Why pickles grow turbid

Why pickles grow turbid

Pickles – the great snack capable in winter season to replace a fresh vegetables on a table. However sometimes there is annoying trouble – the brine in bank grows turbid, and cucumbers lose the appetizing look. Why it occurs?

The main reason for which the brine in pickles – the wrong preparation of ware in which they are prepared grows turbid. To avoid it annoying trouble, banks need to be washed up carefully warm water with soda, soap or cleaner, and then it is very good to rinse from soap. Insufficient sterilization can cause too turbidity of cucumbers since the microbes which remained at the same time eat canned food and emit gases. That to prevent it, the banks several times rinsed with warm water need to be placed upside down over steam. It is the most convenient to do it over a teapot or over a saucepan with a narrow neck. It is necessary to sustain ware over steam within 2-3 minutes, and then to place necks on a clean towel. The tin covers which are previously carefully washed up need to be boiled for 3-5 minutes. Then densely to roll up to bank. Untight blockage of cans also leads to formation of dregs in a brine because at the same time together with air in bank microorganisms get. They eat its contents, emitting waste products in a brine. In order to avoid damage of pickles all vegetables and spices (for example, currant leaves, fennel, etc.) need to be washed up carefully in warm water before putting in banks. Existence of cracks and, especially, chips on a neck banks also creates an opportunity for penetration of the air containing microbes in the prepared cucumbers. If, despite thorough training of ware and products, pickles all the same dimmed, then lactic fermentation is the reason for that. It happens at insufficient amount of vinegar in a brine. Situation can be improved, having merged all brine from cans, having washed out cucumbers and having filled in with their stronger marinade. It should be noted that not all grades of cucumbers are intended for conservation. Therefore having rolled up salad cucumbers in banks, be ready that the brine will dim and will get a deposit. You shouldn't use also iodinated salt for conservation and to store preparations in heat.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
