– the keeper of our organism, the internal environment, a stream of life and the beginning only. Even this poetic retreat it is impossible to tell about many useful properties which this connection gives us. It would be desirable to tell that water makes the main part of our body and therefore it is constantly necessary to make up for its losses. And here than and as – it is given below.
- Tea – green, black, mint, specialized, grassy, mixed. Everyone chooses the tea at own will, to a physiological type to which he approaches your organism and more simply being pleasant to taste. Very useful and natural source of water at all seasons of the year. Usefulness in physical properties, and minus in absence some useful bacteria disappearing because of boiling.
- Mineral water – in my opinion, the most optimum completion of deficiency of water balance as it contains huge amount of minerals, parts of metals and other substances, useful to an organism. Only buy mineral water without gas.
- Fresh juices – a set of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. The only minus – complexity in constant availability.
- Water from the crane – ridiculously at first sight, however, if water is well purified from hazardous substances by means of different technologies, then I often personally use several glasses in day. Why? And all therefore that my digestive tract not especially got used to too clear water because sometimes it is necessary to irritate and remind the organism of possible receipts.
- Carbonated drinks – I advise in general to exclude this type of water receipts, except for special drinks for special diseases.
- Mountain sources, geysers and other natural clean sources – an optimum set of natural sources of water especially favorably influences an organism.
- The concentrated juice – it is possible to refuse these sources at once as they contain concentrates, additives, dyes and other hazardous substances for an organism.