Complex of vitamins of group B

Complex of vitamins of group B

Since the early childhood all of us hear a phrase of mother or grandmother: You eat vitamins, they are useful. But not all realize importance of these substances in an organism. Today we will get acquainted with group B vitamins, we will understand for what they are necessary to an organism.

Composition of vitamins of group B

  • B1 (thiamine) — water-soluble, is active in interaction with magnesium; daily replenishment through natural sources is admissible, the overdose by vitamin B to a dosage form can cause anaphylactic shock; the medicines containing sulfur and oral contraceptive reduce thiamine level in an organism.

Whether you know? Thiamine helps to transfer air flights and voyages.

  • B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) — water-soluble, heat-resistant; collapses under the influence of medicines with boric acid, contraceptives, at a defrosting of products and by the light of; interacts with phosphorus and magnesium, proteins.
  • B3 (niatsin, nicotinic acid) — does not collapse under the influence of external factors and gastric acid; interacts with copper and B6; the hypersensibility to substance is possible.
  • B4 (is well-cared) — vodorastvory, collapses at high temperatures; interacts with lecithin; it is best of all acquired in a complex with other vitamins of group B; the destroying action on it is well-cared render alcohol and streptocides.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) — a vodorastvorim, is sensitive to heat treatment (loss to 50%); the comprehensibility is broken at abuse of alcohol, intake of contraceptives.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) — is soluble in water; in an organism is not late, daily replenishment is necessary; level of a pyridoxine decreases at administration of drugs containing estrogen, kuprimin, penitsillamin; collapses under the influence of light, but it is resistant to heat treatment.
  • B7 (biotin) — stuffy and vodorasstvory, collapses at heat treatment, but is resistant to light; the sensitivity to a dosage form is possible; biotin level under the influence of alcohol, smoking, antibiotics decreases.
  • B9 vitamin (folic acid) — is dissolved in water; long stay on light reduces acid level by 50%, heat treatment — for 90%; also reduces amount of vitamin intake of aspirin, tuberculosis and epilepsy medicine, oral contraception, streptocides, alcohol, antatsida reduce ability of folic acid to be soaked up.
  • B12 (cyanocobalamine, cobalt) — only of water-soluble vitamins, collecting in an organism; is not afraid of high temperatures and light; collapses at high doses of ascorbic acid and potassium; at reception of neuroleptics it is removed together with them.
  • So-called B17 vitamin (layetral, amigdalin, compound of benzaldehyde and cyanide) — substance causes a set of contradictions (in the USA it is forbidden); being split, emits hydrocianic acid.

For what are necessary and what influence

  • Thiamine participates in all exchange processes of an organism; improves appetite and processes of digestion of food; normalizes warm activity; work of a brain (it is important for memory); stabilizes nervous system; improves a blood-groove in an organism; protects from effect of toxins (tobacco, alcohol); slows down cell aging of an organism.
  • Riboflavinum is beauty and health of skin; strong nervous and immune system; saturation of an organism oxygen at the cellular level; good sight; improvement of work of a brain; health of an oral cavity.
  • B3 vitamin (niatsin) participates in splitting and process of digestion of food; normalizes oxidizing processes; lowers the level of harmful cholesterol; improves blood supply; expands brain vessels; increases concentration of attention.
  • Holin facilitates work of a liver, removes products of disintegration of drugs; stimulates warm activity; has beneficial influence on work of a brain (memory); regulates insulin level; participates in many exchange processes.
  • B5 vitamin participates in synthesis of hormones of growth and sexual; regulates metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids; takes part in hemoglobin synthesis; it is used for prevention of an allergy, heart troubles.
  • The pyridoxine promotes production of serotonin, digestion of proteins, saturation of nervous cages glucose; normalizes function of a liver, a metabolism, level of hemoglobin and cholesterol in blood; stimulates a cardiac muscle; slows down cell aging; has diuretic effect.

Important! At big physical activities, intake of antidepressants and contraceptive tablets, smoking, at acquired immunodeficiency syndrome the raised doses of medicinal B6 vitamin are recommended.

  • Biotin regulates glucose level; takes part in exchange processes; is responsible for health of integuments; normalizes work of nervous, digestive and blood systems, reduces sugar level in blood (prevention of diabetes).
  • Folic acid supports the blood, digestive, immune system; slows down aging and distances the menopause period; constrains emergence of pigmentary spots; plays an important role in formation of an embryo and development of a fruit at pregnancy; reduces risk of heart diseases, pressure jumps and formation of cholesteric plaques.
  • B12 positively influences central nervous system (coordination and balance), brain activity (ability to concentration of attention, memory); strengthens immunity and function of a blood system, reproductive function; takes part in metabolism of digestive system and oxygen exchange; reduces risk of obesity of a liver, senile dementia, AIDS.
  • B17 vitamin destroys cancer cells, improves exchange processes, slows down aging (with researches it is not confirmed).

Deficiency of vitamin B

Let's consider what can lead a lack of V-group, concerning each vitamin to:

  • B1. Disorders of digestion; sharp narrowing of vessels; nervous breakdowns; sleep disorder; lack of appetite; chronic fatigue.
  • Riboflavinum. Early cell aging; deterioration in working capacity; eye diseases; anemia; bad condition of hair; skin diseases.
  • B3 vitamin. Muscle weakness; migraine and dizzinesses; joint pains; memory impairment; emergence of pigmentary spots; decrease in a libido; low level of sugar in blood; depressions.
  • Holin. Memory impairment; hypertension; disturbing states; sleep disorder; the risk of atherosclerosis increases; violations of a warm rhythm; set of weight.
  • B5 vitamin. Frustration of digestive bodies; head and muscular pains; insomnia; chronic fatigue; formation of an ulcer in intestines.
  • B6. A convulsive syndrome and lag in physical development in children; decrease in concentration of attention; a kamneobrazovaniye in kidneys; dental problems; inflammations mucous eye; depressions.
  • Biotin. Skin diseases; diseases of eyes; narrowing of vessels and muscular pains; decrease HELL; risk of diabetes; disorders of digestion.
  • B9. Baldness; skin diseases; early gray hair; sleep disorder and nervous system; inflammations of a mouth; violations of work of a brain. Pregnant women have anomalies of development of a fruit, premature birth, a postnatal depression.
  • B12. Mental and neurologic disorders; problems with digestion; decrease in sight; anemia; violations of composition of blood.
  • B17 vitamin. Predisposition to cancer (not confirmed clinically).

Whether you know? Bitter almonds were used for treatment of gastric diseases in Ancient Egypt and China, however the experiments made on the rats infected with different forms of cancer in 1957 did not confirm efficiency of an amigdalin. Did not confirm it and a research of National cancer Institute of the USA, moreover, amigdalin, or layetral, it was forbidden in the country as toxic medicine.

Vitamins B products

Let's consider in what products contains group B vitamins.

Name of vitamin



Bread and bakery products from coarse flour, seeds of a sunflower, grain (raw rice, porridge, buckwheat), wheat sprouts, rice bran, soy, an asparagus, broccoli, a Brussels sprout, bean, nuts, oranges, a pomelo, raisin, plum, prunes, hips, wild strawberry, blueberry, blackcurrant, parsley, mint, a clover, a sorrel, a camomile, a nettle, spinach. Fish products, liver, kidneys, brain, pork, beef.


Yeast, milk, cottage cheese. Mackerel, peanut, bean siliculose, oat flakes, buckwheat, almonds, spinach, flour wheat and rye, eggs, potatoes, cauliflower, green peas, cocoa, sheet green vegetables, cheeses. Mutton, fat pork, beef, veal.


Products from whole cereals, beer yeast, wheat bran, nuts, beans, broccoli, carrots, cheese, cornmeal, dates, potatoes, tomatoes, wheat sprouts, a camomile, oats, parsley, a peppermint, raspberry leaves, a red clover, hips, a sorrel. Beef liver, poultry, fish, fast meat, beef, pork, milk and dairy products, eggs.


Germinated seeds of wheat, porridge, rice, green sheet vegetables, cabbage, spinach, soy, beer yeast. Liver and heart of animals, dairy products, egg yolk.


Bean and integral grain products, yeast, filbert, green sheet vegetables, buckwheat and oat grain, cauliflower. Liver, kidneys, heart, brain, bird, eggs, milk and dairy products, fish roe.


Crude grains of cereals, spinach, yeast, grain, rice, bean, carrots, avocado, bananas, nuts, color and white cabbage, tomatoes, strawberry, citrus, corn, mustard field, potatoes, soy. Meat, fish, oysters, milk and dairy products, liver of cod and cattle, kidney, heart, eggs.


Peanut, soybeans, green peas, corn, crude rice and rice bran, whole grains of a rye, wheat flour, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, white and cauliflower, spinach, onions, champignons, apples, bananas, oranges, melon. Beef and calf's liver, beef heart, egg yolks, beef, veal, chicken, cow's milk, condensed milk, real yogurts, cheese, salmon, herring, sardines, halibut.


Bean, green sheet vegetables, wheaten sprouts and yeast, cereals, bran, buckwheat and oat grain, bean, citrus (pomelo and grapefruits), yeast, nuts, bananas, melon, apricots, pumpkin, dates, mushrooms, beet, bread. Liver, beef, mutton, pork, poultry, eggs, milk and dairy products, fish.


Sea cabbage, soy and soy products, yeast, hop. Liver, kidneys, heart, brains, beef, poultry, fish and seafood, eggs, milk and dairy products.


Stones of an apricot, peach, apple, cherry, plum, grain and bitter almonds.

Complex of vitamins of group B

Apparently from the table, vitamins of group B are in a large number of food products, however to fill up stocks of each of them, it is necessary to eat much as in 100 g of a product there is a small reserve of substance. And if to consider that it is necessary to resupply daily because vitamins do not accumulate in an organism, then to regulate their balance very difficult. And at a shortcoming any of them problems with health begin, each vitamin plays a special role in work of an organism.

Polyvitaminic complexes in tablets where there is enough each element necessary to an organism come to the rescue. The most important of all group B B1, B2, B6, B9 and B12 vitamins, the majority of complexes include these elements in structure. But there are also mono-medicines including only one of elements.

Important! Prolonged use of mono-medicine can lead to overdose therefore duration of a course should be discussed with the specialist doctor.

The WHO statistics show that today the most vulnerable part of the population is its men. The old age will help to support health and to distance the complex of vitamins for men including group B (Duovit, Velmen). These medicines are especially important for the men who are fond of sport, we look on an example:

  • B1 — is responsible for growth of muscle tissue;
  • B3 — improves blood supply and gives necessary energy;
  • B6 — takes off fatigue;
  • B12 — is responsible for coordination of movements and balance.

Besides, the good balance distances an old age, increases sexual inclination and supports a reproductive system.

Conclusion: each vitamin is a small brick at the heart of work of all organism, remove one — and all building will begin to collapse. In the presence of abnormal symptoms (a hair loss, problems with skin, constant fatigue and so forth) see a doctor. Vitamin complexes are for each age, sex and

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
