Badger fat long since was considered as a panacea in treatment of various catarrhal diseases and problems connected with bronchial tubes and lungs. Today most of modern people trust official medicine and consider national recipes absolutely inefficient. Therefore today we will talk about badger fat, we will find out, the advantage or harm for an organism are born by this means and as it is recommended to apply.
What is a part
The badger product with an ulterior motive is very popular means in treatment of various diseases as A, E, B, saturated and nonsaturated fatty acids and organic acids is vitamin-rich.
Than it is useful and from what badger fat helps
The positive effect renders the considered product on an organism:
- Helping to improve proteinaceous exchange in an organism.
- Well influencing a GIT of the person.
- Raising hemoglobin.
- Making negative impact on causative agents of infectious diseases.
- Promoting recovery process of fabrics in an organism. The ability to the enveloping and protective action of mucous membranes of a GIT is noted.
- Improving warm activity, reducing risk of developing of thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
- Eliminating a hormonal imbalance, increasing potency and fertility.
- Reducing a possibility of development of oncology.
- Making the restoring impact on nail plates, skin and hair. Presenilation warns.
Whether you know? It is known that the amount of fat in a badger organism insignificant, but during training of a small animal for winter, his contents in an organism increases by 3-4 times.
Traditional medicine calls for use of fat of a badger of people who suffer:
- Violations in digestive system.
- Cardiovascular diseases.
- Problems with an integument.
- Diseases of respiratory organs.
- Infectious and inflammatory diseases of urinary tract.
- Problems with the musculoskeletal device.
The positive effect from use of badger fat in gynecology and for male health is also known.
By means of folk remedies the acne can get rid, to improve sight, to strengthen immunity, to facilitate a state after a sting of bees and wasps and even to define pregnancy. However it is worth remembering that folk remedies it is possible not only to help, but also to do harm.
As it is correct to choose upon purchase
Badger fat – rather expensive and unique product therefore unfair sellers in every possible way try or to forge completely it and to sell means where the maintenance of a natural component is equal to zero, or to add to cheap animal fat of a little badger and to give out for a quality product. Quite often popular means contains a set of preservatives for extension of an expiration date.
Important! Sometimes already add fragrances and dyes to the spoiled badger product to disguise the expired expiration date.
To secure themselves against deception, it is necessary to take into account of the rule which will not allow you to be mistaken upon purchase of a badger product:
- The product which already has the expired expiration date will unpleasantly strike putrefactive aroma, and on taste — rancid.
- Normal the product has dairy, slightly zheltovata or a cream shade. If color another — dyes are added that grants the right to doubt quality of goods.
- Storage and sale of means it should not be made in plastic tanks.
- The quality product in the time spent at the room temperature thaws and spreads.
- Means with impurity can not stiffen in the fridge that demonstrates poor quality of a product.
As well as where to store badger fat in house conditions
The natural product only is stored in the fridge at a temperature up to +5 °. It is also possible to store means in the freezer at a temperature up to -20 °. Medicine has to be in a factory glass container.
National recipes
As badger means — the excellent assistant in various problems of an organism, actively uses it traditional medicine in many recipes. Therefore, we will consider how to accept badger fat for prevention and treatment of various diseases, injuries and other problems in a human body.
For increase in immunity
The badger product perfectly helps at reduced immunity therefore also recipes of means on its basis exists much. The most important problem of means on this product is the opposite smack therefore children refuse flatly to use it. But from this situation there is an exit too — to disguise unpleasant taste tasty, sweet, and, above all — useful dried fruits.
Therefore, we will consider the most popular recipe for increase in immunity with a badger product and dried fruits.
50 g of fat of a badger dilute with honey (50 g), raisin (25 g), dried apricots (25 g), walnuts (50 g). Dried fruits are small crushed by a knife or the meat grinder. Reception of the received means is carried out for 30 days according to 1 article a bed in day in the morning to food.
At cold
During cold or problems with respiratory organs it is possible to use the popular recipe from Tibet. For preparation of medicine it is necessary to use badger fat (50 g) which to dilute with a tablespoon of honey and cocoa powder, to stir carefully. Here aloe pulp (25 g), butter (25 g), a mummy (1 g), propolis (0.5 g), alcohol of 96% (0.5 tsps) interferes. Medicine is applied in the form of additive in warm milk: on 1 glass of milk add 1 tablespoon of a product, stir and drink. To accept to food (2 hours) three times a day.
At cough
Badger fat is known thanks to surprising effect of the application at a severe cough provoked by cold. The natural product is applied in this case as means to grinding of a thorax or to reception in inside.
As for external use, means is recommended to take previously at the room temperature that it heated up and to rub in a thorax and a back, in lungs and bronchial tubes, without affecting the area of heart. For strengthening of the warming effect it is necessary to wrap up area with a towel and to muffle a blanket. In such state it is possible to remain all night long. For reception in inside there is also a good recipe which will be to the taste to both children, and adults.
Important! Fat of a badger cannot be used for treatment of children who did not reach 6-year age.
On the 4th dessertspoons of badger fat dark chocolate (50 g) and butter (50 g) is used. For preparation of means chocolate and oil kindle and slightly cool, then add fat. It is also possible to add 3 tsps of cocoa, for strengthening of chocolate aroma. Means is accepted on 1 tablespoon to food, once a day. It is also possible to dilute medicine with warm milk and to drink small drinks.
At an ulcer and gastritis
Badger fat is also very effective at treatment of stomach ulcer. For this purpose it is used in pure form, without additives and additional ingredients. In the morning, on an empty stomach, recommend to use 1 tablespoon a day.
At extensions and muscle pains
If you injured muscles, it is recommended to prepare mix on the basis of badger fat. For this purpose prepare 50 ml of fat, 5 drops of rosemary, lavender essential oil, 2 drops of mint essential oil and 15 ml of oil of wheaten germs. Means is well stirred and rubbed three times a day in affected areas of a body, after a preliminary rasparivaniye.
A positive effect from use of this means from badger fat can achieve for treatment of sore joints, application same, as well as in a case with injuries of muscles.
For hair
Fat of a badger can be applied effectively to prevent or stop baldness, to recover a dry and brittle hair.
It is for this purpose recommended to pay attention to the following means which is preparing independently. On a tablespoon of a badger product whey (2 tablespoons), geranevy essential oil (3 drops) use colourless henna (1 tablespoon), aloe juice (1 tablespoon). Weight is applied on hair and maintained within 1 hour, then washed away by warm water with shampoo. It is possible to repeat drawing once a week before obtaining positive result.
From cracks on feet and palms
House cream on the basis of natural means has the healing, moistening and softening effect on skin of hands and legs. To achieve desirable effect, previously, how means will be preparing, 2 tsps of lecithin are added to pink water (50 ml). To leave mix to infuse 1 day. The next morning, badger fat (100 ml) is kindled and add to it almonds oil (50 ml), 20 g of beeswax and pink water with lecithin. Cream is stored in the fridge and to be applied on the damaged sites of skin twice a day.
Whether you know? In the cosmetic purposes about 3 thousand years began to use B.C. fat. For example, fat together with alkaline salts was applied by Egyptians to soap cooking.
Contraindications and harm
It is impossible to use badger fat in a case:
- Chronic pancreatitis as animal fat will overload a pancreas and to cause pain attacks.
- Diseases of kidneys and liver.
- Age of children up to 6 years.
- Individual intolerance and tendency to dermatitis.
- Pregnancies.
Discussing contraindications, it is worth paying attention to a question of use of badger fat at a temperature, and it is possible or not to apply it in this case, it should be taken into account in more detail.
The fact is that this means renders the warming effect therefore it is not recommended to smear it at the increased body temperature. It is better to wait so far temperature will fall down and only then to resort to use of an effective remedy. As for harmful effects on an organism, it is possible in case of reception badger a product people to whom it is contraindicated. Sometimes the product causes allergic reactions, and children can have Quincke's edema in case of individual intolerance of means.
If it is wrong to store means or to use it after expiry date, there can be symptoms of food poisoning which demand the appeal to hospital.
Thus, badger fat is an effective remedy in fight against widespread problems and diseases. The main thing is to choose a quality product and to observe a dosage when using medicine, considering specific features of an organism.