A set of exercises for an extension, strengthening and straightening of a backbone

A set of exercises for an extension, strengthening and straightening of a backbone

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Backbone — very important part of a human body on which condition the health of a set of bodies depends. Therefore doctors surely pay attention to a bearing and a shape of a backbone at children, trying to correct in due time violations in development of the musculoskeletal device by means of special procedures and movements and thus to avoid many problems with health at adult age. What useful exercises for a back should be done in house conditions at various problems, we suggest to learn from this article.

The physiotherapy exercises are one of obligatory and important components in complex therapy and prevention of diseases of a backbone. Carries out the most part of the life of people in sitting or upright position. In these poses of a muscle of a back and a backbone experience enormous strain, supporting the case, and even all trunk.

However it is the most static part of a human body, in difference, for example, from hands, legs, a neck. At an inactive way of life of a muscle of a back receive less food, blood supply, are weakened and worse and worse perform the function. Main tasks of the medical physical education (MPE):

Whether you know? Not all adults have an identical number of bones. The fact is that in a tailbone the different people can have from 4 to 6 bones. Doctors consider it norm.

At emergence of any problem the doctor can advise to visit medical group or will recommend a set of exercises which can be carried out in a house situation. We chose for you the description of the most effective movements for pulling, relaxation, mobility of a backbone, removal of pains.

  1. To rise with the straightened back, having put feet is a little wider than the level of shoulders. Shoulders and a breast are straightened.
  2. To carry out a case inclination forward, trying to reach palms socks of feet.
  3. To become straight and return to an initial pose.

After development of this exercise it is possible to pass to inclinations at which it is necessary to touch by a forehead of legs and to clasp shins with palms.

  1. To sit down with the legs extended before themselves and the straightened back.
  2. To incline the case forward, trying to grasp feet.
  3. To put a forehead to knees and to remain in this pose of 15-20 seconds.
  1. To clasp with palms a crossbeam and to make full hung.
  2. To stay in this provision of 15-20 seconds.

Learn what is Evminov's Board and what exercises for an extension of muscles of a back and a backbone it is possible to do.

  1. To lay down exactly on a rug.
  2. To bend the lower extremities and to raise them.
  3. To clasp legs with palms.
  4. To bring up them to a breast.
  1. To adopt the provision on a lap with the emphasis on palms.
  2. To curve up a back.
  3. To pull in a stomach.
  4. To carry out a ducking forward.
  5. To record situation several seconds.
  6. To carry out raising of the head, to level a back, without caving in in a waist.


  1. To admit a lying position with stretched to the parties the upper extremities.
  2. Having inhaled, to make turn of the head to the left side, and stop — in right, attracting socks to a floor.
  3. Exhaling, to turn the head to the right side, and a foot — in left.
  4. To return to an initial position.
  5. To bend the right knee.
  6. Having inhaled, to make turn of the head to the left side, and a knee — in right, having put it on a floor.
  7. Exhaling, to make turn of the head to the right side, and a knee — in left.
  8. To return to an initial position.
  9. To carry out bending of knees.
  10. Having inhaled, to make turn of the head to the left side, to lay the bent legs on the floor to the right side.
  11. Exhaling, to make turn to the right side, and the lower extremities — in left.

Important! At exercise execution Crocodile it is important to watch that shovels and a waist remained pressed to a floor.


  1. To settle on a back. To place hands along a body. To turn palms down.
  2. Inhaling, to raise direct lower extremities, to tear off a basin and a waist from a floor.
  3. To throw extremities for the head, having reached socks a floor.
  4. To make fixing of situation on 10-20 pages.
  5. To return slowly to an initial position.


  1. To settle on a back.
  2. The lower extremities to bend and put on full foot.
  3. Also to bend the upper extremities, to place palms behind ears.
  4. Placing emphasis on feet and palms, to bend a back.
  1. To rise with feet at the level of shoulders. The back as can be straightened more exactly, to straighten shoulders and a breast.
  2. To carry out a ducking forward, touching with a chin a breast.
  3. To return to an initial position.
  4. To throw back the head back.
  5. To return to an initial position.
  6. To carry out a ducking to the left, touching by an ear of the left shoulder.
  7. To return to an initial position.
  8. To carry out a ducking to the right, touching by an ear of the right shoulder.
  9. To return to an initial position.
  10. To make turn of the head to the right.
  11. To return to an initial position.
  12. To make turn of the head to the left.

Get acquainted with yoga for a back and a backbone.

  1. To accept a sitting position with the hands and forearms bent in elbows at the level of a breast.
  2. Having exhaled, to make turn of the case to the left side.
  3. Having inhaled, to return to an initial pose.
  4. To make the same in other party.

It is very important to be able to relax back muscles after day of work. We give below a complex which is recommended to be done before going to bed.

  1. To accept a standing position with hands on a belt.
  2. To serially lift and lower shoulders.
  1. To settle on a back.
  2. To bend the lower extremities in knees.
  3. Having inhaled, to undertake palms knees.
  4. Having exhaled, to embrace knees and to press them to a stomach.
  5. Evenly breathing, to record a pose for 60 seconds.
  6. Having inhaled, to straighten legs.
  7. Having exhaled, again to bend them.
  1. To lay down end-to-end to a vertical surface.
  2. To throw on it the straightened legs and to move up buttocks.
  3. To stretch hands in the parties.
  4. To record a pose for 1–2 minutes.

Read in more detail about a set of exercises for a neck by Bubnovsky's method.

  1. To settle on a back. Under a neck and a waist to place rollers.
  2. Within a minute to carry out synchronous rockings by the head and feet here and there.
  3. To make a revolution on a stomach. To accept an emphasis on socks. To move the roller under a forehead.
  4. Within a minute to carry out rockings by feet here and there.
  1. To settle on a back with legs separately and hands along a trunk.
  2. To take 20 breaths and exhalations, concentrating on them and relaxing a body.

Quite often the curvature of a backbone is observed at children's age. There is a complex of movements for alignment of a backbone at children:

  1. To lay down facedown. To straighten the upper and lower extremities and as it is possible to pull stronger them, without tearing off a body from a floor. Pulling duration — 5 minutes.
  2. From the previous initial pose to bend a waist, to carry out raising of the head and shoulders and to make hands of the movement, similar to swimming by a breast stroke.
  3. To lay down the person up. Hands to arrange along a trunk or to get for the head. To carry out raising of the extremities bent in knees. To imitate the lower extremities driving the bicycle.
  4. From the previous initial pose to carry out raising of the left knee and to strongly attract it to a breast. To make the same with the right knee.
  5. To rise on all fours, holding a straight line a back and having turned an eye forward. To synchronously extend 1 hand and an opposite leg forward so that together with a body they formed a straight line.

Also it will be interesting to you to learn what exercises it is impossible to do at scoliosis and why.

  1. To lay down the person up. To serially carry out pullings up of the right elbow to the left knee and vice versa — the left elbow to the right knee.
  2. From the previous initial pose to tighten serially knees to a breast, delaying them in the top point for 5 seconds.
  3. From an initial pose to carry out raising of legs. In a direct look to lower them to the left side, and then in right.
  4. To carry out a revolution on a stomach. To extend forward hands and to raise legs, stretching back muscles. To carry out rockings forward and back.
  5. In an initial pose of a hand to close behind the head. Caving in in a waist, to carry out raising of the head. To remain in a position several seconds.

Hernia is quite serious disease which to cure some physical exercises it will not turn out. However to kill pains and it is essential to improve a state really. The main thing is to do exercises correctly and regularly.

Read in more detail how to use yoga at backbone hernia.

For prevention of a disease or at an initial stage various inclinations of a neck are carried out. In a sharp stage it is necessary to do the following complex:

  1. To sit down on a chair, having placed palms on a lap. To carry out rotary motions of shoulders forward and back.
  2. To sit down on a chair. To lower hands. To part the straightened hands in the parties, then to carry out their rise up, again to part in the parties, to lower down.
  3. To sit down on a chair. To carry out raising of hands forward, up, in the parties, up.
  4. To settle the person up, having arranged a hand along a body. To carry out tightenings and unclampings of fingers of hands.
  5. To rise with the straightened back. To carry out rotations of hands forward and back.
  1. To settle the person up. To pull socks on itself. Then to delay socks from itself.
  2. Lying the person up, to carry out raising of the left leg by 20 degrees. To record a pose on 10 sec. To change legs.
  3. Lying the person up, to make bending of knees, to tighten heels to buttocks, to straighten legs.
  4. Lying the person up, to place the left foot on the right knee of other extremity. To make turn of the case to the right side, and the heads — in left. To return to an initial position and to make the movement in other party.
  5. Lying the person up, to place the left anklebone on the right knee. The left knee to take aside. To make turn of the case to the right side, and the heads in left. To make return to an initial pose. To make the movement in other party.

Important! At exacerbation of a hernia nuclei pulposi, it is impossible to make exercises in which there are bending elements, turns. It can provoke the shift of disks.

  1. To settle facedown. To give hands before itself. To carry out an emphasis on a full palm. To bend a backbone to feeling of tension.
  2. To settle facedown. To carry out bending of the lower extremities. To do attempts to touch knees and a foot palms, making deflections in a waist.
  3. To take seat on a chair with a back. To place hands on a nape. To make deflections back, pressing a backbone to the upper edge of a back. To carry out an inclination forward.
  4. To draw near on edge of a chair, operev a backbone about the top part of a back of a chair. Inhaling, to carry out deflections back, exhaling — inclinations forward.
  5. To sit down with a little divorced legs. To make a pull of hands. The right palm to undertake a wrist of the left hand. To make inclinations to the right side, sipping the left hand. To replace hands.

Osteochondrosis — a widespread disease worldwide. Brings an inactive way of life which is characteristic of most of modern people to it. Osteochondrosis can be observed in cervical, chest and lumbar department. Therapeutic and preventive exercises for each of these diseases will be required different.

Learn whether it is possible to treat osteochondrosis yoga.

  1. To settle the person up with the hands located along the case. To make a pull of the head and keeping of its 3–7 seconds.
  2. From lying situation the person to make turn of the head aside and rise it up up. To hold situation 4 seconds. Then to return to an initial position and to make the movement in other party.
  3. In a standing position to place palms on shoulders. To do movements in a circle forward and back.
  4. To settle the person up. To raise the upper extremities and to pull them serially, raising shovels.
  5. To sit down. To tighten in the beginning serially, and then separately shoulders to ears.
  1. To sit down on a chair. To carry out smooth assignment of shoulders and data of shovels.
  2. To place palms on shoulders. To carry out serial raising of shoulders.
  3. To kneel with the emphasis on palms. Exhaling, to round a back and to hang the head down. Inhaling, to raise the head up. To leave a back to a straight line.
  4. To sit down with the straightened back. To carry out the movements of shoulders forward and back around with the maximum amplitude.
  5. From a sitting position to raise one hand aside, up, aside, down. To change hands.
  1. To kneel also palms. Having exhaled, to place buttocks on heels. To carry out a waist deflection, placing emphasis on palms.
  2. To kneel also palms. To lift a foot from a floor. To make turns of the lower extremities to the left and to the right.
  3. To kneel and to cramp palms, knees together. To slowly lower a basin to the left, having put it on a floor. To return to an initial position. To make lowering of a basin to the right.
  4. To kneel also palms. Exhaling, to round a back, inhaling, to do a deflection in a waist.
  5. To lay down on a back. To attract the left knee to a breast. To lie down in such position and to relax. To repeat the movement, involving the right extremity.

There is a number of exercises which are strictly forbidden to be done at certain problems with a backbone. To it carry:

  1. Sharp deflections. Only the doctor who precisely established the diagnosis can register deflections. If diagnostics is not carried out yet, then it is not necessary to do them as if take place of shift or a curvature, these movements can aggravate a situation only.
  2. Inclinations in the wrong execution.
  3. Twisting in the wrong execution. These movements render serious load of a backbone, at some of his diseases they are strictly forbidden.
  4. With rise and tension at the same time both legs.
  5. Exercises where it is necessary to reach for tips of feet. At the same time render advantage and constitute danger. At them deep muscles stretch. And if it is strong to pull them, then it is possible to get pain for a long time.
  6. Attacks by one leg.
  7. Many asanas of yoga therefore to the people having problems with a backbone before starting a yoga praktikovaniye, it is necessary to see a doctor that he pointed to those movements which cannot be done surely.

There are several author's techniques developed for treatment and improvement of a condition of a sore backbone. The author of one of them — doctor Sergey Bubnovsky. Static and isometric exercises, water procedures and a balanced diet are the cornerstone.

Whether you know? The human backbone has enormous flexibility and durability. The healthy trained person can turn it by 180 degrees to the left and to the right. Having unique structure, the backbone is capable to sustain vertical loading in 400 kg.

  1. To rise with the emphasis on knees and palms. To relax. To exhale air from lungs and to curve a backbone an arch. To record a pose for 10 seconds. To pass to an initial pose.
  2. To rise with the emphasis on knees and palms. To sit down on the left leg, right having removed back. To delay the right leg back, making extension of muscles. To pass to initial situation. To make the movement by other extremity.
  3. To lay down facedown. To place hands for the head. To carry out raising of the head, trying to touch with a chin a breast. Shovels need to be torn off from a floor.
  4. To lay down on a stomach. Having inhaled, to raise the left leg. Having exhaled, to lower. To make the movement by other extremity.
  5. To walk on the place as it is possible above raising knees.
  1. To do them it is regular, at least once a day or with such frequency with which the doctor registered. It is possible to improve a condition of a backbone, only following two rules: constancy and regularities.
  2. Before training it is good to air the room.
  3. To start LFK 2 hours later after a meal.
  4. When performing movements it is necessary to pay attention to the recommended equipment. Incorrectly carried out medical exercises can aggravate position of the patient.
  5. The physiotherapy exercises need to be done slowly, smoothly, avoiding sharp, gusty movements.
  6. It is necessary to begin with easier complex, gradually increasing loading.
  7. At the time of performance of each movement it is necessary to feel how muscles work and are loaded.
  8. If during performance of exercise there is pain, it is necessary to stop it and to see behind consultation a doctor.

Important! Occupations alone of LFK will be ineffective if not to attach transition to dietary food, use of an orthopedic mattress and pillow to them during sleep, not to observe a harmonious operating mode and rest.

Thus, the condition of a backbone is very important for health and the general health of the person. It is necessary to maintain its functionality by means of performance of regular physical exercises. Surely prescribe LFK also at back diseases.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
