Advantage and harm of coenzyme Q10 for health"

Advantage and harm of coenzyme Q10 for health"

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Probably, at a spontaneous opinion poll of 10 of 10 respondents could not answer a question what is coenzyme Q10, but unambiguously would connect it only with the cosmetic direction. It is a merit of advertizing, television and fashionable magazines. And it turned out that it is enzyme which contains practically in all living cells. A necessary component for formation of energy directly in a section, regulation of providing it with oxygen. Moreover, we always knew that our organism itself produces only vitamin D, and appears, and Q10 coenzyme is developed by our cages too.

Description and general characteristic

Ubikhinon, he ubidekarenon, Q10 coenzyme, coenzyme Q10, CoQ10, fat-soluble "vitamin" or a vitaminopodobny coenzyme (in some sources) and it is quinone of hinoidny group scientifically.

We recommend to read about value and a role of oil-soluble vitamins for a human body.

From here and designation Q — as the hinoidny group which is contained in coenzymes of a human body, and index 10 points that it only at the person ubikhinon works with 10 isoprene links, so to speak 10-valent. Ubikhinon is translated from Latin as "ubiquitous".

Enzyme is synthesized in an organism with the participation of mevalonovy acid and derivative substances of tyrosine and phenylalanine. Remarkable antioxidant and the strongest immunomodulator. Slows down aging of a cage through power generation and its oxygen providing.

Whether you know? Actively began to study enzyme and its influence on human health only in the second half of the XX century. In 1978 the scientist from America Peter Mitchell got the Nobel Prize for studying coenzyme and its properties. And is already closer to the 2000th to years there began the work the whole International center for studying "vitamin".

The highest concentration in cells of muscles, a liver, kidneys and a cardiovascular system. As they are "rabotyazhka" in our body, the main load on power supply and clarification of all organism is placed on them. In a body of the young man it is developed by default normal, providing his regular restart. When in an organism failures of natural process of biosynthesis or genetic disorders begin (because of the postponed diseases), it is necessary to fill up it. Well and owing to age changes its deficiency will be by 40 years at least 30%, and to 60 — more than 50%.

About advantage and harm

As heart and a cardiovascular system is in great need in coenzyme Q10, it is difficult to overestimate its role. Heart is a muscle tissue which works, even when all organism is in rest.

Vitamin A (Retinolum), B1 (thiamine), B2 (Riboflavinum), B3 (niatsin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cyanocobalamine), C (ascorbic acid) are irreplaceable for normal work of a cardiovascular system.

It is possible to designate group of people who need especially to control existence of enough enzyme:

Undoubted advantage of enzyme — in power regulation of an organism, that under its influence other enzymes begin to work even more productively. Its shortcoming provokes dystrophy of a muscular system, problem of periodontosis, diseases of a system of hormonal and endocrine regulation.

Important! For a female body owing to features of hormonal regulation of CoQ10 it is necessary more, than men's.

Than it is useful

Enzyme is prophylactic of problems of cardiology. It is especially necessary to note that in case of already presence of a disease it noticeably facilitates its current and a condition of the patient. All diseases of a cardiovascular system are characterized by deterioration in blood circulation and stagnant manifestations of the vascular system, thromboses. Coenzyme Q10 dilutes blood, it is easier filled with oxygen and feeds all fabrics and a cardiac muscle in particular.

  1. Results confirmed ability of enzyme to regulate pressure at hyper - and gopotoniya.
  2. The raised dose of CoQ10 reduces the term of recovering from an ischemic stroke.
  3. The use of an ubikhinon reduces recovery term, significantly levels risk of a recurrence and complications at a heart attack.

We already said that the coenzyme stimulates power generation in a cage by processing of fat in energy. It improves lipidic composition of blood, level of glucose, property of blood and its blood-groove in a myocardium.

Learn how to avoid cardiovascular diseases.

At the level of an organism in general it is expressed in improvement of work of respiratory, reproductive functions. Thereby strengthens key functions of an organism and is prevention of such diseases as:

Whether you know? Even some experts consider that ubikhinon and coenzyme Q10 is synonyms. Actually, no. In an organism there are three main reactions transferring components some to another. Reaction 1: mevalonovy acid + reactant (tyrosine, vitamins) = synthesis of Q10. The following two reactions give the restored and oxidized forms of initial substance. Reaction 2: Q10 + restoration = ubikhinon (the got into condition Q10). Reaction 3: ubikhinon + oxygen = Q10 (the oxidized form).

Possible harm

In principle, it has not enough collateral reactions, insomnia, heartburn, allergic manifestations on skin and short-term disorders of a GIT meet more often. But there are specifics of reception at some diseases. Therefore it is necessary to undergo inspection and to determine a day dose of enzyme necessary for you by consultation with the doctor if at you:

The main rule in medicine — do not do much harm. Enzyme is not medicine, but self-treatment — not option, it is all the same necessary to coordinate with the attending physician.

Where contains

Daily dose of coenzyme Q10 for the average person — 30-50 ml a day. If overcome diseases — double a dose. If you do hard manual work or you have increased loads in the gym, increase daily norm by 4-5 times. For people with multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease the daily dose is equal to 1500 ml a day.

In youth enzyme is synthesized in an organism in full necessary volume. Years after 30 it is already necessary to make specifically the diet taking into account products and catalysts for synthesis, and it is possible, already and to accept them in addition. During pregnancy the reception of a coenzyme does not do any harm to either mothers, or kids, but large-scale complex researches were not conducted yet therefore, deciding on reception, answer yourself a question: what problem you want to warn or solve, and surely consult with your doctor.

After 40 it is regularly necessary to accept koenzimsoderzhashchy complexes, that as owing to age changes even at healthy nutrition the organism is not capable to acquire or synthesize its necessary quantity. Already regular source from the outside is necessary.

In products

Coenzyme contains in products, but let's not to forget that at a stage of storage and heat treatment of products we already lose the lion's share of useful substances.

Substance contains in red palm oil, it is a lot of it in roasted peanuts, sesame and pistachios, fried beef and in general in fat grades of meat, a marinated herring. But such "fried" diet suits not everyone. Including in the diet meat — mutton, rabbit flesh (especially an offal), beef and chicken meat, fat grades of fishes and especially fish liver, for example, a sardine and a mackerel, a cod, eggs, spinach, beans of soy and the crude rice, whole-grain bread and bran, fruit and vegetables, we as much as possible will receive about 15 mg of enzyme. It is not enough. Yes, in the presence in our organism of vitamins A, E and tyrosine he synthesizes enzyme, but if them in an organism deficiency, then and a lack of CoQ10 they do not cover. Therefore it is logical that sooner or later himself needs to pick up the medicines containing ubikhinon and in addition to maintain the health. Because its shortcoming leads to diseases and pathologies which then acceptance only of coenzyme you will already hardly solve.

Ready decisions

Enzyme coenzyme Q10 — fat-soluble "vitamin". Therefore producers let out him most often in the capsules which are already containing a fat component and, as a rule, it plant origin. Still there is a release form in the form of drops, powders, tablets and chewing pastils, them it will be necessary to have a snack on something fat. There are offers including both vitamins, and minerals, for example, magnesium, potassium, iron.

Important! Generally enzyme is available in a fat-soluble format if you accept statins — the medicines reducing cholesterol level in blood, then effect of dietary supplement with coenzyme Q10 is nullified. As they also reduce quantity of a coenzyme in an organism. From here and side effects from reception of statin. But not to refuse them: statins reduce risks of a cardiorecurrence by 35-45%. To correct a situation, it is necessary to increase a coenzyme Q10 dose to 200 mg a day.

The main form of release are gelatin capsules. Of course, it is the best of all to get them in drugstores. Let's consider several options which already well proved in the pharmaceutical market.

Whether you know? Ubikhinol makes direct medical impact on a human body. But it is chemically not a stable element therefore include in structure of complexes ubikhinon, and it, getting to an organism, turns into an active form ubikhinol.

Features of application

All features of application are connected with the fact that discovery of advantage and properties of a coenzyme — the relatively young direction, and all its pluses and minuses are not up to the end tested and studied.

And if in America already actively print materials and results of researches on medicine, then our doctors just begin to learn and try to apply it in the practice. Pioneers are most often the doctors combining traditional and alternative medicine.

Once you learn, it is correct to take medications.

In medicine

We already raised the questions of target group of medicine and its side effects. Actually, life does not stand still, and there is already fuller information on the main directions. After the mountain of the shoveled material, the second association with a word coenzyme is kardio. Therefore we will consider main nuances of application in prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In the last 20 years dozens of researches on thousands of patients with different problems and degrees of heart troubles were conducted.

After the diagnosis, within a therapeutic complex, some patients showed amazing improvement of the general condition of heart, its functionality and the sizes. In heavier stages of diseases too the condition of patients obviously improved, but 100% of restoration were not recorded.

Important! The general Regulation of Admission developed in the practical way: to avoid nausea as side effect if your daily dose of coenzyme Q10 exceeds 100 mg, divide it on 2-3 times.

Convincing arguments in favor of a coenzyme in therapy of heart failure were not recorded. But the direct threat of a disease upon the low level of coenzyme Q10 is removed. The most large-scale researches were conducted in Italy in 1994. Participation was accepted by 2664 patients. In three months of acceptance of a coenzyme in complex treatment were normalized:

Researches of patients with coronary heart disease were conducted in small groups so far. Two groups on +/-70 people. In one — in a complex of treatment included coenzyme, in the second — placebo. Besides the post-rehabilitation results improved almost twice, the first group recorded lack of side effect. And, most likely, the mechanism of positive work Q10 in prevention of development of a syndrome of the extended QT is received (the most often leading to a lethal outcome). Steps in a research of features of influence of Q10 on patients with arterial hypertension are still taken. Researches are recognized as unreliable as the group was 12 people. Positive indicators are all the same recorded, and the assumptions are made that the coenzyme of Q10 has the potential as the means reducing pressure.

But before official recognition of results of all researches in medicine the efficiency of enzyme within complex therapy of earlier mentioned diseases is unanimously recognized. And so far at a proof stage effectiveness as independent medicine. And it is an axiom.

Important! The doctors claiming that coenzyme in cardiotherapy is useless do not trace news in the profession and deafly got stuck in the nineties the 20th century. Perhaps, it is necessary to get on consultation to several doctors and to choose independently to whose councils to listen.

In cosmetology

The beautiful person — first of all, the healthy person. If at least every 10th woman had ideal skin, the industry of cosmetology would be ruined. Skin — the main marker of an ukhozhennost, age, our way of life and food, existence of addictions. It assumes the main blow as from external, and from the inside. One of the main enemies from within for skin are free radicals who do not manage to neutralize antioxidants. In cosmetology the application of Q10 is more widely advertized. It is entered into composition of cosmetics for skin and hair. Ideally also to combine it with acceptance of a koenzimsoderzhashchy complex. Then there is a complex therapy on skin and an organism in general and external support from influence of aggressive factors. It is also possible to add several drops of enzyme to the day cream and hair preparation independently. It noticeably will enhance their effect.

That hair were healthy and strong, B7 vitamin (biotin), A (Retinolum), E (tocopherol) is necessary for them.

Fermental connection as a part of cosmetics works at cage level. Improves work of mitochondrions. Improves elasticity of a cage, protects from a peresushivaniye, keeps such important hyaluronic acid in structure. It considerably reduces depth and quantity of wrinkles. And vitamin E is useful both to an organism in general, and to skin and as the bonus enhances efficiency of coenzyme.

During the trainings

In sport the application of a coenzyme has the pros and cons too. Only contra it is not a lot of information on these in free access, otherwise the companies on production of dietary supplements from Q10 would not earn tens of millions of dollars a year.

So, what will be told to you by the experienced trainer and about what the druggist will keep silent.

Coenzyme is normal synthesized in a cage during reactions with mevalonovy acid. That is normal our organism self-repairs (on condition of healthy nutrition).

Whether you know? In Japan where highly appreciate productive employees, you can even not be employed if you do not support the organism, accepting complexes with the maintenance of CoQ10.

For a cardiosystem medicine is vital. But the direction relatively young, clinical trials for 100% are not confirmed and are exposed to serious and reasonable criticism as in the majority are sponsored by interested persons.

If you do strength sports, you use anaerobic method of restoration of energy, that is without oxygen, for example, heavy lifting. If to overdose CoQ10, there is an activation of metabolism in mitochondrions. As a result it will lead to the fact that muscle fibers switch to an aerobic way of oxidation of glucose instead of necessary for power anaerobic. Generally it is quite good for the athlete. At the level of a cage it will be expressed in degradation of a part of muscle protein, reduction of the size of a cage and falling of its power indicators. What is necessary for the body builder, but not the bodybuilder.

are spoken well by their ability to restore ubikhinon. And by that to balance power exchange processes in an organism. The deficiency of an ubikhinon in an organism amplifies with age. Also is expressed in the course of aging. Compensate shortage and postpone an old age. Antioxidant properties of coenzyme are unique. To understand in what originality of a coenzyme, let's sort a harm essence from the free radical. Substance incorporates not coupled electron. To become full, it, freely moving, looks for from whom to take away one more electron and to be completed. Also selects at a cell membrane, thereby destroying it. The nature provided it, and vitamins B our organism work as antioxidants. Especially vitamin E. They, accepting this free electron, collapse, neutralized.

Learn when it is better to play sports: in the morning or in the evening.

And coenzyme works by other principle. It freely accepts an unpaired electron, neutralizing it, and at the same time does not collapse. Realizing the antioxidant function, it remains itself and keeps the properties. That is, working as "the hunter hunter" due to blocking of oxidation and keeping the antioxidant function, ubikhinon interferes with disintegration of intracellular protein. And the more the squirrel after the training, the better will remain.

Paracelsus told a remarkable phrase: all in the world — poison, and all — medicine, the main thing — norm! You should not exceed any physiological norm of vitaminopodobny enzyme. It has the specifics of reception, side effects and medicinal properties. Already there are many developments, and experience continue to accumulate. But it is not a magic tablet "from all diseases". It is the best of all to carry out prevention, than to treat already available diseases. An integrated system approach to a question, than single "shots" will be always more effective.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
