How to bake gammon

How to bake gammon

The baked gammons meet in national cuisines of many countries. Correctly made gammon has a brilliant crisp crust and juicy pulp. If to conform to the simple rules of preparation of meat, it is simple to achieve it.

How to prepare fish in a sleeve

How to prepare fish in a sleeve

The roasting sleeve is made of the special material resistant to influence of high temperatures. Dishes for which preparation the roasting sleeve is used turn out similar at the same time on baked and steamed. In it it is possible to make meat, a bird, fish or vegetables as separately from each other, and combining different products. In the course of preparation they become impregnated with the emitted juice and seasonings, developing a saturated and bright taste.

How to prepare a duck in the microwave

How to prepare a duck in the microwave

There are several recipes for a duck in the microwave oven. It is possible to prepare the glazed or stuffed duck. One of the simplest recipes – a duck with onions, but also preparation of a duck with apples the beginning culinary specialist will can do even.

How to make pork in a sleeve

How to make pork in a sleeve

Juicy and fragrant meat can be made in a special roasting sleeve. Cooking in a sleeve unites in itself advantages of roasting and steam boiling. Seasonings and other ingredients in a sleeve especially intensively impregnate a main product. The dish at preparation in a sleeve can't be overdried, however the ruddy crust on it isn't formed. Therefore before the end of cooking it is necessary to make an incision a sleeve from above and to return a product to an oven for short-term roasting on naked flame.

How to bake chicken in the microwave

How to bake chicken in the microwave

Bake chicken in a usual oven it is quite troublesome and it isn't always possible. In this case nothing prevents you to prepare it in the Microwave oven - it will turn out not less tasty, and troubles will be much less.