Face peel

Face peel

skin with a fat shade and enlarged pores – often found phenomenon among present youth. Usually it is promoted wrong by skin care – use of fat creams, independent cleaning of a time, wiping with lotions, use of rigid soap for washing. The majority of these methods simply dry up skin on which the fat shade disappears, however the ricochet option is soon observed – sebaceous glands produce even more secret. The second major factor is improper feeding.

What happens to oily skin? A time is output channels of sebaceous glands where skin fat and the more inaction time collects, the more there is a congestion which is noticeable as a dark or yellowish speck.

One of methods of a solution – cleaning of oily skin which begins to be applied during awkward age. If not to apply this way during this period, then pores are clogged up and a secret accumulates inside, at the same time broadening channels of sebaceous glands several times. At the same time inflammatory processes can begin.

Till the last time the manual cleaning which is applied less and less recently was used. It is caused by the fact that the efficiency of a method becomes less in view of the wrong approach to the procedure.

Correct stages:

  • To wait for the period when the integument is completely ready for manual cleaning – the filled time, a smell, color and the acting surface.
  • Observance of the technology of manual cleaning
  • The calming skin massage
  • The special masks helping tightening of an integument
  • Consultation of the patient about healthy nutrition

Individual approach is recommended to each patient. Because of a condition of skin, amount of the clogged-up pores, signs of inflammation – procedures can be postponed for some term. Usually general cleaning is made time in 3-5 months.

Stages of manual cleaning (classical option):

  • The technique of expansion of a time, softening of a secretion of sebaceous glands by vaporization is carried out. This method is based on impact of temperature of the sprayed steam on an integument.
  • In special gloves, or by means of sterile napkins, a grease secret is squeezed out. It is necessary to be attentive that contents of sebaceous glands did not get back to the mouth. Otherwise there can be an inflammation of a channel.

In the presence of inflammatory processes on skin the procedure of cleaning is postponed for 2-3 weeks. The anti-inflammatory and calming therapy is carried out. After resorption of the centers the integument is examined, and appoint term for manipulation.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
