Chronic sleep debt

Chronic sleep debt

phenomenon of a chronic sleep debt as normal action of modern life, perhaps, is the frequent cause of various pathologies having negative effect on a human body at the same time actively increasing all processes of aging. I understand that there is always not enough time, it especially concerns active people of the present who try to manage to execute decisions in many directions, however it turned out that leads such life to a chronic sleep debt, this awful and unhealthy phenomenon.

And it is made imperceptibly, all of us are active people, especially in youth when there is a wish to study, to work and at the same time will find time of the for friends and acquaintances, to take a walk in glory, to manage to make lessons moreover and to perform at the same time all tasks of the chief.

At the beginning we cut off from a dream half an hour, why an hour, then the second and why everything goes on a geometrical progression. Further – it is even worse. We wake up hardly, it is good that also not with a hungover syndrome that the last nuance is a negative factor of youth too. Begins to worsen physical and mental health, the activity disappears, it begins to be gained extra kilos, and to us though that – we continue to lead the same life. And then though shout and beat the drums – to sense is not present, already late, and health is swept, and addictions are earned.

Researches showed that for the correct and healthy wakefulness it is necessary to sleep not 8-10 hours as was considered earlier. It turned out that people who slept for 5-7 hours were more active than those who slept much more. Strange, isn't it?

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Actually modern medicine, psychology and sciences studying dreams tell only one – each organism is individual and therefore it is necessary most to understand how many the activity is required for correct. At some the dream inclines by 7 o'clock, at someone to 12, and at someone in general by 5 o'clock, and the last from them is very active. Only do not take in account full zason option – more than 12 hours a day. Consider that state which very active and what minimum option of time is necessary for a rash and vigorous activity. Forward!

And how it is necessary to sleep? - you ask. And everything is simple, it is necessary to consider not amount of time spent on a dream, and its quality which has rules:

  1. Always fall asleep till 0:00.
  2. Always fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Try not to change this mode as it can affect a condition of your nervous system.
  3. Always you watch that air in the bedroom remained fresh, air the room more often.
  4. Try to carry out before going to bed exercises on stretching and extension which will bring a backbone into the active mode.
  5. Fall asleep without tension, we will keep muscles in the weakened state.
  6. Do not eat before going to bed, it can negatively affect future dream and why to you extra kilos which can easily appear at such wrong mode?
  7. Avoid acceptance of alcohol for the night, it will change a condition of your nervous system and also a condition of dreams.
  8. Walk before going to bed and an obligatory warm shower – the fine simulator of emergence of a good and quiet dream.

Also interestingly: Healthy sleep

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
