Dietary supplements for weight loss: advantage and harm

Dietary supplements for weight loss: advantage and harm

Most of modern people seek to be healthy and beautiful, without spending at the same time a lot of time and forces. For this reason dietary supplements for weight loss enjoy wide popularity. Producers of these additives assure that body weight will decrease by itself, without additional diets and trainings. Whether so it actually biological additives are also how effective — about it read further in article.

What is and as they act

Dietary supplements are the additives to a diet combining biologically active agents of mainly plant origin. Partially at them there can be components made by chemical synthesis of some substances similar to natural analogs. In that case medicine has to pass clinical trials and obtain the corresponding license.

Dietary supplements are not drugs, however due to high concentration of vitamin and mineral elements have feasible improving effect on an organism and help to get rid of problems — in this case excess weight.

Are used during meal as their efficiency depends on the metabolism influencing all internal systems and bodies. The reception course usually makes 3–4 weeks. It is desirable not to miss receptions, otherwise the result will not be achieved.

Learn about the best complexes of vitamins and minerals in sports food.

All dietary supplements from weight loss differently influence an organism. Allocate 3 main groups on structure and the principle of action:

  1. Regulators of feeling of hunger. Are suitable for people who cannot be sated with a small amount of food. At the expense of active components these additives sate with energy and dull feeling of hunger. During their reception it is recommended to drink as much as possible water that the organism had no stress and did not begin to accumulate fat.
  2. The additives burning fats. Due to useful structure bring secretory functions into activity, rendering easy diuretic, bile-expelling and laxative effects. In the course of intake of medicine, surplus of liquid, slags, toxins are removed, and, as a result, there is a weight reduction.
  3. Food modifiers. These additives are capable to replace full meals. Support in structure squirrels, a vitamin and mineral complex and influence as the activators rejuvenating an organism. In them completely there are no fats and cholesterol that excludes accumulation of excess weight.

Before choosing medicine, it is necessary to understand accurately the principle of its action and as far as it is acceptable personally for you.

It is important! Remember that each organism is individual therefore it is better to address the nutritionist who will advise suitable additive and will help to make a diet.

What usually is a part

Effective dietary supplements are intended for complex improvement therefore their structure joins not only the substances burning fat or interfering its accumulation but also the components improving functioning of bodies. Depending on the mechanism of effect of medicine at its structure there can be active elements of plant or synthetic origin:

  • amino acid 5 hydroxytryptophane, a root of a yakon, hudiya extract — regulate appetite and reduce stress level;
  • chitosan, glyukomannan, chrome, group B vitamins, a cassia mimozovidny, a gamboge Cambodian — split fats and interfere with their assimilation by an organism;
  • lipotropny substances, L-carnitine, protease, lipase, red pepper, efedra Chinese, guarana extract, a fucus, shafranny oil — strengthen metabolism and work of internals;
  • probiotics, vegetable fibers (an irvingiya Gabon) — promotes removal of slags and normalizes digestion;
  • triglycerides (a power source for cages), phospholipids, acids the Omega, bile-expelling and diuretic plants — have the general improving effect.

Important! It is impossible to use herbal teas from weight loss on a constant basis. They lead to weight reduction due to removal of liquid from an organism that is fraught with washing away of salts and dysfunction of an urinary system.

As we see, structure of the majority of dietary supplements for weight loss combined. Only herbal teas and collecting which are safer due to exclusively natural structure consist of natural components, however the efficiency of such means is lower.

Whether are useful to weight reduction

The nutritionists and people wishing to lose weight argue on advantage and efficiency of biological additives for a long time. Someone managed to solve a problem, and at someone it was only aggravated. Dietary supplements influence each organism differently, but anyway at competent reception they render essential advantage to an organism and rejuvenate it. Scientific scientific research institutes of food mark out several positive effects from use of dietary supplements:

  • activization and reduction in norm of exchange processes (formation of the correct scheme of metabolism);
  • the complex sparing clarification of an organism;
  • obstacle to formation of fat deposits;
  • improvement of a vermicular movement and digestion in general;
  • reduction in norm of a hormonal background;
  • normalization of level of cholesterol and glucose in blood;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increase in vital forces and general tone;
  • saturation of an organism useful substances in which deficiency result dietary diets especially if they low-calorie and consist only of vegetable food.

Whether you know? Not to gain excess weight, it is necessary to have breakfast densely — scientists from Cambridge came to such conclusion during the researches. If not to eat in the morning, metabolism will begin to work in the mode of a fat stock.

All these factors in total lead to the general improvement of an organism. Metabolic processes accelerate, and fats are fully split, without collecting in fabrics.

Contraindications and side effects

Though dietary supplements are also not drugs, not all can accept them. So, a contraindication to the use of dietary supplements is:

  • pregnancy and the laktatsionny period at women;
  • children's age up to 14 years, and for some medicines — 18 years;
  • advanced age (after 60 years);
  • chronic diseases of any internals;
  • hypertension;
  • the diabetes controlled by insulin injections;
  • stomach ulcer – some additives contain burning components (red pepper) which can cause aggravation;
  • regular intake of hormonal medicines — the majority of dietary supplements are not compatible to them;
  • allergy to the certain components which are a part of additives.

If there is no complete idea of a condition of the health, before intake of dietary supplements it is desirable to undergo full inspection of an organism regarding the latent diseases. But even if you are absolutely healthy, have to know that the use of dietary supplements can cause side effects in a look:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn and disorders of digestion;
  • skin rash;
  • congestions of a nose, dacryagogue and sneezing.

Read also about sports food for weight loss of women.

Rating of the best

In shops, drugstores and floating around the Internet the huge range of dietary supplements from which to choose the best very difficult is presented. We offer the rating of the safest and effective medicines to which weight reduction will happen quickly and comfortably:

  1. Dietary supplement Ideal. The effect of weight loss occurs at the expense of a conclusion of slags and normalization of metabolism. The structure is completely natural. The main active components are the dried-up plants from the Indonesian islands. Is accepted by a course in 2 months, has no side effects, for a course about 10 kg can leave. Are issued in the form of tablets, capsules (the Ideal Forte) and cocktail for weight loss.
  2. A series of the medicines which received many positive reviews as the result from their application is visible in 3 days. Vegetable structure: the herbs reducing appetite and accelerating splitting of fats and a vitamin complex. Dietary supplements are presented in 3 series: Clarification, Active weight loss, Diet, weight control. Are issued in the form of tablets, capsules, drinks, bars for weight loss.
  3. Medicine on the basis of a L-carnitine (B11 vitamin) — the substance taking feasible part in metabolism. Impact on an organism is many-sided: increases endurance, improves an emotional state at the expense of what weight reduction goes comfortably and quickly, especially in combination with physical activities.
  4. The dietary supplement consisting of food fibers. The principle of action — clarification of intestines from slags (laxative action) and a loss of appetite. Is issued in the form of tablets and powder.
  5. Phase 2. Medicine is positioned as a carbohydrate blocker. Effectively neutralizes up to 75% of the complex carbohydrates which arrived with food at the expense of what the organism begins to spend the saved-up fats. The main active component — extract of white beans. Is issued in the form of tablets.

Special attention the Chinese teas and capsules for weight loss — Tyansha, Tieguanyin, Ruidemeng, Kuaymy — exclusively plant origin deserve.

Certainly, it is convenient to solve a problem of excess weight with the help of modern medicines and additives. However they can not be necessary at all if to adhere to the balanced food and to live actively, playing sports and walking outdoors.

Whether you know? Owners of dogs suffer from excess weight less. During the researches of the University of Michigan it was counted that on walks with the pets the owners daily move 34% more, than other people.

Physicians and nutritionists also hold the opinion that even the most quality and expensive additives will not give the necessary effect without restriction of harmful products and additional, at least the minimum physical activities. So move more, and be always healthy!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
