All of us perfectly know that cotton as culture is cultivated in many countries where an environment allows. Also the fact that the cotton is raw materials for production of fabrics is known. And here know not many about existence of cottonseed oil. Let's try to correct this situation and to acquaint you with this exotic product.
As receive cottonseed oil
Cotton oil is extracted from its seeds by a pressing method. When collect a cotton and send for processing, first of all from seeds of a plant separate down. It is also used in the cotton industry. The seeds which remained after that in essence are a garbage, but from them and receive an oil product.
Whether you know? From each collected ton of cotton boxes in the course of processing it is possible to receive 7200 m of cotton fabric from down and 110 kg of oil from seeds.
Oil percentage in seeds absolutely small — at most 25. And when pressing it turns out to squeeze out only 16-18%. But the prime cost of this product cannot be big as it is a processing by-product.
Today the following method of receiving cottonseed oil practices: in the beginning use a method of cold pressing, and then seeds reheat and press. The received raw materials have reddish and dirty color, it contains toxic agents.
For the use by the person the oil product is cleaned and refined, its color becomes light yellow, and aroma and smack — nut.
We recommend to you to esteem about advantage of oils of avocado, almonds, hemp, jojoba, a dogrose, a peach, sprouts of wheat and corn.
Chemical composition
The chemical composition of oil of cotton depends on several factors, namely: its grade, area and conditions of cultivation. But approximately it is such:
- tocopherol or vitamin E (including alpha tocopherol) — up to 90 mg in 100 g of a product;
- beta sitosterol;
- fatty acids: sated — miristinovy, palmitic, stearin, arakhinovy; monounsaturated — palmitoleinovy, olein; polyunsaturated — linoleic.
Whether you know? It turns out that 70% of our brain are fats, generally it is the Omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids. Therefore your brain very much will like a cotton oil product.
The power value of this type of vegetable oil is about 900 kcal, as it is not surprising as it is almost absolute fat.
Advantage for an organism
Apparently, this cotton product is rich with vitamin E and fatty acids, as provides its useful properties for a human body.
- is the most powerful antioxidant, that is interferes with early aging, strengthens nervous system and promotes high spirits;
- heals damages of an integument, even burns, reduces inflammations, helps with fight against diabetes, an allergy, dermatitis;
- it is effective against harmful cholesterol, dissolving small plaques and by that atherosclerosis and a myocardial infarction warns;
- this ideal means for leaving and a skin nourishment of both adults, and children, it resumes exchange between cages, with success treats stings of insects.
Application in different areas
At the expense of the useful components of substances this oily liquid found the application in a wide range of human activity from antiquity. And if then it was applied when lighting housing, then today is used in the food industry, by production of soap, in medicine and cosmetology and, of course, at preparation of various dishes. Let's consider in more detail.
In cookery
Cotton oil when cooking is not so strongly widespread among us as, for example, sunflower or olive. And here in regions of its cultivation the people just do not represent without it life. Its most known application in world cookery — in pilaf.
The real Asian pilaf for you will be made on it. Experts claim that the inimitable taste and aroma of this oil give to a dish national character. Besides, this product is recommended as gas station for various vegetables salads, especially, for where there is a radish. Also it with success is used for flour pastries, added to vinaigrette habitual to us and sauerkraut. It is possible to make unusual preparations for the winter (caviar of vegetable marrows, eggplants, lecso), using in the recipe instead of sunflower oil cotton.
Important! To what dish you would not add cotton oil, do not forget about its high caloric content and use in limited quantities.
In traditional medicine
Healers from the people appreciated advantage of this oil product too. They recommend its application in such cases:
- improvement of an organism and raising of the general tone. For this purpose accept a teaspoon in the mornings on an empty stomach, surely washing down with a glass of water;
- pregnancy planning. To drink every day on a teaspoon, and at pregnancy approach surely consult with the doctor on the further use;
- locks, prevention of oncological diseases. On 30 g from 1st to 3 times a day;
- insomnia, nervous tension. To drink before going to bed on a teaspoon, it is possible to wash down with a small amount of water;
- varicosity. On 5 l of cold water take 2 tsps of cottonseed oil, basil oil (5 drops), cypress oil (20 drops). To do baths within 10 minutes every day before emergence of positive results;
- burns, skin diseases. Slowly to kindle 30 g of beeswax, to accurately add 200 g of oil from cotton and one crude yolk, to mix carefully. To smear the damaged sites several times during the day before full treatment.
In cosmetology
Considering useful properties of a cotton product which are present thanks to, first of all, fatty acids, it is used by production of industrial cosmetics and also in house conditions.
If to read careful structure on some jars with creams, balms, sun-protection cosmetics, bath foams, then it is possible to find existence of this it is buttered.
In the cosmetic purposes also often use mint, a uterine milk, oats, a plantain, rosemary, seeds of a chia, an unaba, a linden, a sage medicinal, a spirulina, a motherwort, a cornel, ekhinatseyu, sour cream, rape and castor oils.
So if you were inspired with its usefulness, then look for similar products on shelves in shops. But if did not find, then be not upset. It is possible just to buy cottonseed oil and to add to favourite cosmetics that will unambiguously improve them.
Act as follows:
- After the procedure of shaving. Just add several drops to cream or lotion and apply as usual. Your skin will be soft and without irritations.
- For washing of hair. Add to your shampoo or conditioner mix of two oils, but no more than 5% of all volume: cotton and cocoa (it is no more than 15% of mix volume). As a result you receive soft and obedient hair, their density will increase.
- Mask for hair. On a water bath to warm a little up to the comfortable temperature mix from castor (1 tablespoon), burdock (1 tablespoon) and cotton (1 tsp) oils. Apply all this on roots and hair, warm, in an hour wash the head in the usual way.
- Elimination of symptoms of cellulitis. In 5 g of cottonseed oil drip radio: 5 drops of almond and 5 drops of orange. Do massage of problem zones, using at the same time this oil mix.
Important! When drawing a product in pure form on the person, it is necessary to consider that it can clog up pores because of what there will be comedones. Therefore it is recommended to use in this case srubs and to steam out face skin. Or in general to use mixes from various oils.
And the simplest use of oil from a cotton in the cosmetic purposes is a drawing on skin of face or hands.
How to choose upon purchase
It is natural that this product brought the maximum benefit, it has to be qualitative. As it is still rare guest on store counters, upon his purchase be attentive and take the following advice:
- First of all turn the look for the color. Oil liquid which can be used in cooking of food and as a cosmetic product, has to be light and transparent.
- There should not be a strong smell and slightly bitter taste.
- If the product has brown color and a pungent smell, then it can be used only in the technical purposes.
- Look surely at date of production and periods of storage.
- At the wrong or long storage, oil will become more dense and the deposit will appear. Though it does not say that it is not suitable for the use at all.
As well as where to store in house conditions
Storage conditions of cottonseed oil same, as well as any vegetable oil. Find for this purpose the dark place with a temperature not above +25 °C and you store no more than 12 months there. It is possible to store also in the fridge.
Contraindications and side effects
Strangely enough, but cottonseed oil has no special contraindications and side effects. Experts established the fact that it practically does not cause allergic reactions as it is very seldom possible to meet intolerance of the making substances. But, nevertheless, they are possible.
Very important for use by the person outwardly or inside to buy refined oil as crude can be a source of a serious poisoning at overdose. Most important: not to exceed quantity and to follow recommendations. Here you also got acquainted with this surprising gift of our magic nature. And though for us cottonseed oil not a really habitual product, considering its useful properties, it will find the admirer. This product will help to bring a variety our menu, to solve problems with health, to improve a condition of skin and hair.