that liquid has to settle – on it 2-3 days are required. On a bottom of capacity settle black flakes. They should try be not to shaken up at transfusion of moonshine in other capacity, and to filter the received liquid also through a double layer of a gauze or through vatu. It is possible to carry out cleaning with activated carbon. It is convenient to carry out it even in the course of distillation. Coal can be bought in pharmacy or in pet-shop – what is intended for aquarian filters, costs absolutely not much. In a funnel stack a piece of cotton wool, cover with bandage or a gauze. Put the crumbed coal on it and substitute a funnel under the dripping moonshine. If it seems that it is better to clean in capacity, also such option is available. It is necessary to prepare the crumbed coal at the rate of 50 grams on 1 liter of moonshine, to fill up in capacity and within two weeks to insist. From time to time mix should be mixed. In conclusion to filter everything through vatu. Cleaning with use of pine nuts. They not only will peel drink from harmful impurities, but also will soften taste. On liter of their moonshine the small handful will be required. Insist within two weeks, filter through vatu. Throw out nuts.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
