Many people prefer to be treated not by tablets, and by means of folk remedies. Most often for this purpose use broths and juice of various plants. One of such plants is the burdock which has great success in treatment and prevention of various diseases. We will understand article what benefit juice from burdock leaves what contraindications are available can bring and as it is correct to accept it in different cases.
Burdock nectar, first of all, has the expressed antineoplastic properties. It treats what many drugs cannot cure and also prevents emergence of new growths. In gynecology juice from this plant is used as an old reliable tool for treatment of mastopathy. It helps also at cysts, myomas, violations of a menstrual cycle and a syndrome of polycystous ovaries.
Many people have diseases of a gall bladder, liver and urinary system from what burdock juice helps too. The advantage of this nectar is noted also at its external application for treatment of various cuts, skin ulcers, inflammations. At acne rash and other bacterial diseases of integuments it can be more useful, than any pharmaceutical ointment.
Whether you know? Bitter substances which are a part of juice of a burdock help to cope with a hangover and alcoholic intoxication.
The pressing from this plant helps to cope even with dandruff and seborrhea, has anti-allergenic properties. Irreplaceable it is considered also at treatment of sharp diseases of the respiratory device. Note also that it well influences a digestive tract and can improve work of intestines. Treat them also hepatitis and diabetes.
- pregnancy;
- feeding by a breast;
- disorders of food behavior (anorexia, bulimia);
- allergy and individual intolerance.
Important! This means is not applied to treatment of children up to 14 years.
If to pay attention to contraindications and to use liquid strictly in the recommended doses for certain diseases, it cannot do any harm to an organism.
Using burdock nectar as remedy, it needs to be drunk in 30 minutes prior to food. However for each disease various dosages are used and also drug intake duration differs.
For treatment of oncological diseases juice of a burdock not only is drunk, but also carry out syringing with its help. It is accepted to use liquid on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for several months.
Learn what tomato, lemon, carrot, cabbage, pumpkin, potato and berezovy juice is useful.
To get rid of mastopathy, it is necessary not only to accept inside medical nectar, but also to do for night of a lotion on a breast of leaves of this plant. Before carrying out such procedure, leaves need to be kneaded carefully that they began to emit juice, or to scald them boiled water. At this disease the glass of liquid is accepted to food for not less than two months.
For treatment of this disease drink both burdock juice, and broth from its roots. The instruction for application of a burdock for treatment of pancreatitis simple: to drink in 0.5 tablespoons of liquid once a day within a week. Then it is necessary to take a break for a week and again to complete a course. In case of diseases of a stomach which can sharply react to bitterness of this plant it is recommended to dilute liquid with water in the ratio 1:1.
Important! It is impossible to treat a burdock pancreatitis in a sharp form. Surely wait for the termination of spasms and attacks.
For treatment of hemorrhoids it is recommended to do bathtubs with burdock root broth. It is also useful to do lotions and plant juice ointments. For a lotion it is necessary to moisten a gauze or bandage in juice and to put to the inflamed place for 10 minutes. To make ointment, it is necessary to mix 200 ml of juice, 40 ml of vegetable oil and 4 pinches of salt. Ointment needs to be rubbed for the night.
is popular also in cosmetology. Use it both for hair, and for face skin.
If you are disturbed by an itch, dandruff, dryness of head skin and a hair loss, it is worth trying to apply this means. That it had the most favorable impact on hair, it is necessary to mix burdock juice with honey in equal proportions. This mix needs to be distributed on all length of hair and to leave for half an hour. Do such procedures several times a week within a month.
Whether you know? Burdock juice is also drunk for weight loss as it accelerates metabolism processes.
To make the calming and anti-inflammatory face lotion, it is necessary to take mix of nectar and honey and to add to it a little water. If you have the fat or combined skin, for the best effect it should be added a little alcohol to this mix. It is necessary to wipe with it skin in the morning and in the evening daily. Regular use of this lotion will help to restore water-in-oil balance of skin, to reduce release of skin fat. For moistening of skin it is possible to add to gruel from burdock leaves sour cream or yogurt and to dry a little it, it is necessary to add infusion of a camomile or pink clay.
It is worth storing this medical potion on the top shelves of the fridge up to 3 days. That it was stored longer, it is necessary to add to it vodka in equal proportions or alcohol (5:1). Burdock juice — really miracle cure which helps to get rid of a set of diseases in the national ways. The main thing is to adhere to instructions for application and not to use it after an expiration date.